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About people posing as her on the Internet (2007): "I have got fakes on Facebook, Bebo, MySpace - the lot - and it's quite annoying. I can't understand why people put themselves on there. Some of the pictures that they put up of themselves make them vulnerable because anyone can see. I think the Internet is very scary."

Emma’s New Hair Style

  I think most of you know already that Emma had her hair cut a few days ago. Now Emma has posted a new headshot on her facebook, saying “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever.

Update: Entertainment Weekly gives us a sneak peek at another picture of Emma’s new ‘do’ that will appear in their upcoming Fall Movie Preview issue. Emma talks about finally having the chance to change her hair style after 10 years of Potter. “Oh my God, it was the most liberating thing! The stylist just grabbed the back of my hair and took a whole ponytail of hair out. It felt amazing. I love it. I missed all that experimentation that most teenagers go through, I’ve wanted to do this since I was about 16, so as soon as I had the chance I was like, ‘Right. This is it.'”

Update 2: Entertainment Weekly has posted another picture with a short article. Emma talks about how she felt getting her hair cut, and how she knew there would be a big reaction.  

When filming ended, Watson’s hair was finally her own. She could have cut her hair immediately, but she decided to wait a bit. “It didn’t feel right then; I needed a break,” she tells exclusively. During the cut, designed by New York stylist Rodney Cutler of Cutler Salon, Watson never had a moment of panic or remorse. “It was weird. My hairdresser was like, ‘When are you going to freak out?’ Most people cry or go into shock,'” she says. “But I was very calm. I knew it was the right thing.” It helped, she said, that she didn’t tell anyone she was getting the drastic ‘do. “I went to the salon alone and I left alone,” she says. “I knew everyone was going to have an opinion, and I couldn’t deal with it. I have to get myself into a good place to deal with people saying things like, ‘It’s terrible! She looks like a boy!'” Says the actress, laughing, “My dad already said that to me, actually. He said, ‘You’re not Audrey Hepburn yet, darling.'”

Ouch. Thanks, Dad? “He’s like that. I think the best I’ve ever had out of him was before a premiere when he said I ‘scrub up alright.’ When people ask me how I keep myself grounded, there’s the answer.”

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364 Responses to “Emma’s New Hair Style”

  1. AAAA says:

    creo que es bueno como para cambiar de look, pero definitivamente no te combina bien, te aconsejarΓ­a que no te quedes con ese look :smile:te soy sincera

  2. Sarah says:

    @Kathy: on the earlier pages of the comments some people were saying that they actually lost respect for her and like her less and stuff along those lines…that's what i was referring to.

  3. Lauren says:

    Even though I was shocked when I first saw it, it really isn't that bad. It is very short, and her hair was beautiful before and this cut does make her look older, but I can understand why she did cut it – I couldn t imagine trying to maintain the same hairstyle for ten years, and I guess cutting it all off is like her finally shreading her image as Hermione so she can restart things over post-HP. I'm personally looking forward to seeing her wear it with different outfits, letting it grow out a little more into a cute bob or something, or even dying it. She is still Emma, short hair or long hair.

  4. Jenna says:

    @lydia πŸ˜• you seriously hate her now because she cut her hair? I hate to break it to you sweetie but you were never a fan of Emma in the first place if all you cared about her was her appearance. I don't understand why everyone is so upset, it's her life, her hair and she can do whatever she wants with it. I love the black and white photo where she's channeling Mia Farrow and the other pictures are cute. Oh and to Alex who keeps posting pictures of that new candid of Emma with her new hair…are you for real? It got snapped at an odd angle with the wind blowing in her face, I doubt you look good all the time. Emma is still Emma and still beautiful and besides it's HAIR people! It's not a big deal!

  5. tree says:

    If that's the case, this sounds like her plan to single out the true fans. Which I hope is more than 50%. πŸ˜‰ I'm sure.

  6. jasmine kate says:

    i dont like it!!! i will accept her hair if it is only short (like dora) but her hair is like a boy

  7. Silly says:

    πŸ˜› I still love it Emma. it is your life and your hair. Do what you feel is right don't let others bring you down. πŸ˜‰

  8. 130671 says:

    Most ppl who suddenly hate Emma are probably as mad at themselves as they are at Emma. They would never have thought it possible she could "mutilate" herself so casually. They realize that the Emma they liked is a thing that existed only in their heads,and nothing like the real Emma… If they were wrong about this…they might be wrong about everything else. Being shown your faults this way is something many ppl don`t take well.

