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About being starstruck sometimes (2009):"Yes, and it's funny when it happens. I felt so weird meeting Matt Damon. I work with amazing people and when I met him I was speechless. I went bright red and embarrassed. It's weird when you go to so many events, all of the sudden they take pictures of you with people you don't know. That time was embarrassing because he knew who I was."

New Look


Yes, this is still We’ve had the same layout for a while and thought it was time to give the site a new look. Thanks to Shannon for designing the layout.

Update: If you have selected a layout in the past and not just used the default, you will need to change layouts before you can see the new one.

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91 Responses to “New Look”

  1. Heather says:

    Looks awesome! The perfect surprise!

  2. Lindy says:

    I love it <3 The new layout suits my style purfectly

  3. ACTress <3 says:

    Thank GOD! they changed it! I was getting tired of the old one! Love this new one!! 🙂

  4. Mary says:

    Loving it! 🙂

  5. Shifaa says:

    Congratulations in the new layout, it's so classy and fits Emma, great job! 🙂

  6. paulinefossilrules! says:


  7. Tilotma says:

    this is sooo cute….and girlie.. 😛

  8. eklerka says:

    OMG *.*

  9. Agata says:

    Good job 🙂

  10. Juzzy says:

    It's a nice change, well done Dook!

  11. nikko says:

    I LOVE IT! The old one is getting really boring, cool!

  12. Jaclyn says:

    who ever says this layout is terrible well then don't put it as your layout! I love it! I put it as mine =] Thanks Shannon!

  13. Sandrine says:

    Woooh! that's a wonderful layout!!!

  14. andrew says:

    Nice layout, I like it. Really stylish.

  15. Byron Watson Potter says:

    Cool, this template is very cool, congrats!!!!!

  16. BellaGrint says:

    Oooooo, suprise suprise! Looks edgy, i like it. tho it is bright 😛

  17. Cristina says:


  18. Ashley says:

    I really like the new layout, I had to do a double take because I thought I was on Sassy for a moment. It's very sharp, and bold looking – which is nice because the last layout was more girly, flowerly, and laid back. Nice change!

  19. paulinefossilrules! says:

    i was about retype the website…. but sumthin made me scroll down and check it out….. OMG! it's

  20. bubblybabs says:

    Yuck… But, as long as the owner is happy…

  21. Heini says:

    good jod this is very nice layout ! ((:

  22. rom1fandemmawatson says:

    i love it! this new layout is so great!!!

  23. Aleksandra says:

    pretty layout ;]

  24. kasyap sankara says:

    better pictures should have been chosen for the main image..the complete white background also looks pale

  25. marine says:

    Ilove ! 😉

  26. gina says:

    It's terrible!

  27. Emma David says:

    I love it , very good 🙂

  28. Ming says:

    that's gooooooood:D i love it 🙂

  29. Lynn says:

    It is awsome!! 🙂

  30. Stella says:

    waaaaaaaaaow!!! 🙂 awesome i love the new one,brilliant surprise dook! other layouts r pretty too! 😉

  31. Jo says:

    When I saw it for the first time I was like " :O " exactly sth like that! Extremely surprised, I adore this new layout, it's lovely!

  32. emlover says:

    perfect great jop 😉

  33. Silly says:

    I still love the new layout and look of the webpage. Everything is easier to read. Great job!

  34. lolo4ever says:

    every thing for emma would be too nice and sweet because she is amazing 🙂

  35. olivia so cute says:

    is very nice ,i still love the new layout,waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoooooo ooooooooooooooooowwwww it's very cool,perfect,great,lovely emma 🙂 😉 😕 😕 😕 😉 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉 😉

  36. acau says:

    I'm your fan and I love you kisses my msn is linda

  37. vinod says:

    hey its nice 🙂 🙂 gr8 goin

  38. sefry says:

    i miss u EMMA …. u are is better

  39. Emiliano says:

    Eu sou do brasil, e sou seu f

  40. Emiliano says: MSN is from brazil,I'm a fan of you Emma Watson, I say hi to him, I'll be very grateful