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About being smart (2007): "There are too many stupid girls in the media. Hermione's not scared to be clever. I think sometimes really smart girls dumb themselves down a bit, and that's bad."

Emma’s New Hair Style

  I think most of you know already that Emma had her hair cut a few days ago. Now Emma has posted a new headshot on her facebook, saying “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever.

Update: Entertainment Weekly gives us a sneak peek at another picture of Emma’s new ‘do’ that will appear in their upcoming Fall Movie Preview issue. Emma talks about finally having the chance to change her hair style after 10 years of Potter. “Oh my God, it was the most liberating thing! The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through, I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right. This is it.'”

Update 2: Entertainment Weekly has posted another picture with a short article. Emma talks about how she felt getting her hair cut, and how she knew there would be a big reaction.  

When filming ended, Watson’s hair was finally her own. She could have cut her hair immediately, but she decided to wait a bit. “It didn’t feel right then; I needed a break,” she tells exclusively. During the cut, designed by New York stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon, Watson never had a moment of panic or remorse. “It was weird. My hairdresser was like, ‘When are you going to freak out?’ Most people cry or go into shock,'” she says. “But I was very calm. I knew it was the right thing.” It helped, she said, that she didn’t tell anyone she was getting the drastic ‘do. “I went to the salon alone and I left alone,” she says. “I knew everyone was going to have an opinion, and I couldn’t deal with it. I have to get myself into a good place to deal with people saying things like, ‘It’s terrible! She looks like a boy!'” Says the actress, laughing, “My dad already said that to me, actually. He said, ‘You’re not Audrey Hepburn yet, darling.'”

Ouch. Thanks, Dad? “He’s like that. I think the best I’ve ever had out of him was before a premiere when he said I ‘scrub up alright.’ When people ask me how I keep myself grounded, there’s the answer.”

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364 Responses to “Emma’s New Hair Style”

  1. kianoosh says:


  2. Kristin M. says:

    OH MY GOD 😥 😥 😥 You know what, she doesn't have anything to do, so she's cutting her hair off. Again, I repeat-OH MY GOD!

  3. Lux88 says:

    Oh my God, I really do not like it!

  4. Roger says:

    Actually,I think it's kind of cute. She sort of looks like a little boy. 😆 Actually, she's so pretty there are no rules, she can do about anything she wants to, and she's still just plain beautiful. A little androgenous fling isn't going to kill her. One great thing about hair–it grows back. 😛

  5. Cathe says:

    LOVE IT!Had something like that 2 years ago.Now long again…But brilliant change!She's right it's refreshing! 🙂 😉

  6. emmawatson_superfan says:

    oh god i don't want to see this again!! it's horrible her new hairstyle 😥 😥 😥

  7. Danielle says:

    You know I actually did the exact same thing about two hours ago and I know exactly what she means!! The only difference being she'll have millions of people that care about it! Personally I think she looks stunning!!

  8. VYACHESLAV says:

    :smile:She looks beautiful!Great style.

  9. manisha says:

    omg i have to get used to this cuz it's just sooo different!! She still looks great, and i think the style fits her personality, ya know? Lovely emma 🙂

  10. Anon says:

    Nooooo why she do it, it looks terrible and not like her. WHY!!!!!! 🙁

  11. meg says:

    she reminds me of Mia Wasikowska… i actually liked it, but more because of the surprise of it than anything else. emma is showing that she has a daring personality, that's what i like the most about the cut.

  12. Heroine says:

    She looks lik Twigi 😉 I like it,..

  13. 130671 says:

    You can even mentally remove the rest and see she`d still look good…hair, no hair,what does it matter?… I was baffled for a few seconds, but it took just one look at her eyes and everything was as it had been for years now 🙁

  14. Window says:

    Oh Moon, Untie some curls of your hair, Maybe untie a knot from my crazy heart, Oh my love, Comb your hair less, Because my heart's home is, There in your hair, It would become injured when you comb, Now look at your comb, There are some blood Of my injured heart on it, Because my heart lives there, In your hair, in your hair… Take Care! Your lover,forever (Even bald!)

  15. Lucy says:

    don`t like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. anon says:

    is it just me or does she look just like carey mulligan ? 😕

  17. ella says:

    wow, it takes a lotta guts to cut your hair that short….says something about her personality 😉 it think it's beautiful, go em!

