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About Chanel lending her gowns (2009):"It's incredible to get those gowns, because I've always loved designer clothing. It's the best. If anyone dresses me for a premiere, it'll be Chanel. Physically, I don't have time to go shopping for those events, that's why it's good that they lend me these clothes."

August Calendar

Our winner for the August calendar competition is Oksana.

Honorable mentions go to Zainab, Debby, Sophie, Alina, Jia, Ombodi, Parker and Liz. Thank you everyone for taking the time to vote.

All the entries can be seen here.

I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who enters our competitions. It’s great seeing all the new calendars every month, from new people, and from faithful fans who compete regularly. Even if you don’t win, I hope you are learning, improving your skills, and most importantly, having fun.

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50 Responses to “August Calendar”

  1. Alina says:

    Finally!:lol: Yaay, i got HM !! 🙂 Congratulations Oksana, I liked yours; is very cute.

  2. Window says:


  3. 130671 says:

    Looks like I voted for Jia and Liz 🙂

  4. tree says:

    😆 I love them! Liz's looked similar to my July calendar! 😆 😆 😆 Great job!!! Congratulations Oksana! And to the HM's! 😉 😉 😉

  5. Jia says:

    WOW!!! I got HM again!! thanx to all who voted. I thought the other 2 of mine will get HM coz I personally like them more. but I'm soooo happy to get HM again 🙂 and congrats to the winner and other HMs.

  6. 130671 says:

    😉 @ Rebecca Thx, since you seemed to like 31…

  7. Liz says:

    congrats to the winner and all the other HM. Thanks to all who voted! 🙂

  8. britshemmafan says:

    I love all of them! Too bad I didn't get HM or anything, that's alright, though. I'm gonna try again and this time, I think I've got it!! Congrats to all! Thanks, I really do try!! 🙂

  9. cantbetamed says:

    where can i find the pics using in the winning calender?

  10. cantbetamed says:

    also where can i find the pics using in HarrypotterstarsFans's 2nd calendar?

  11. Alyssa says:

    Congratulations Oksana, yours is really pretty! And I love all the HMs, and other entries. Too bad I didn't get an honorable mention… oh well! 😆

  12. tree says:

    Keep trying! 😛

  13. Alyssa says:

    There's a new photo of Emma as Hermione in the Deathly Hallows! She looks like she's been through some kind of battle though: ev=/search%3Fq%3Doclumencia%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Da ctive%26sa%3DG& usg=ALkJrhiui_OW0byUeuuQfBH9VHR3fMQBfQ

  14. Alyssa says:

    Oh yeah I translated that page to English on the link. 😉

  15. Harald says:

    @ Alyssa: Don't give up! If you don't succeed at first,try and try again!

  16. KS987 says:

    Congrats to Oksana. Great calendars as always, guys. They keep getting better and more creative. 🙂

  17. Hiltje says:

    I'm wondering where the picture of emma on the fancy couch is from, where she is wearing a button up shirt and knee high socks..? and just like cantbetamed asked: ' where can i find the pics using in HarrypotterstarsFans's 2nd calendar?' please help us 🙂 thankyou 🙂

  18. DSSiege11 says:

    Too bad, still congrats to the winner and HM's and thanks @ Melanie for liking nr45, that one was mine 🙂

  19. james says:

    wow!!! i bet this calendar will win!!! yeah~ now i get it!!! congratulations!

  20. saba says:

    cooooooolllllllllll 😛

  21. Harald says:

    @Hiltje: the picture is on Emma watson Official. You have to press "Slide show" and there it is.

  22. Oksana says:

    what???!!!! Can't believe it becouse all calendars were too cool ! thax guys! p.d.All the picture i used are from Glastonbury (second day i guess).

  23. Zainab says:

    yaaaaaaaaaay its my 1st time getting HM !! thank you guys for voting for me :)!! am so happyyyy !! and congratulations 2 every 1 !:)

  24. Rupertfan13 says:

    Go vote for Emma and Rupert for the Beauty list:

  25. 130671 says:

    😕 @ rupertfan13 I just had a look at the results of that poll so far(I voted some time ago)…and I get the feeling that it will be an american-dominated affair that has little to do with "inner" beauty, despite what it claims to be…

  26. telepathy says:


  27. Hiltje says:

    Thanks Harald! i just found it 🙂

  28. Dao Tu Thao says:

    I love Jia's! It's so creative and funny 😆 haha. She's the most wanted ever.

