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About Evanna Lynch (Luna) and Imelda Staunton (Umbridge) (2007): "Evanna is Luna Lovegood. It's actually scary. I can't tell you, it's amazing. She's so lovely and so much fun. That was really nice. Imelda Staunton, amazing actress, I was really excited to work with her, also very funny. She just keeps everyone laughing between takes which is great and always good to have around."

Emma Watson on Twitter

Emma is now on twitter

Great Fridays, the people behind Emma’s official site, announced on their facebook page that Emma is now on twitter and posted her first tweet. The twitter is not verified, and has not been announced on EWO, but I’m 95% convinced it is real. If not, it’s a very good fake.

Update:Emma’s tweet was retweeted both on Great Friday’s twitter and Rob Noble’s twitter, founder of Great Fridays. 99% convinced. πŸ˜‰

Update 2: WB’s twitter HarryPotterFilm has tweeted welcoming Emma to twitter. Convinced. πŸ™‚

Update 3: Emma’s official site has an update on her new twitter account. And Emma’s twitter has been updated with a picture and background. The account is also now verified.

Ok, everyone who followed Emma or “official site” twitters in the past, now you know they are all fakes. Please unfollow them.

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102 Responses to “Emma Watson on Twitter”

  1. tree says:

    That was a very long opinion of yours, Maria. πŸ™‚

  2. EmmaFan says:

    Emma Watson Official has updated with Emmas twitter account and her account has been verified. She has a picture, background and description.

  3. 130671 says:

    Does this mean every "tweet" will be visible on her homepage as soon as she sends it? πŸ˜• :smile:Big point in being her "follower" if anyone can see the tweets without signing up…

  4. kwan says:

    i'm following her hahaha πŸ˜›

  5. Lizzy says:

    Well i dont believe this until it's confirmed on EmmaWatson official, especially seeing as Jo and Emma keep repeating that Emma doesn't have an account like Twitter. However it is very easy for someone to make up a fake twitter of her and follow greatfridays. Anyone can do this and comment on their 'page'. But if this is the account that you're talking about and it is Emma! then i feel very bad because i said that it was a fake account lol. ah well, but also i wouldnt of thought Emma would get twitter? she seems too down to earth for that. :/

  6. DayZ says:

    Big point for me BTW is what she posted her first tweet through mobile πŸ™‚ Yey, she's using mobile for internet just like me πŸ™‚ Don't know why but it's nice to me a little. Maybe she'd like my wap-site if she'd see it…

  7. dook says:

    @Lizzy, it is now confirmed on EWO. I don’t think Emma will be a typical twitter user. I imagine she will use it like she used to do with her e.m.s messages.

  8. Lizzy says:

    Oh dear. I have checked and the twitter is verified. And is verified by EWO, how embarrasing is this! I did send my apology to Emma, whether she got it or not is another matter? Fingers-crossed she didn't get my first message. But that's why there shouldn't be any fake accounts. Honestly…

  9. Lizzy says:

    @dook, thanks! didnt see your reply in time though haha

  10. dook says:

    @lizzy, I don’t think Emma would be offended. I am sure she realizes many people would assume this was just another fake. If I hadn’t seen it on great fridays first, that’s what I would have thought. A lot of fakes have started out saying “this is the real me”. I would bet all the fakes are part of the reason she started a twitter.

  11. mag1c1an says:

    Allow me something irrelevant. @dook , the page of great fridays on facebook which you have posted enlighted , what really does is a redirect in my wall of facebook and not in great fridays.Maybe you should fix it ;-). Always Friendly..

  12. dook says:

    @magician, I don’t see how the link could do that, but I have changed it a bit.

  13. Alyssa says:

    This is AWESOME!!! πŸ˜†

  14. KS987 says:

    The update on Emma's official site regarding the twitter seems to confirm, or at least strongly imply, that it will have the same purpose her EMS messages did on the old site, particularly the last sentence. πŸ™‚

  15. Marco says:

    Emma.I really like you.I'm from China.I want to be your friend!Please

  16. DayZ says:

    She added Burberry, UNICEFF, People Tree and great fridays to her fallow list. It gives me hope what she'll be using tweeter not just like J.K.Rowling. It would be greatest thing ever if she'll starting reply someday. God, please, make this day will come. πŸ™‚ P.S. She added UNICEFF only half of an hour ago. Maybe she is still on the site. Maybe she'll write something new… Em, please, write something new πŸ™‚

  17. EmmaFan says:

    :/ I'm torn. On one hand I despise that Emma is like, forgetting all she said about keeping her life private and not liking social networking sites. America is wearing off on her. On the other hand.. Its cool! Her fans have a better way of seeing how she is, and as long as she doesn't cultivate an american accent and tweet every five seconds like a madman then…hey, maybe she hasn't changed! Conflicted!!! πŸ˜†

  18. Pat says:

    Hello! Thank you for your help. I know there are lots of language school in England, but I'd like someone's advice on citys which might be interesting (except for London-too expensive)for young people/ students Maybe the English users would have any ideas? I don't know any English people myself, so I don't know what they would recommend..Thanks again!

  19. Jen says:

    @EmmaFan – I don't think her Twitter account has anything to do with her living in America. There are plenty of Americans who don't have twitters; only two of my friends do. I think it's mostly to tell off those Emma fakers and to remain closer to her fans.

