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Happy Birthday Hermione

A Very Happy Birthday to Hermione Granger, our favorite witch in the Harry Potter series. JK Rowling selected 19 September 1979 as the birth date for the character making her 31 years old today.

Here we see Hermione and Harry, brought to life in the movies by Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe, in a scene from Deathly Hallows Part 2 from the Abril Jovem sticker book Retratos do Mundo Magico.

And now some Emma news.

Emma is nominated for Iconic Movie Actress in J-14’s Teen Icon Awards. You can vote for Emma here. Thanks Alyssa for the tip.

Emma is featured in Buzznet‘s Top 25 Most Fashionable Actresses. They say Emma “brings a fresh, young perspective with a little edge.” Thanks Jenna for the tip.

And a little more Hermione. New promos of Deathly Hallows as well as never before seen images from the previous films will be featured in a new book from Harper Collins. Harry Potter Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley, coming out October 19, also has a forward written by Emma, Dan and Rupert, and interviews with the trio and other cast and crew. A preview video of the book has more details. Thanks to Chris.

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30 Responses to “Happy Birthday Hermione”

  1. Jia says:

    Happy Birthday to Hermione 🙂

  2. manisha says:

    happy 31st birthday hermione weasley 🙂

  3. manisha says:

    ohh just read in a tweet that emma watson might be on the december cover of the magazine, marie claire

  4. KS987 says:

    What I find interesting is the fact that Hermione was born in the very same month that school begins, given her personality. I wonder if it was intentional on JK Rowling's part. It's hard to believe Emma has already wrapped up playing Hermione earlier this year after playing it for so long, and that next July when DH part 2 comes out will be the last time we see her play Hermione. It hasn't really hit yet but it will once I've seen DH2.

  5. Window says:

    the video is linked from youtube? 😕 😆

  6. Alisha says:

    Happy 31st Birthday Hermione 😆

  7. Carmen says:

    Why she has to be the oldest? 😥 Anyway Happy birthday!

  8. yahda says: mehrnoosh bahmeie. i live in 12.dear emma i love you and daniel radcliffe re my favorite acctors. sorry if i had some mistakes :wink:icant speak and write english very well 😛

  9. Petra says:

    @KS987 A, thank you!! 🙂

  10. Valentina says:

    Lovely 😉 and now-voting! 😉

  11. mega says:

    happy birthday 😛

  12. KS987 says:

    The link to the video was deleted, so I am guessing the video was stolen somehow and wasn't supposed to be posted yet. I did check People Tree's website and Youtube to link to them instead, but I didn't see it posted on them, but neither was the message from Emma earlier(Grazia posted that video). Sorry about that.

  13. KS987 says:

    Emma has updated her facebook page and tweeted again.

  14. andrew says:

    Happy Birthday Emma Watson. 😛 I also voted for her in the J-14 magazine. 🙂 Great video, loved it. 😉

  15. just_your_normal_bookworm says:

    Happy Birthday Hermione. If I would've visited yesterday I would've wished her a happy one yesterday. I am enjoying the new Harry Potter pictures and the video below. Emma looks amazing as Hermione in that picture. I thought it was Dan taking a picture of him and Emma on the set of DH, but then I saw Sirius's mirror lol.

  16. just_your_normal_bookworm says:

    Maria I just have to say I love the picture of Hermione that you posted the link for. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Alyssa says:

    Happy Birthday Hermione! 😆

  18. Valentina says:


  19. dook says:

    Emma will not be at the Burberry show. She tweeted to Christopher Bailey that she was “gutted” that she wouldn’t be there.

  20. Valentina says:


  21. Alyssa says:

    New People Tree video: [link deleted – we’ll have a new video for you on thursday] 🙂

  22. Alyssa says:

    Sorry, the link was somehow deleted. I can wait till Thursday. 🙂

  23. dook says:

    I deleted it. Do not post links to the new People Tree video. It was stolen.

  24. Alyssa says:

    Okay, sorry, dook.

  25. Cathe says:

    Anyone knows the name of that song on a Burberry show (livestream)..the fist one?

  26. Molly says:

    I'm late but… happy birthday Hermione! 🙂 I will sure buy "Harry Potter Film Wizardry". It seems very interesting, doesn't it?

  27. Nicole Burchell says:

    great video but unfortunately being on youtube it froze a bit,annoying but still good 🙂 x