  29. Juzzy says:

    New Tweet from Emma… Hello New York! In the Big Apple doing some press for Deathly Hallows Part 1. It's going to be a busy week… Em x

  30. Juzzy says:

    New facebook comment too… After saying I'd keep it interesting I've now neglected you all for a week! So, at the moment I'm in New York, doing some press for Deathly Hallows Part 1 before university starts again in the autumn. Lots of things going on – it's been a busy summer! I'll be back on here soon, love Emma x

  31. Charles S says:

    Bit random, but in the new One Night Only "wednesdays". i.e the video they put on youtube each wednesday, george is wearing the "I'm not toxic" top from Emma's people tree range..

  32. Alyssa says:

    OMG!!! Emma Watson has cut her hair short, as in "boy length"! There are new photos with her new hair on the web, she's currently in New York. I won't post the links to the photos, because they are currently classified as 'candids', but after seeing her new hair, what do you think? 😕 😆

  33. KS987 says:

    Snitchseeker reveals that Emma will only being doing magazine photoshoots/interviews for Deathly Hallows promotion this week, as they learned from Warner Bros.: So she won't be making any televised appearances this week.

  34. Yaroslav says:

    @Alyssa, oh, this is uncommonly but nice)Emma looks beautiful as usually!

  35. Yaroslav says:

    Pity her hair … but they grow back) 😉

  36. Juzzy says:

    Wow did not see that coming…wonder if it was for a new role? Not a fan of it…

  37. Carmen says:

    I don´t like her new look, maybe she cut her hair for a new role? I'm a bit sad because she won't appear on the TV 🙁 because we'll probably see the interviews in the magazines in october, november…

  38. Pipole says:

    Emma cut is so beautiful hair she look like OMG i can' say this : A BOY

  39. Hiltje says:

    i'm not a fan of her haircut, but maybe thats 'cause the hasnt styled it the right way and the clothes are pretty wide which makes her look heavier then she is and that makes her head look very small in comparison. But i think with the right clothes (some very cute and beautiful dress like she always wears) will make her look very sophisticated 🙂

  40. Yaroslav says:

    People, please! This summer is so heat! Maybe it's because of heat? All feel this hot weather…

  41. Pipole says:

    Or it's for "en finir" (finish) with Hermione ! During 10 years she couldn't have right to make what she want with her hairs so…

  42. Yaroslav says:

    Also I think she want to return natural hair color)

  43. Harald says:

    Hey, stop moaning… it's still Emma and with a bit of us getting used to the new look she's as beautiful as ever! Love Emma forever!

  44. EmmaFan says:

    oh…my… NO!! Emma, what HAVE YOU DONE!? I'm praying to god it's for a new role. And that she'll grow it back. PLEASE!

  45. EmmaFan says:

    Maybe she's opting for a Natalie Portman look…Hmm. On second thoughts: I'll wait until it's styled, worn with more flattering clothes and some makeup. But stil…I hope she growns it back. I've always envied her hair and now it's gone 🙁

  46. selin says:

    OH MY GOD !

  47. 130671 says:

    🙂 YES! It`s not that I didn`t like the long hair, it was beautiful…but since I always wanted her to change in rather radical ways…I guess this is what it looks like. Interesting start. Like EmmaFan said, with the right clothes and some styling… When Emma did interviews for the video-game she wore some kind of 80`s-wet-look with a pony tail, and that was really cool. This could look similar, minus the pony tail, of course. 😛 It`s not so uncommon these days for actresses to cut it ALL off… 😆

  48. EmmaFan says:

    NO, NO, NO!! She just posted a picture on facebook and even though she looks incredible, I want her with long hair!! You come to realise just how definning hair can be, and it definned a large part of Emmas face. While I still think she's beautiful, I prefer her long wavy locks.

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