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About the WB (2007): "Warner Bros have been so supportive of me continuing with school and have been really innovative about how to make it work 'cause obviously it's a bit of a task. Just really clever things like there's a box in my school that is picked up every Friday, teachers put work in it, they send me any marked work, it comes back and forth. They gave me Monday mornings off to go to school to see my teachers, to pick up my school work."

October Calendar Competition

Time for the October calendar competition! Ghosts and Goblins, oh my!

  • The size of the calendar should be at least 1024×768. Higher resolutions are good. Widescreen is also allowed.
  • Calendars must be in a common graphics format such as jpg, tiff, gif or png.
  • It must have and October and it should have the dates. It should be mostly original work, and images used should be respectful of Emma’s privacy.
  • The deadline to submit calendars is September 27.
  • No more than 3 entries per person please. All entries must be sent to

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22 Responses to “October Calendar Competition”

  1. Zainab says:

    owww am i 1st to comment!? :p i have a Question to Dook, can we design the callendar to be vertical? i mean as if the width was 768 and the height was 1024? is this possible? aaaand good luck every1 !! 🙂

  2. andrew says:

    Good luck everyone. 😉

  3. dook says:

    Zainab,The original idea of the calendars is that people can use them as a desktop wallpaper. You can do a vertical one if you like, we have had some in the past.


    An individual approached us stating they had breaking news that Rob’s next project has been green-lighted and signed! The details I received from “The Insider” are listed below: The film is a remake of the 2004 film “Dark Arc”. A major studio is behind the project. I was given the names and personal cell phone numbers of the potential director and one of the producers. Potential co-stars are Emma Watson and Casey Affleck as the three lead characters with Rob. Rob and Emma Watson have signed but Casey Affleck is still in talks.

  5. Alyssa says:

    Can't wait for the competition! @RUMORED NEW MOVIE FOR EMMA, hope that's true! 🙂

  6. emlover says:


  7. andrew says:

    I hope the rumor is true as well.

  8. Erin says:

    got my calendar all set.

  9. KS987 says:

    I have my doubts about the rumor. Emma is probably going to focus on her schooling and the only real time she has to film anything is during her summer break.

  10. Valentina says:

    Wuhu!Good luck everyone! 😉

  11. Joyce says:

    Has anyone actually got a CLUE what the arc involves? Not Emma's type of movie. Rob might be in though :/

  12. dOt dOt says:

    im not taking part nemore .. This competition isnt fair …. 😥 Hope to see Em in another movie … 🙂

  13. Window says:

    My calendar is ready, Now I have time to make another one!

  14. 130671 says:

    What`s your problem, dOt dOt? If you want to win or get a HM, you can plainly see the direction you have to go in…just look at the past winners.

  15. tree says:

    Fantastic! 🙂

  16. dOt dOt says:

    thanks 130671! ill surely do the same next time … 😆 😆

  17. Hira says:

    Is it true that Robert Pattinson is also going to be a part of Dark Arc? If true then woooOOOw!! 😆 😆

  18. dook says:

    Hira, no, neither Emma or Pattinson will be in this movie. It’s just made up rumor.

  19. Hira says:

    Oh no .. No more Emma for now .. *Sigh* 🙁

  20. Zainab says:

    hi :), I sent my 3 entries to days ago but did not receive a confirming email for the first time.. is that okay? or it just did not reach or something?

  21. dook says:

    Zainab, we have your entries. I’ve just been quite busy on other things and haven’t been able to send emails.

  22. Zainab says:

    Okay :), was just wondering good luck every one !! 😉