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About rumors of bullying at Brown (2011): "It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied. It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite. I've never even been asked for an autograph on campus. I threw a party for nearly 100 students and not a single person put a photo on Facebook."

Emma’s New Hair Style

  I think most of you know already that Emma had her hair cut a few days ago. Now Emma has posted a new headshot on her facebook, saying “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever.

Update: Entertainment Weekly gives us a sneak peek at another picture of Emma’s new ‘do’ that will appear in their upcoming Fall Movie Preview issue. Emma talks about finally having the chance to change her hair style after 10 years of Potter. “Oh my God, it was the most liberating thing! The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through, I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right. This is it.'”

Update 2: Entertainment Weekly has posted another picture with a short article. Emma talks about how she felt getting her hair cut, and how she knew there would be a big reaction.  

When filming ended, Watson’s hair was finally her own. She could have cut her hair immediately, but she decided to wait a bit. “It didn’t feel right then; I needed a break,” she tells exclusively. During the cut, designed by New York stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon, Watson never had a moment of panic or remorse. “It was weird. My hairdresser was like, ‘When are you going to freak out?’ Most people cry or go into shock,'” she says. “But I was very calm. I knew it was the right thing.” It helped, she said, that she didn’t tell anyone she was getting the drastic ‘do. “I went to the salon alone and I left alone,” she says. “I knew everyone was going to have an opinion, and I couldn’t deal with it. I have to get myself into a good place to deal with people saying things like, ‘It’s terrible! She looks like a boy!'” Says the actress, laughing, “My dad already said that to me, actually. He said, ‘You’re not Audrey Hepburn yet, darling.'”

Ouch. Thanks, Dad? “He’s like that. I think the best I’ve ever had out of him was before a premiere when he said I ‘scrub up alright.’ When people ask me how I keep myself grounded, there’s the answer.”

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364 Responses to “Emma’s New Hair Style”

  1. Lux88 says:

    @Lauryn, how do you know she's dropped from burberry? (I haven't heard it yet, and I am curious, not questioning you ;)) And it sounds a bit negative or did she decide to go? At everyone, I am very curious to know how she did on her first year at college, has she ever talked about this?

  2. dook says:

    A lot of headlines have proclaimed that Emma was “dropped”, etc. which does have a negative sound. I don’t think Burberry was unhappy with her in any way, especially with how their sales increased so much even in this economy. I think it’s quite likely that Emma only wanted to do it for a year, and now has university and other projects she wants to focus on.

  3. Mckenzie says:

    I hope this is for a movie or something… because if it's not… well I don't know…

  4. XXX says:

    a women's beauty is suppose to b her hair….. y did whe hav to cut her hair completely? she kinda luks lyk a boy…am hatin it

  5. Lauryn says:

    Okay, so dropped wasn't the best word choice. Burberry simply chose not to renew her contract again.

  6. Kiakkia says:

    she's BRAVE haha she looks GORGEOUS <3 🙂

  7. Kathy says:

    Personally I dislike it but I usually dislike haircuts and it takes a while for me to grow on them. 😛 Maybe later I'll love it.

  8. Tuky says:

    She's already pretty!!!! So, her new hairstyle looks great on her!!!!! 🙂

  9. marie says:

    eek i am just not a fan. if anything she could have had the bangs made longer to frame her face more, it just looks SOOO short and boyish! in my opinion, she looked better with long hair!

  10. 130671 says:

    Incredible…so many ppl that can`t let go of Emma`s old look… If she says she wanted to do this for years, I bet she was smiling when she saw the final result… That`s the only thing that counts. She wore her hair long for all of us for all those years, apparently… but it seems like she felt a lot less attached to those long tresses than everybody else. A little support from ALL of her fans would be nice.

  11. Harald says:

    @ 130671 : That's the spirit. I couldn't have put it any better. My support she has got all the way!

  12. Erin says:

    She still looks goregous, I mean, she's abosolutely beautiful and would be whether shes bald or if she had her long hair again. But in my mind, I'm like OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish it was long again, but, its up to her, its her body.

  13. shelby says:

    Noooo!! Emma… Nooooooooo!!! 😥 it breaks my heart

  14. Rb says:

    I prefer the longer hair style, but all it matters is that she likes it herself. 🙂 After all, I suppose for years she wasn't allowed to cut her hair so it must have felt nice.

  15. tree says:

    If it makes her feel free, maybe that's how she wants to let people know that she's finally feeling free! I love it! 😉 😆 😆 😆

  16. Emmo says:

    😡 This girl needs medical help. She turned crazy. She ruined her life. And what will she do now? Im sure that she will show us another horrible surprise. She killed Hermione with scissors. Now she is free. This is the begining of a new and wild Emma. 😡 😥

  17. Jen says:

    @Emmo – … what? She cut her hair, and now she's crazy? She didn't kill Hermione at all; she's NOT Hermione. God forbid a girl gets a haircut.

  18. Phillip says:

    I love her new hairstyle and I love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  19. Ryan says:

    Not liking it. She confuses me into thinking she's either Natalie Portman or Winona Ryder, and THEY can get away with this. Not Emma tho'…Just MHO…

  20. meg says:

    LOL, @Emmo, you're funny.

  21. Yop says:

    She looks like a gay boy.

