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Emma’s New Hair Style

  I think most of you know already that Emma had her hair cut a few days ago. Now Emma has posted a new headshot on her facebook, saying “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever.

Update: Entertainment Weekly gives us a sneak peek at another picture of Emma’s new ‘do’ that will appear in their upcoming Fall Movie Preview issue. Emma talks about finally having the chance to change her hair style after 10 years of Potter. “Oh my God, it was the most liberating thing! The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through, I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right. This is it.'”

Update 2: Entertainment Weekly has posted another picture with a short article. Emma talks about how she felt getting her hair cut, and how she knew there would be a big reaction.  

When filming ended, Watson’s hair was finally her own. She could have cut her hair immediately, but she decided to wait a bit. “It didn’t feel right then; I needed a break,” she tells exclusively. During the cut, designed by New York stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon, Watson never had a moment of panic or remorse. “It was weird. My hairdresser was like, ‘When are you going to freak out?’ Most people cry or go into shock,'” she says. “But I was very calm. I knew it was the right thing.” It helped, she said, that she didn’t tell anyone she was getting the drastic ‘do. “I went to the salon alone and I left alone,” she says. “I knew everyone was going to have an opinion, and I couldn’t deal with it. I have to get myself into a good place to deal with people saying things like, ‘It’s terrible! She looks like a boy!'” Says the actress, laughing, “My dad already said that to me, actually. He said, ‘You’re not Audrey Hepburn yet, darling.'”

Ouch. Thanks, Dad? “He’s like that. I think the best I’ve ever had out of him was before a premiere when he said I ‘scrub up alright.’ When people ask me how I keep myself grounded, there’s the answer.”

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364 Responses to “Emma’s New Hair Style”

  1. Alissa says:

    She reminds me of Twiggy a little bit. People need to realize that the cut is only a few days old and haircuts take at least a week or two to look normal. I really like it. I mean, who said she needs an O-K from every fan to cut her hair anyway? She has such a gorgeous face that she can pull it off pretty well. And now I won't be distracted by her perfect hair all the time when I could be realizing just how perfect her face is!

  2. Melissa says:

    Okay, I want to say that I like it but personally I don't really like it. I think it takes away her mature, British sohpisticated look 😥 I'm glad that she likes it, but does that mean she is going to have to wear a wig for her VERY LAST Harry Potter movie? 😥 It reminds me alittle bit of Natalie Portman though :O

  3. Willow says:

    I was shocked at first but she is beautiful no matter what!! 🙂 🙂

  4. pix says:

    Honestly, I don't like it. It's TOO short. But she's still pretty. And she's happy with it, that's what matters. She's still Emma.

  5. dan says:

    Look for wigs soon , ….lol

  6. Kane Williamcarey says:

    😥 It is realllly incredible,but as long as u like,as long as feel happy. 😛 Support u 4ever

  7. Kayla says:

    OK for all ya'll who aren't happy for her just have their selfishness talking! it's ok if you don't like it but at least be happy that she is happy w/ her new look. The HP movies so it's a perfect time for her to do it. Besides her hair can grow back jeez! And if a project requires longer hair she can wear a wing no big deal there again!

  8. Kayla says:

    edit: what i mean is The HP movies are done filming now. and for wing i meant wig

  9. Jose Lopez says:

    I love it! If its been somethign she has wanted to try then good for her and if she's happy with it then good too. 🙂 Any hairstyle, any clothes, any look, she will be beautiful. 😉

  10. Alyssa says:

    She looks okay. 🙂

  11. Stella says:

    what the…. 😕

  12. Harry says:

    watta? 😕 now she looks like a typical f-f-f-french 😆

  13. Harald says:

    Someone get some HQ photos, will you!!!

  14. lydia says:

    i HATE it!!as an emma fan for 6 yrs this is the 1st time i hate her!

  15. Méduze says:

    This is horrible… The 2nd photo is great (make-up and hairstyle…) but for the everydays, it doesn't suit her at all! She lost her feminity… (sorry for my bad english)

  16. EmmaFan says:

    Actually, the second photo looks great. You know, it actually does help shape her face and gives her a little more maturity. Hmm..I'll wait a little longer.

  17. EmRocksSocks says:

    She looks so beautiful, as always! Those people who say she looks like a boy. . . well, you've got some things to figure out if a major way you identify a woman is by her long locks. 😛

  18. hayni says:

    NO EMMA NOT LIKE THAT! i start to cry.. EMMA YOUR HAIRSS…. nooooo

  19. loveremmagirl says:

    oh may god!! your hair!!even your hair dut iz new your still pretty 🙂 different pretty!! 🙁

  20. Genesis Core says:

    OMG !!! I was her fan for 7 years now & never hate her look. But, now I feel dissapointed on her new look ! But I let her have her own joy & fun with her new look !

