A trailer for Deathly Hallows aired during the MTV Movie awards with a lot of new footage we haven’t seen before. The rest of the show wasn’t that great. Congratulations to Tom Felton for winning Best Villain, but Emma, Dan and Half-Blood Prince didn’t win in their categories.
You need the Flash to see this video.
Thanks to Snitchseeker for the clip.
sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited yet 🙂 sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad 🙁
Im excited for twilight! love potter but twilight just excites me a teeny bit more
An end of an era. Was thrilled to see Rupert yelling at Harry (: Really looking forward to this. But at the same time, I wish it was 2005 and we weren't crying our eyes out. But still; Harry Potter will be one of the most recognisable books and films in history. It has defined such a lrage part of culture and at least a twelth of the planet will preserve this legacy.
I am glad that Tom Felton won Best Villain. Great video and I cannot wait to see the movie this summer. 😉 🙂 🙂
just want to know whether Emma attended the awards ceremony or not? i guess if she did there'll be photos here!
Oh my gosh!
Dear site admin, I'm sending a video for the site about Emma's career in harry potter years… Please check your Emal: emmawatson.source@gmail.com 😉
About 15 mins later, It's uploading… 😉
I am so excited for this movie. I think it's going to be alot better then the book! 😀 I seriously cannot wait!!
Jia, only Tom Felton was there from the current cast.
Does anyone know where Emma is right now? I heard some rumors that she's back here, in England
I would imagine Emma is still in England. Heyman mentioned two more weeks of filming, and that’s not quite over yet. Very soon though. 🙁
i dont have words to explain my excitment 🙂
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG It's like a whole new trailer!!! :O It has soooooo many new clips!! O_O I felt so odd watching this… I can't believe this is the end… It's just such a big part of my life… I've grown up with this story… it's like a part of me… I can't believe everything is just going to end 😥 I don't want it to end 😥 😥 😥
Bittersweet. The trailer puts shivers down my spine.
😥 😥 😥 😥
Yep that's a cool trailer. 🙂
To be honest, that was the only good bit of the show. Unless you love seeing R Pattinson and K Stewart smooch the whole night. That's all that happened basically!
Yesterday was the best day of my life! 🙂 Why was it so great? Well, the Boston Celtics, Chicago Blackhawks, Colorado Rockies, and New York Yankees won their sporting events. PLUS, Tom winning the "Best Villain" and… the new trailer. I can't wait for November even though I'm turning 20 and the movie is out 12 days before. So, it will be the best late birthday present. 😉
OMG! This will be sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo GOOD! I'm so excited!!!!!!
Thanks for the trailer. It's hard to believe that it's almost over, since it's been around for so long. I think Emma's going to give her best performance as Hermione yet in these last two movies. 🙂
I absolutely love this trailer 🙂 And Emma Watson is brilliant as always!
*excited* Sadly HP and the half blood prince did not win any award at the MTV MOvie award except for Tom Felton …. Practically lost to twilight! 😡
We should really be ashamed of ourselves that TwiCrap won every award and we didn't, but you know, MTV Summet Entertainment, so all they promoted was TwiCrap-so it was obvious they won, we have more fans, but they have the power of who they promote. I'm over it now, but we have to vote our hearts out next time. This DH trailer almost made me faint and crap my pants at the same time. It has such a different feel as opposed to the other movies. I think this is going to be the best HP movie ever made. We all have to go see this movie as many times as possible the weekend the movie comes out. Show Twilight who's still boss. They my win many battles, but they'll never win the war. lol
why cant everyone just get along? twilight and harry potter are both great! just twilight is more popular at the moment because of the movie being less than a month away. if you would just get out of harry potter world for one moment you could see both are great and not the same at all!
dook; thanks (: Ok. I favour Harry Potter over twilight, but I do still like twlight. @love22288 is kind of right. Besides, if any of you actually read the interview she gave for Elle in 2009, she mentions that the Twilight Saga is one of her favourites. So stop hating. Yeah, Emma is tons better than KStew, but that doesn't mean KSTew isn't a good actress 😉
Oh wow! That's a really great Deathly Hallows Trailer. Nice Emma!
😕 Ooops…so there he goes…his 1 minute of fame…
😆 OK, OK….
Ummm…@EmmaFan- I do love Emma. But saying she is better than Kristen is a bit much… Kristen has a great track record of films you know and she is amazing in all of them.Its just my opinion. Acting wise, Kristen really was the right winner of the award. No hard feelings ok? 🙂 🙂 Oh and btw… loved the HP clip. Twilight and Harry Potter are very different. People need to stop comparing them. People compare the actors,actresses, money the films have grossed etc.etc. They both are good. Remember there have 6 HP films till date and only 2 twilight movies. So comparing the stakes is lame :- Twilight has made a lot of money for 2 films. So ya, it would be great if people co-existed peacefully. This whole "Twilight is crap" bothers me a lot.Even on the MTV site, people kept fighting in the comments section. Both are different stories and both are great in their own way. 🙂
thanks so much Surya! exactly what I was thinking. both actors and franchises are fantastic! An after only 2 films from twilight nearly equally popular. yay and yes the harry potter trailer was amazing! so excited for eclipse in less than a month and for HP in november.
O ya and I forgot, Kristen did earn it shes been in the business since she was 8 and has done some pretty intense roles. Dont get me wrong Emmas Hermione is brilliant, but as Surya said Kristen earned it.
@Surya I love Kristen too, and respect that you favour her over Emma – hey, we all have our own opinoins 😛 – so definatly no hard feelings. They are BOTH equally good (:
OH MY GOSH!I can't wait!!! :smiling:
I am glad that atleast people here are sane! 😉 I was getting tired of all the hatred. 😡 And ya I can't wait for Eclipse and DH too. 🙂
I definitely agree with you Seranya, Harry Potter has been such a huge part of my life and the books are over and soon the films will be too :cry:. First off, for the people on here *cough cough* who keep talking about Twilight, please stop. This site is about Emma Watson and basically, Harry Potter. We do not care that you are more excited about Twilight or your opinions on how 'great' Twilight is, we are here to discuss Emma Watson and Harry Potter.
Thank you, Nicole (: I cry everytime I see this clip…it just can't be the end of HP, it can't :/ 🙁
i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😆
I can't wait to see this film!!!!! It's so far away still!!
Yay glad SOME people can have the best of both worlds, obsessing over one person or thing is unhealthy. 🙂 Cant wait for eclipse and harry potter yay
Exceting to watch the movie
😉 ya wasnt such a good night for HP. I voted was tough did not rather to vote for emma or kristen i was debating forever and then i just had to go with kristen. Emma is so beautiful but Kristen is so experienced.
O ya and Nicole the topic is about the MTV awards not only HP dont get so deffensive, open ur mind a little. love the trailer looks amazing
I hope they keep all our favourite scenes in the DH movies. HBP was disappointing for me because they didn't show some of the memories, and Ginny seemed like a doormat. Emma was the best in the film. Rupert too (loved the love potion scene). But since this one is being made into 2 films, hopefully, all scenes in the book will be shown in the movie.
🙂 I hope that deatly hallows come out sooooooooooooon 😛
Wow! I was going gaga over this. Can't wait for the release. And god Emma is awwweesome in this red dress
Whoo:) so excited.. looks ahhmazzing.. Midnight premerie.. be there