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About the ending of HP (2007): "I won't know what to do with myself when it ends. It will be the weirdest thing ever!"

Site Graphics Update

We have a lot of new fan graphics added to the site for you today!

New fan art from Erin, Riley and Yaroslav.

A new wallpaper from Elena.

New banners from Chiquita.

A bunch of new avatars by Jia and Chiquita.

And we have a couple restyles from Emily and Elena.

Thank you all for sending them in.

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36 Responses to “Site Graphics Update”

  1. Thessalie says:

    Looks like Jia got the Ballet Shoes DVD 😛 Great stuff here ! Chiquita, i love them all =)

  2. KS987 says:

    New pictures of Emma on her official site: And the new graphics look great guys.

  3. 130671 says:

    There`s a new one of the "outside at sundown"-series…and it`s probably the best one yet! Unbelievable! Where can I get it in HQ???Must have it!!!

  4. Fred@Germany says:

    If Emma would ever see all your graphics… – she would be overwhelmed Did Emma ever mention, that she likes these pictures???

  5. Valentina says:

    Yey thx 😉

  6. tree says:

    Is it just me, or does she look like she did 10 years ago, just as young? Or does she always look like she did a decade ago? 😕

  7. andrew says:

    Wow, a lot of graphics today. I loved them seeing all of them. Great job everyone. 🙂 🙂

  8. Alyssa says:

    Great graphics everyone! 😉

  9. Yaroslav says:

    Thank you!!! 🙂

  10. Juzzy says:

    Tree I thought the exact same thing. She looks very young in those pictures! We must have gotten used to the "Hollywood Emma"!

  11. german fan says:

    @ Cathe I didn´t see that! It´s really interesting, thanks 🙂 🙂 🙂

  12. Matt says:

    😕 I really don't get the meaning of restyles… I mean, Emma is gorgeus as she is, why should we change her?

  13. Erin says:

    @Matt, of course she is goregous, it's just for fun, pointless but its fun to see all the different ways she could look. And in all of them she still looks goregous.

  14. tree says:

    Perhaps the hair is a contributing factor to the young look…

  15. 130671 says:

    Emma is quite courageous…running around in that shirt…in Bangladesh…in the monsoon season… 😛 …I wish for rain… 🙂

  16. britshemmafan says:

    Awesome!! Hey guys!! I found this picture online, I have never seen it before, I dunno about you, but you can put it in the gallery if you want, dook. wman-harry-potter-13808598-260-268.jpg

  17. britishemmafan says:

    Copy the whole link and paste, sorry I messed that up! 🙁

  18. dook says:

    britishemmafan, that picture is new on Emma’s official site. There are 2 other new ones also in the slideshow. We think people should view the images there, and not in our gallery. Thanks for the tip though.

  19. telepathy says:

    some pictures make me fun 😛

  20. 130671 says:

    😕 I think this one is much more impressive/stunning/jaw-dropping/OMG/and everything inbetween! (Why did they have to cut off the top?)

  21. telepathy says:

    @ 130671.. That one is jaw dropping thing. But I saw most of the pictures before.

  22. Maria says:

    Hi! This re-style is from my website and is made by Fred : You can see on the image info that is from 3 years ago. Please credit Fred! Thanks!

  23. telepathy says:

    I clicked fan art. And I realized her fans are having really stunning creative imagination. 😛

  24. telepathy says:

    I wish you didn't have misunderstanding I'm not downgrading the art..

  25. Jia says:

    @Thessalie I really wish I had the Ballet Shoes DVD.. I took those pics from screencaps available on one of Emma's fansite. Great fanart everyone!! 🙂

  26. dook says:

    @Maria, no, I won’t credit Fred, but I will remove them from the site, along with any others from the people that claimed them as their own. Thanks for letting us know.

  27. Alisha says:

    nice pics love it 🙂

  28. Jovana says:

    Amazinggggg < 3 😛

  29. Yaroslav says:

    Emma is so beautyful without makeup on photoes from Thailand… 🙂

  30. GGB says:

    I think it´s often (always?) so, that Emma looks better without makeup… 😉

  31. Yaroslav says:

    @ GGB, I agree with this) 🙂

  32. 130671 says:

    Emma in Thailand? You have a link? 🙂 (No makeup usually means freckles…and I love them… 😛 )

  33. britishemmafan says:

    awesome! Thanks, dook

  34. ali says:

    I dont write english well but I can siy you have vrey vrey talent . I have 21 years old.are you frend my?

  35. ali says:

    I dont write english well but I can siy you have vrey vrey talent . I have 21 years old.are you frend my? please ansver to ask me