  22. jen says:

    OMG! OMG! I saw this in a blurb and I was just like that's so not true…but it is. I never thought she was thinking about doing this but I'm glad at least that she actually did it as oppose to trying to stay Hermione. I think it looks really cute…I'm just still in shock lol

  23. meg says:

    has anyone seen the EW pic? she is even more beautiful 🙂

  24. emmo says:

    Actually I was jocking. I like her new hairstyle. I think that she looks better now. But Im surprised for the comments (here and in facebook): It is like she killed somebody, or she died. 😕

  25. telepathy says:

    looks handsome.. Just kidding.. 😛

  26. meg says:

    @emmo, i know right!! some people said they cried when they saw her new look. wtf? crazy people… it's just hair.

  27. fiorella says:

    she looks alright. The haircut makes it look really old though, somehow…my grandma has the same hairstyle. xD

  28. Barbara P. says:

    mmm I totally love Emma, the new hair cut was shocking, but the hair grows, and she is such a lovely and pretty girl, so looks good on her. soo goo emma!

  29. mag1c1an says:

    No no , i don't like it.R u kidding me world?How could this be nice?Ok , everyone got an opinion and that's fair.Personally , i cannot approve anything of it.She really killed me. Anyway , i think to be a temporary art , n0t an eternal… 😉

  30. natasha says:

    hmm i would love to see her rock the rihanna do, when rihanna first cut her hair short. i think it's a lil too short, but if she's happy, i am too 🙂 still beautiful as always heres another photo if yall are interested ev=/search%3Fq%3Doclumencia%26hl%3Den&rurl=trans NWqQ90HGgg

  31. david says:

    I like it, – let her have some fun.

  32. Emmo says:

    The problem is that many men have a kind of fetish about hair. I know people that, if a girl cut her hair, she turns completely unnatractive for them. I am almost the opposite. I love girls with short hair. Emma says that she feels liberated. She need to be herself.

  33. Maria says:

    The first words out of my mouth when I saw this was GOOD FOR HER! Emma will look beautiful no matter how she has her hair. Of course, it will take some getting used to, but I totally understand what she means when she says it's liberating! I did that to my hair 2 years ago and it was awesome to feel free and not stress about hair for about a year. 😉 It does suit her personality! GO EMMA!!!!! 🙂

  34. Silly says:

    🙂 I love it Emma. <3 If you love it and feel great with the new look then that's all that matters.

  35. Silly says:

    😛 BTW forgot to tell all HP fans that has awseome Harry Potter T-shirts. Cool stuff.

  36. lisa says:

    🙂 emma looks stunning

  37. Paige M says:

    have to say one thing: OMG! was in SHOCK when i first saw pics of Em's new do but now [as a stylist myself] i LOVE it and totally understand why she wanted it chopped off. at the salon i work for, we usually get girls in who want 'drastic' hair cuts after splitting up with boyfriends etc. since Emma hasn't split up with George, it is more probable she wanted some "freedom" and "independence" from Harry Potter and Warner Bros; she has had to stay the same way for them for the past 10years! so i guess in way, she has "spilt up" with Hermione and wants a new, edgier look. bring on the rebel Emma Watson 🙂 xx

  38. Kelli says:

    Emma will look beautiful no matter what hair cut she has. I'm so happy that she's decided to do something for herself now that Harry Potter isn't stopping her. Cheers. :]

  39. Katie Tellez says:

    Guys, give the girl a break! If she wanted to cut her hair, let her live with short hair! She didn't have time to ever be a normal teenager who could do that kind of stuff. She wanted to do this for a while, so just leave her alone. I love her new hair style! 😛

  40. Zainab says:

    she had an amazing hair cut !! 😮 😮

  41. andrew says:

    The haircut looks stupid. I simply hate it 🙁 😡

  42. leise says:

    at first i was speechless, but Emma is such a fantastically gorgeous young woman, and it's just hair: it'll grow back. Good for you Em. You are one of the best, understated role models for today's teenage girls, compared to other starlets (who shall remain unnamed)

  43. Satah says:

    i think that if anyone can pull this off, she can. she has delicate, pretty, girly features that really compliment a not so girly haircut. her eyes look stunning and, although i loved her hair before, i think she looks equally stunning now. just different.

  44. AnaS says:


  45. jackie says:

    I'm not digging the new look because I prefer her with more hair. hehe! That being said, I'm not judging her or anything. She can do whatever she wants. Good thing it will be longer by the time DH 7.1 will come out in Nov. She'll have more hair to go with her gowns ^^

  46. Isabelle says:

    Definitely CRAZY, but… BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Kathy says:

    I'm mostly concerned about how strange this cut will look as her hair grows back. 😛

  48. tab says:

    A few months ago I'd mentioned that Emma could make a good Lisbeth Salander A.k.a. "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" maybe I wasn't so far off. Who knows. 😛 Don't worry I'm sure the English version will be far less sexed up. Though I'm still wishing for Ellen Page though. I think Emma looks great and good for her. Eleven years of not being able to cut your hair I'm sure she does feel liberated. She'll be less recognizable now too so Plus…Plus for her. 😛

  49. KS987 says:

    Emma looks beautiful as always. It was a bit surprising at first since she has always had longer hair, but it looks cute on her. She wanted to experiment with it and was finally able to since she has free time and is no longer under contract. It sort of reminds me of her mother(who usually has short hair). And Emmo, as a guy, I could care less. It doesn't matter to me what kind of hairstyle Emma has. She's beautiful either way. 🙂

  50. hum weed says:

    shows how bored she is and no that is not a compliment to her "creativity"