  9. Melon says:

    😑 😑 now im loosing harmione image from her

  10. yasmine says:

    she is very pertty

  11. Juzzy says:

    I remember seeing an intervire years ago with her on an Irish Channel and the interviewer asked her if she's allowed change her image at all, and Emma said she had to keep her hair, wight, everything the same. Think back on the last five/six years of your life and thing about how different you looked then, I know I've chopped my hair..lost/gained a few pounds etc..I can't imagine not having the freedom to do that! Although I don't like the hair style on her, Emma is dead right to go ahead and do something drastic to make up for TEN years of having long hair with only minor changes allowed. The girl needs to live too! πŸ˜‰

  12. Window says:

    How do they find these new pics and those new ideas, Do they interview with her?

  13. german fan says:

    okay, I accept it – it´s Emmas choice… I like people doing sth. crazy, but first I was really shocked πŸ˜‰

  14. Charles S says:

    If anything, I am enjoying all the furore over something so trivial.

  15. Harald says:

    @ hum weed: If it's her haircut that makes you a fan, the best you can have is my pity.

  16. Liz says:

    I'm back. And i take back what i said before! I think it was more of the shock then anything… because we're so used to seeing Emma as Hermione – not Emma. I do like the pictures with her in the red jumper and that white dress thing? But the black and white photo doesn't look quite right. I feel very bad for judging… πŸ™ Oh dear.

  17. Liz says:

    @Mira i just clicked on your link! OH MY GOD! When i was just coming to terms with it too… I'm sorry everyone but im not sexist (especially seeing as im a girl!) But she does like a boy here. Oh no Emma, couldn't she of gone down to a bob instead – why this short? πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

  18. Maria says:

    Maybe that is the Cover,don't know,but the Shirt she is wearing looks more different from the BG than Emma self I hope you know what I mean πŸ˜• I can't describe what I mean It's that I looked at first at the Shirt and not at Emma's Face,when I saw the Photo.But she looks really older,if I wouldn't know her Birthday,I would say she is 27

  19. sarah says:

    omg omg omg!!! I can't believe this. She looks soooo different! I still love it though, she looks cute and it just reveals the wonderful and unique personality she has. πŸ™‚ But I still miss her Hermione image. πŸ˜₯

  20. Tia says:

    she's still gorgeous. and I still love her to death. but I miss her long lush london locks.

  21. Jen says:

    @Melon – That's kind of the point. She WANTS to look different from Hermione because she ISN'T Hermione. People seem to forget that.

  22. lOveRemMagirL says:

    my GOD emma!! your pretty cue hair?? πŸ™ πŸ˜₯ , but your beauty is still thier!! but please dont do that hair cut again i just want to think that thier is harry potter 8 so you cant cut your hair!! πŸ™‚ "OH I`M SO SAD COZ HARRY POTTER END AFTER THIS HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS/HARRY POTTER 7 πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ DRAMIONE!! HUHUHU!! DRAMIONE!! HUHUHU!! DRAMIONE!! HUHUHH!! MY GOD HALP ME!!! πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯

  23. lOveRemMagirL says:

    i mean cute not cute!!

  24. lOveRemMagirL says:

    hi do you want to be my text mate?? now here`s my number πŸ™‚ 09126359856 (talk `n text) ok?? bye!! just take my number and be my friend or best friend forever!! : πŸ™‚

  25. Dao Tu Thao says:

    I think's staffs should think about a new layout from now πŸ˜†

  26. lOveRemMagirL says:

    my name is lovely stefany F. duapa but u can call me "RUBI" the meaning of my middle name or th "F." is felton maybe unkown causin of tom felton i am 15 years old turning 16 on september 16 πŸ™‚

  27. lOveRemMagirL says:

    i am half english & half filipina my mother is english my father was filipino πŸ™‚ my father is a sea man my mother is stewardess πŸ™‚

  28. Charles S says:

    ^^^ Wow.

