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About being one of the most recognizable faces in the world (2011): "I was in a shantytown in Bangladesh and a boy stopped me in the street and said, "You're in Harry Potter." There's nowhere in the world that I can go, it feels, that isn't somehow touched by this. It reaches the furthest corners of the earth and in the least expected places. I was like, "Wow. It's really popular."

Deathly Hallows Epilogue filming

There are reports that filming of the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is underway this week at King’s Cross. Photos have appeared online showing three individuals covering their heads, purportedly the trio, Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint, saying they are camera shy. But I would guess they are trying to keep their aged looks a secret as long as possible.

I think a couple people connected to HP (Tom Felton?) have mentioned the epilogue would be the last scene filmed. It looks like the end is nearly here.


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43 Responses to “Deathly Hallows Epilogue filming”

  1. Sheila says:

    Somehow this makes me cry… 😥

  2. Fonty says:

    All good things have to come to an end … and DH will not end before the DVDs at next year´s christmas. 🙂

  3. Heather says:

    This is so sad, I can't believe it's almost over… 😥

  4. Charles S says:

    Kings X is supposed to have high security all week. So maybe filming is all week? I could just book a train ticket now…

  5. Roger says:

    Not to worry, people, Harry Potter will never die 🙂 It's just getting a good second wind now. The theme park is up, all the DVDs and books are here and will be here for the next 500 years. Look at Dickens: movies, endless TV productions, endlessly reproduced books. Same with Sherlock Holmes, same with Jane Austen's books. Pride and Prejudice is taught in just about ever high school and college in America and Britain, and they keep making movies of it over and over. Every generation for the next half millennium will discover Harry Potter. So relax 😛

  6. ella says:

    haha just saw pic of dan, bonnie, albus, and lily. albus is a cutie and dan…old. lol. i laughed so much when i saw him! i hope they get pics of ron, hermione, hugo, and rose soon. the end is VERY near 🙁

  7. EmmaFan says:

    @Roger: Amen! Totally agree <3

  8. andrew says:

    dook, are you still going to post more news when Harry Potter is finished?? 😕

  9. dook says:

    Andrew, as long as there is news to post. If Emma disappears from public life completely I guess there would be nothing to post about, but at least for now Emma still has an interest in acting, modeling and fashion.

  10. tre says:

    It wouldn't be too good if Emma vanished from the face of the earth… 🙁

  11. Adrian L says:

    Aww, does this mean they're going to keep the epilogue in? 🙁 Oh well.

  12. andrew says:

    OK, cannot wait for more news in the near future. Thank you dook. 🙂 🙂

  13. Yuna says:

    I hate the epilogue. I heard Daniel Radcliffe said that he thought JK Rowling wrote so that people who went to the end of the book were super disappointed. Which is kind of a diss, because in the Harry Potter 6 DVD JK Rowling clearly said the epilogue meant a lot to her. But c'mon, JK, Albus Severus? That's too much.

  14. haha! says:

    So i have not read the final HP book because I just refuse to say good bye to HP! I can't wait to see both movies and i'm so happy there's two! 😆

  15. tree says:

    Oh, I've just caught myself spelling my own name wrong! Yes, we would all like more news. 😛

  16. andrew says:

    Tree, are you going to make more calendars in the near future?? 😕 😉 🙂

  17. tree says:

    Of course, andrew. 🙂

  18. Carrey says:

    where is Ron?Where is Hermione

  19. Alyssa says:

    Sob! 😥

  20. Valentina says:


  21. Harald says:

    Hey! What's all this sobbing about it being over? The British have a saying: "It's not over till the fat lady has sung!" There is no fat lady singing and so it'll not be over…and unless something drastic happens, Emma will surely go on doing things that interest us!

  22. EmRocksSocks says:

    ;__; Everything's ending. LOST just tore me apart a few days ago.