  18. Jen says:

    Cute! Sounds like she really likes it, good for her.

  19. 130671 says:

    😕 Crazy thought: She should have bagged all those locks to sell them on ebay. With the money going to a good cause. It`s stupid but I would have wanted one. Really.

  20. omg says:

    i think I'm going to cry.. 😥

  21. meg says:

    come to think of it, it makes perfectly sense. what a better way to change her 'hermione-image' than making the most radical haircut? after all, the shooting of hp has ended and she is probably looking for new movie projects…

  22. Maria says:

    she looks,well…old ,I don't like it at all.Change Hermione Image,yes.But more Hair looks better on her

  23. Darlene says:

    I love it! 😆

  24. Viridianne says:

    I liked it, she looks nice. She even looks more cuter and femenine, though I'll always prefer her hair bushy like Hermione. (I know she doesn't have it curly/bushy)

  25. Nelly says:

    Mmm I don't like it 🙁

  26. Sandrine says:

    I looove it! I have à short hair cut since 2 years now and I totally agree with her when she saids that's very liberating! 🙂

  27. mahnaz says:

    I think it's a great haircut and it suits her a lot! She looks lovely and different indeed :xxx

  28. mel says:

    I don't think it suits her at all 🙁

  29. Sarah says:

    I don't like it at all. I miss her long gorgeous hair. =[

  30. Casia says:

    I was hoping for years she will change ger hair style cause it looked a little boring, but i never in my wildest dreams thought she will cut her hair totally. I dont know… she is pretty but she is way prettier with long hair. I am strangely feeling like i would have a bad haircut…

  31. Buford says:

    stupid stupid stupid stupid girl. must be real liberating cutting her hair and realising her acting career is fading into the sunset as each month passes and she is not put in another movie. I really want her to succed in her post HP career, dont get me wrong, but things like this is not going to help. She still has a cute face, but her hair was much better when it was long and girly.

  32. Window says:

    Buford! Stay Calm and DO NOT insult! 😡 Just say your opinion…

  33. kinor says:

    She looks horrible. ><

  34. zchynard says:

    if she wanted to change her hermione image, can't she do it any other way? 😥 why did she had to cut her hair. i think it suits her best. I'm not being supportive much as a fan, am I? Can't help it. She still looks beautiful but.. but.. but.. the hair! no! I hope her hair grows back in a month's time. 😥

  35. Window says:

    She looks lovely and pretty, always… 🙂

  36. jesus says:

    god kills me just kidding i think that is not good

  37. BiancaBella says:

    😥 I didn't expect it to be this short. She didn't tweet before that she cut her hair so how does everyone already know? Anyway, she has a pretty face so the cut might work (i'll need to see other pics of it). She just looks old in the pic. Wonder what Rup and Da think, lol

  38. BiancaBella says:

    She would look really cute with a short messy bob. Can't wait till it grows back! I know it feels realy freeing when u get ur hair cut that short 😉

  39. dook says:

    @Bianca, there were paparazzi shots that spread across the internet yesterday.

  40. Charles says:

    Sorry Emma – I hate it. Thankfully hair grows! But I am still a fan.

  41. James says:

    I would be willing to bet there is a Burbury shoot coming very quickly. Most of you don't remember Twiggy, back in the 60's, but that's exactly who she looks like, and I'll just bet it's for another Burbury 60's shoot.

  42. britishemmafan says:

    it's personally not my favorite! 😥

  43. Adrian L says:

    I loved your hair Emma! 😥 You need to film a movie with it, like V for Vendetta or something, otherwise I'll never get used to it. =/

  44. Lily says:

    SHE IS CRAZY i repeat CRAZY !

  45. Lauryn says:

    @James Emma was dropped from Burberry though, so I bet her hair has nothing to do with it.

  46. Window says:

    I Suggest her picture for the next picture of the day! She is So pretty,always!

  47. Adam says:

    I think she is gorgeous with her new hair cut! It's really pretty and I think it suits her!

  48. Jessica says:

    As much as I hate it, it suits her.

  49. dook says:

    @window, POTD is for pictures you might not have seen for a while. I imagine there might be a few calendars using it this month though.

  50. Harald says:

    Whhy all the fuss? If it makes her happy, we should be happy with her. This is about Emma and not clothes or hairdoes.As for myself, even if she wore nothing at all and was totally bald, I'd still be in love with her! So there!!