  29. LR says:

    I didn't like it at first. I think it's not because I didn't like the hairstyle, I didn't like the way she was posed in the picture. But now I love it and think it's really really cute! πŸ˜†

  30. EmmaFan says:

    Huh. Well, I love the last picture, the second one too, and I was just about to type that I like it – but then I clicked Miras link. Don' get me wrong, but I think the hairstyle only suits her when se's been styled. For every day- it's just nothing compared to her lovely long locks. Again, I do hope she'll grow it back. But then – she's Emma Watson. She still has a beautiful face, an amazing personality and I feel bad for what i said before. You're only young once, and if this is what she wnats to do to make up for ten years of her life devoted to us, her fans no less, and film – I think she should go ahead and enjoy it. I LOVE YOU, EMMA!

  31. kelly says:


  32. Hanna says:

    πŸ™ you look great *sob* I LOVE IT I WANT TO DO THAT NOW HOW DOES IT FEEL?

  33. Lobik says:

    She became ugly πŸ˜₯ She was very pretty girl with long hair, Unfortunately, she won't be the sexy as earlier

  34. Amanda says:

    Her dads right shes no Audrey Hepburn. and Lobik is right she did become ugly….

  35. Charles S says:

    ^^^ Wow.

  36. EmmaFan says:

    amanda – lobik Thats terrible!

  37. VYACHESLAV says:

    Brilliant!Awesome style!=)

  38. anas says:

    nooooooooooooooooooooooooo! πŸ˜₯

  39. ivona says:

    she`s very clever.she will loose the ½hermione image½-and she,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,9s doing it right!better cuting her hair,the going out every weekend,rinking,doing drugs(like other teen stars who want to loose their image πŸ™‚ i like it,infact i`m gonna cut my hair too!!:):)thanx emma for a great idea!!!!luuuv xoxoxo

  40. ivona says:

    ok something was wrong with my keyboard-i meant better cutting her hair,then going out and drinking and doing drugs and making a fool of herself,like other teen stars-or just stars(like….i don`t know-miley cyrus?)….anyway,go ems!!xxoo

  41. 130671 says:

    Ivona, are you on drugs right now? She just cut her hair, that`s all.

  42. Jen says:

    @Lobik – Emma has a beautiful face, how in the world does a short haircut make her ugly? If a short haircut makes Em ugly, I feel sorry for the rest of the girls worldwide with short hair.

  43. Arianne says:

    I just want to say that a lot of modelling experts says this haircut will be THE kind of thing to wear this fall in terms of hairs. In fact, shorts hairs for girls will be, in the fashion world, a must. So, I might say she knows fashion and how to stay up to the highlights!

  44. HermioneWeasley says:

    OMG !!! πŸ˜• a change is always required but….this was too much … She still looks amzing and i love her ! …but long hair looked better ! & i don't wanna see her like this during HP7 premieres πŸ™

  45. tree says:

    130671, good point… that's a horrible thing to say about Emma, about her HAIR!

  46. Alyssa says:

    She actually looks pretty nice. πŸ™‚

  47. angry fan says:

    😑 😑 😑 😑

  48. Jess says:

    Don't you think she looks great in it?? She kind of pulls it off with her genuine beautiful face. I think what people don't like is that she's been so lovely and sweet, and this look's contrary to that. It's kinda too much a change

  49. bree says:

    @EmmaWatsonFan i agree with you that it looks better when she has it styled. In the papped photos of her out it looks awful and makes me want to cry! But when i see the last two photo's recently added i'm beginning to like it. I understand where Emma is coming from about Hermione and the reason why most of us are not to keen on it is because we're used to seeing Emma as Hermione. Not Emma – I think it's a massive wake up call for Watson fans because I think we all thought we "knew" her, but clearly we don't. I do prefer the longer hair style though, it just suits her more. But as she said she didn't have a chance of experimenting! So i hope this is just simply experimenting and she will grow it back eventually. But to be honest it is just hair (How long it took me to get round this I have no idea..) and it seems to me that Emma is the kind of person that would keep the hairstyle for longer if people keep on slagging it off. She is just catching up on the years she missed out. And I think she will go off the radar for a while after she's finished university because she wants a normal life-style. And that's what the hair-style was for. So, yeah. I think everyone should accept the fact that what's done is done. Personally I think she should do a grown-up movie roll with this hair-style to prove to everyone her acting and how vertile (? i don't know if that's the right word) she is. So yesah -I don't like it though.