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About fame (2007): "When the first film was released, someone asked me to sign a book and I remember thinking "How weird - why on earth would anyone want my name in the front of a book?". The second and third film were when it really started to go wild. By the fourth it was mad."

Emma’s New Hair Style

  I think most of you know already that Emma had her hair cut a few days ago. Now Emma has posted a new headshot on her facebook, saying “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever.

Update: Entertainment Weekly gives us a sneak peek at another picture of Emma’s new ‘do’ that will appear in their upcoming Fall Movie Preview issue. Emma talks about finally having the chance to change her hair style after 10 years of Potter. “Oh my God, it was the most liberating thing! The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through, I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right. This is it.'”

Update 2: Entertainment Weekly has posted another picture with a short article. Emma talks about how she felt getting her hair cut, and how she knew there would be a big reaction.  

When filming ended, Watson’s hair was finally her own. She could have cut her hair immediately, but she decided to wait a bit. “It didn’t feel right then; I needed a break,” she tells exclusively. During the cut, designed by New York stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon, Watson never had a moment of panic or remorse. “It was weird. My hairdresser was like, ‘When are you going to freak out?’ Most people cry or go into shock,'” she says. “But I was very calm. I knew it was the right thing.” It helped, she said, that she didn’t tell anyone she was getting the drastic ‘do. “I went to the salon alone and I left alone,” she says. “I knew everyone was going to have an opinion, and I couldn’t deal with it. I have to get myself into a good place to deal with people saying things like, ‘It’s terrible! She looks like a boy!'” Says the actress, laughing, “My dad already said that to me, actually. He said, ‘You’re not Audrey Hepburn yet, darling.'”

Ouch. Thanks, Dad? “He’s like that. I think the best I’ve ever had out of him was before a premiere when he said I ‘scrub up alright.’ When people ask me how I keep myself grounded, there’s the answer.”

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364 Responses to “Emma’s New Hair Style”

  1. Arturo Picazo says:

    I cant really see her again ¡noooooooo!! 😥

  2. Phoenix says:

    no no long hair that is the only way i think omg no no

  3. 130671 says:

    Come on, try to see it from her perspective…would you want to be stuck with a certain kind of look and hairstyle just because ppl around you think it`s the best ?

  4. shakir says:

    it's so terrible. I don't like it.

  5. tab says:

    I'm sure that we'll get used to it and by then it'll be grown back out and she'll need to get it dyed red or black for a film. She's an actress get used to it. I'm so upset she's not going to be in "The girl with the dragon tattoo" that I refuse to see the U.S. version even the dvd when it comes out. I'm so positive that it's going to suck big time. I would've even liked it if Ellen Page got it but nooooo… Too bad Emma could've made it worth seeing. Noomi Rapace rocks she deserves an Oscar.

  6. Lea says:

    Oooh NO!!! 😥

  7. hooman says:

    😕 😥

  8. Leah says:

    I'm not sure why she couldn't play with her hairstyle while filming Potter. Many of the Twilight actors (well, those in the Cullen family) wear wigs in the movies, and Kirsten Stewart wore a wig in Eclipse because she'd cut and coloured it for The Runaways. Couldn't Emma have done the same thing?

  9. Leah says:

    Buford you're a fool. She doesn't WANT to do movies at the moment, she wants to concentrate on her studies. Since when are actors obliged to pump out another movie every 6 months? She only just finished filming the final Harry Potter movie in April! That was 4 months ago! How fast do you expect her to move on to another movie? And that doesn't include the 2 movies she is rumoured to have in the pipeline. GEEZ. Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman etc aren't in a new movie every 6 months, why should Emma be – ESPECIALLY when she has studies to concentrate on? Did you miss the stuff about her wanting to be a normal person for a while? Rack off and get real.

  10. Alyssa says:

    Okay guys. Looks like we've all settled in with the new hair after a long stream of comments (wow, this is the 400th comment!). Remember that it's what she's happy with, and I'm happy for her. 🙂

  11. Alyssa says:

    Sorry, 360th comment. Anyways, remember, her hair, her life. 🙂

  12. Erki says:

    She looks so young now! I like it!

  13. aoi says:


  14. Chase Reason says:

    It really doesn't bother me either, but it seems to me like she's screaming Warner Bros. and J. K. don't have clue about her potential.