  20. mag1c1an says:

    Ok, @dook , sorry for not answering in a notification which was poped by me , what you actually can do with the link is very simple.The link of great fridays on facebook is this!/pages/Great-Fridays/103092583064752?ref=ts .Just copy and paste it and make it hyperlink as you have it already.That should be okay for the site πŸ˜‰ Friendly..

  21. britshemmafan says:

    Awesome! I'm not on twitter, but still…it's great!!

  22. KS987 says:

    EmmaFan, it's unlikely Emma will be posting about everything she does in her private life. I imagine it will be something similar to her old EMS messaging system in which she updates her fans on her projects or occasionally just let's us know what she is up to.

  23. Niamh says:

    Emma now follows, romleydavies, stormmodelmanagement, burberry, unicef, peopletree and greatfridays!

  24. Juzzy says:

    @Pat I'm from Ireland but have you thought about Scotland at all? Edinburgh is a gorgeous city with lots to do and see…things are very cheap too. Good to see Emma on's a very handy tool to confirm or deny rumours for celebs..although I doubt very much we'll hear from Emma often.

  25. Harald says:

    @Pat: I can fully agree with Juzzy about Edinburgh but would also recommend not so very big towns like e.g. along the coast of Devon or Cornwall…and not to forget the area around Killarney in Ireland.

  26. HermioneP. says:

    She tweeted a couple of minutes ago!

  27. Nina says:

    Emma sent a new twit. πŸ™‚

  28. german fan says:

    That´s right: Thank you for all your lovely (and amusing) messages! It's official: I have the best fans! I'm loving the London sunshine today, Emma x More, more, more… πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  29. Juzzy says:

    For anyone in countries than can't see Twitter… Thank you for all your lovely (and amusing) messages! It's official: I have the best fans! I'm loving the London sunshine today, Emma x

  30. german fan says:

    Besides this: Where´s the difference between "reply" and "retweet" ??? (on twitter)

  31. german fan says:

    @ Juzzy: I was faster… πŸ˜›

  32. Harald says:

    @ german fan: the british equivalent for "ΓΌbrigens" is "by the way" πŸ™‚

  33. german fan says:

    oh, thanks… Dann sage ich mal auf deutsch "Danke" πŸ˜‰

  34. Niamh says:

    @german fan if you reply to a tweet you can write a new message in reply to someones tweet. for example, if you wanted to ask someone how they were you would press reply. retweet is basically reposting the others tweet but on your profile so others can see it.

  35. 130671 says:

    πŸ˜† "I break together" πŸ˜† lol

  36. Juzzy says:

    @Germanfan Nicely done!! Great minds! πŸ˜†

  37. naomi says:

    Looks like she doesn't tweet very often. i hate it when make an account and leave it deserted πŸ™

  38. dook says:

    @naomi, I don’t expect Emma to tweet a lot. Her first one said she wouldn’t. I think she will use this just for an occasional message to let us know about new projects, updates on her site, things like that. Don’t expect her to tell us what she had for breakfast every morning.

  39. Pat says:

    Indeed, I thought about Edinburgh, because I've read a lot about it and it seems to be a great city. But some people told me that the accent is gonna be quite different, I know about that too. Anyway, thank you very much!

  40. Window says:

    Oh…I'm dreaming that she read my message! Hey friends I'm not very professional at twitter, How can I send a direct message? (There is a box in front of the word "Send" but I can't fill it)… I just tweeted @EmWatson… Did she see my tweet? Twitter is really confusing! πŸ˜›

  41. EmmaFan says:

    Ok, reassured πŸ™‚ @Jen it was nothing about America: I used to have a twitter myself and I am from England – but she used to be so firm about not being on the internet apart from EWO, of course. But I'm more confident now, that she'll just use it as EMS. Thanks πŸ˜‰

  42. Birgit says:

    she tweeted agaiN!!!

  43. mag1c1an says:

    Dont expect emma she tweet a lot.That's of course obvious , therefore i dont a point in making a twitter account as long as it will be used rarely.The truth is that the account was made to stop fakers who really had expand a lot.By the way , the number of followers is growing rapidly , so it is common sense that she will be bombed by tweets.Now ,if she responds back Or not is likely out of my borders , but if you take it logically ,she won't.She is too busy to have a twitter account.To exaggerate , the whole planet awaits a tweet.If i were emma , i would have quit or i would put another person in my place as it is very possible to have done it already. πŸ˜‰

  44. Jen says:

    @Window – Emma has disabled the direct messaging feature; she'd have been flooded with messages by now.

  45. Window says:

    @Jen Oh Thanks…Well what will happen when we tweet @EmWatson ? πŸ˜•

  46. Jen says:

    @Window – That would technically send her a message as well, it's just that that has a character limit. However, I'm sure many, many people are going to be asking her questions and whatnot, and I'm not sure if she's using her Twitter to reply to people. We'll see, but that would take a lot of her time to go through so many thousands of messages.

  47. mag1c1an says:

    @Jen , Ío she hasn't disable the direct message.The direct message feature is enabled the opposite person is following yoo too.Emma she , doesn't , so no direct messages πŸ˜‰

  48. Jen says:

    Ah, I gotcha. Some of my friends have disabled the direct messaging feature, so I figured she would have, too.

  49. german fan says:

    All in all I think that Emmas account is a milestone for all fans – in the whole world… But imagine 2010 with no internet – emma would not be loved in the whole world like this. πŸ™‚

  50. german fan says:

    Sorry, but "100 comments" sounds much better than "99" πŸ˜‰