  21. Rob says:

    Sorry, don't like it one bit – she had the most amazing hair when it was long, nice and girly. Short hair on girls just makes them look like boys, or gay…

  22. Melissa says:

    I think she's beautiful with long or short hair. 🙂 I really hope she donated whatever they cut off to Locks of Love. 🙂

  23. Ilana says:

    OMG! all of you who keep saying emma is like that, this is not emma. You do not know her! You know her image that was created as a characted in a film. After more than ten years of being molded into someone, Emma has every right to be true to herself. Furthermore, all those comments about women should have long hair, she looks like a boy; you're being disgustingly sexist. Emma couldn't be any more feminine. Personally, I think she looks stunning, so there.

  24. meandme says:

    guys you are totally silly. I thought it looked weird with the wind but there it was unstyled and it can soon look messy. but I think styled it looks cool. I dunno why people are still being so idiotic and think all women should have long hair. I think all can look good, long hair, short hair. it depends on the person who wears it!!

  25. Alisha says:

    😥 Her long hairs were much nice

  26. daria says:

    OH MY GOD!! 😆 I have been always jelous of her beutiful long, curly, hermione-like hair, and now she cut them ! =p Anyway, this is her life, she can do what she wants, still she is our Emma 🙂

  27. NITIN DIWAKAR says:

    wow. great hairstyle, suits u emma . but it is not good. actually u are looking so cute.

  28. silvia says:

    Oh, Emma don't worry, you're still pretty. You're very original now. I think you're very brave and self confident. It's good. I' m not your fan as well, but now I think you're great.

  29. justmee says:

    What's wrong with her hair? I think it looks great. Emma has great facial features so that haircut looks good in her case… That haircut seriously doesn't look great on everyone. And hey – hair is renewable natural resource. It isn't the end of the world… 😉

  30. Libby says:

    I think it looks funky! We all need a change once in a while and you got to give it to her for having the stones to cut her hair that short too. Looks good 🙂

  31. annaxx says:

    i have the feeling that some people treat her hair as their own. it's non of your bussines how she cuts her hair 😕 personally i think it's cute. wheather you like it or not – you have no right to insult her.

  32. Esm says:

    OMG! I was shocked at first. But now I think she looks cool. Her face looks much more beautiful. I love it! (:

  33. Nick says:

    I'm shoked 😕 definitely don't like it

  34. german fan says:

    HORRIBLE – that was the biggest mistake she ever made – i´ll stop following her news… i´ll keep her long haired in my mind…. ;-(((((((( 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

  35. Bruce says:

    Although I prefer her looks with longer hair, I still think she is beautiful either way. It's her life and we fans should respect her choice. You go Emma!

  36. e says:

    Having long hair myself, I wouldn't cut it as Emma did but.. I actually love her new hairdo! She really does have one of the most beautiful faces and it shows – even with her hair only a few centimeters long she is still soo pretty. And what remains the most important for me, she seems to be happy with her choice :):) Let her be herself! 😉

  37. Danielle says:


  38. Liz says:

    OH MY GOD 😥 I actually feel like crying right now! I can't believe she has cut her hair – that short!! She looks about 40 now not 20 it's driving me insane. I know she has a right to cut her hair and whatever and her reasons for doing so is fair-enough. But THAT is ridiculous, she doesn't look like Emma anymore. And i'm sorry but it doesn't look right at all, especially as her face is soft and this hair is more for harder features. This is crazy. I can't get over this. I have actually gone off her a bit now! 😥 😥 😥 I hope she grows it back!!

  39. Liz says:

    And no. I try make myself like it. As if i might get used to it eventually? But then i see older photos of her with her longer hair and it looks so much better.. 🙁 🙁

  40. Nelli says:

    She look like the girl from alice in wonderland. i like it. but i like her old her more.

  41. Liz says:

    … Yes I am still here… Reading through some of this comments made me feel a bit better i suppose about the whole thing! :O but i still can't get over this. I think i will have to see her in an interview with it. Because I think it's all about her personality that will pull it off? But still i think if she was going to go for something shorter.. Not that short at first – she should of got it shorter gradually so everyone got used to it? But still she has her own choices which i still respect her for lahdidah. :S but… i still don't like it. I hope she does grow it back, and that this just was restarting her to move on from Harry Potter – which i totally understand – her career :L i hope she gets another big movie role or something with this.. just something to do with the role. But then again Twilight is huge at the moment KStew keeps chopping and changing her hair. And no one moans.. so!?!? OK. I like it. Kinda?

  42. Liz says:

    @Alex – ok and now you've made me not like it again. She looks like a 40 year old mother! WHATS HAPPENED!!!!?!?? :@

  43. Jimmy says:

    congrats now she finaly looks like a tomboy

  44. LIsa says:

    Amazing! Not many people can embrace this 'pixie-cut'. But Emma looks gorgeous! Again…LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEE IT!

  45. Kristin M. says:

    At first I thought she was crazy, but you know, it's starting to grow on me. I really like it now, she looks grown up and very sophistacated. Plus, she's getting her name out there, so that's very good promotion.

  46. Emily says:

    @kinor@buford gosh it's just hair. It will grow back! I love it personally.It's something fresh. Anyway she has sharp features, so it works for her. 🙂

  47. Hilary says:

    It's so cute!!!

  48. Mira says:

    bleah! 🙁 😥