  23. Alyssa says:

    My mum cried when Lost was finished, but my dad was just sad. It's going to be the same when Harry Potter's finished, I will be very sad. 😥

  24. Mary says:

    The photos of Dan and Bonnie were horrible! They looked like they were older than 40. I haven't laughed so hard in such a long time. They should leave this out. It's a joke.

  25. Darlene says:

    I don't want it to end.

  26. andrew says:

    That is cool tree. I'm gonna vote for yours.

  27. Carmen says:

    I hope see some pictures of Emma 19 years older soon^^

  28. Alin says:

    Well indeed I'll be sad. A decade of Harry Potter movies and everything connected to that will be no more – just our memories and of course dvds and photos… but I must admit I'm going to share some tears at the end… I for one , grew up with them and the movies and I'll be very sad when it ends. Let's hope J.K will write another book! She said she might so let's hope for that. Then another Harry Potter movie can come to life! Who knows… but like Harald said – the fat lady didn't sing yet so let's hope for more and more adventures…

  29. ~Roni~ says:

    It's kinda nice that the last bit filmed is the epilogue.. Don't you think? 🙂 For the actors, too. Like closure. But yeah, it's sad that it's over 😥

  30. Silly says:

    Yall, you do know in ten years some guy will come along and try to "remake" all the Harry Potter movies. Just so Harry Potter will never die. Of course they will be with new actors and crew. Plus they might suck. The books I will always love. Books never die. 😛

  31. 130671 says:

    😕 And keeping with the trend, some of the actors of the original series might have guest appearances as someone else in the new films…which makes me wonder about what role Emma might play in a scenario like that…

  32. Ashu says:

    yeah…!! maybe some of us wil make the remake of Harry Potter series…..!! This is so heart touching movement…when all is going to end…. 😥 When we all wait for another movie of Harry Potter…see trailers, photos..etc…all is going to end..!! But it is the matter of time that every start have its end….!! But we should be happy & thanks J.K Rowling & Warnar Bros. & all the Harry Potter crew members specially Daniel Redclief, Emma Watson & Rupert Grint for entertaining us for a long time….!! We all are going to miss u 😥

  33. Harald says:

    Of course HP will and must end sometime, but there's a lot of potential in the next generation…though it may not be all that exciting, because even the most creative mind will run out of stunning new ideas at some stage. Emma, though, will still be there, and I can't imagine that she will just disappear from the screen and out of public attention…well, at least that's what I hope.

  34. Iris says:

    I don't think Emma wants to disappear. She is often complaining about how hard it is to be famous, and I'm sure she is right, but I still thinks she loves modelling and acting to much.

  35. Valentina says:


  36. tree says:

    The calendars are meant to be anonymous until the results come out. 😉

  37. Monica says:

    How sad the last scene of them :cry:I can't believe everything is going by so fast! I am so going to miss this franchise and Emma BUT she's not going to disappear and neither is Daniel and Rupert. Since the theme park is here like Emma I'm also in denial it'll end. 😉

  38. Celia says:

    This is both depressing and exciting. I don't want it to end!!!!! I've seen some pictures of the filming and Dan looks way too old. But other than that, they all look great. Why oh why couldn't there have been 10 books. 😥

  39. KS987 says:

    Emma plans to continue acting after Harry Potter is finished, and is rumored to be in talks for a movie at the moment.

  40. britishemmafan says:

    So sad. I'm sure she'll keep acting, though!!

  41. tab says:

    So far I've seen Dan,Bonnie,Rupert,and Tom all in there middle-aged makeup and it's great. Though I've not seen how Emma is going to look in her 40s yet LOL. Bonnie doesn't look to bad but they really put it to the boys they look like they didn't age too well. They look more like in their 50s than 40s. Oh well. Emma looked great at the NMA. Hope she decided to take the role of "Sam" in that wallflower movie. I just read the book and if anyone wants to know the real American Teen scene read the book its closer to the real thing than the American Pie comedies. 😉

  42. tati says:


  43. visa says:

    I really want to cry 😥