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About alleviating poverty through fashion (2010): "As someone who is very interested in fashion and has been doing a lot with the fashion world recently, I thought it was a really amazing idea to try to alleviate poverty through such a strong industry and it's something fun as well. Rather than giving to charity, this gives people the means to fight their way out of poverty themselves with dignity. It gives them the chance to work. It gives them their pride."

Emma Best Dressed British Woman

Emma was voted the Best  Dressed British Woman in 2010 by Glamour Magazine. On the mens side, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton and Robert Pattinson all made the top 25. Click the thumb to view the entire list.

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30 Responses to “Emma Best Dressed British Woman”

  1. kianoosh says:

    she is the best 🙂

  2. Joyce says:

    Nothing to say, but: duh 😉

  3. Birgit says:

    Yaaay!! I love her so mutch, she absolutely deserved it!! HAha, Ruper is on place TREE. He's so freaking amazing, he's briliant, love him.

  4. behroz alipor says:

    my i please give mi websait emma watson.ok tankyou. 😕

  5. andrew says:

    I love Emma's dress. 😆

  6. Maria says:

    Here is a new poster of Hermione: Please credit my site, thanks!

  7. gabriel says:

    yay! emma and rob are number 1! awesome

  8. dook says:

    Maria, already saw that on Yahoo Movies. Petra posted a link some hours ago. I will post it soon.

  9. Kevin says:

    Totally Gorgeous

  10. Alyssa says:

    Awesome! 🙂

  11. missmonet says:

    I have seen better.

  12. mega says:

    Emma is best dressed woman in the world 😛

  13. KS987 says:

    Emma certainly deserves it. Just look at the picture *drools*

  14. helen2U says:

    maria, your poster looks very professional made and beyond amazing! I recognize talent when I see it.

  15. Alyssa says:

    @helen2U, that was not made by Maria. It is an official poster from DH which was released by Warner Brothers earlier today. 🙂

  16. GGB says:

    like an angel… 😆

  17. start.a.revolution says:

    She totally deserves it! Like look at that dress. She looks absolutely stunning.

  18. missmonet says:

    I think they gave it to the wrong Brit. I think they should have given it to Victoria Beckham she is far more better.

  19. GGB says:

    definitive NOT 😡

  20. meandme says:

    LOL Victoria Beckham tries too hard IMO

  21. Window says:


  22. Marcus says:

    She is absolutely beautiful ! An extra-oridnary yet a gorgeous British woman !! 🙂 I just admire her so much..

  23. Window says:

    She was lovely, she was fine, daughter of a royal line, He, no equal, but for them it mattered little for they were in love; Rose of England, sweet and fair, shining with the sun, Rose of England, have a care, for where the thorn is, There the blood will run; Oh my heart, oh my heart…

  24. 130671 says:

    Victoria Beckham looks at least as artificial as her dress. Good thing she didn`t win.

  25. Celia says:

    Go Emma!! She always looks amazing! 🙂

  26. EmRocksSocks says:

    Of course. She's always looking spectacular.

  27. Victoria says:

    🙂 🙂 i love you a lot Emma!!! 😛 😛 you are the best for me!! Me also accept that you are the best dressed woman!!! that;s sure you must get it!! yay hooray! go go emma!!! 😆 😆

  28. mohammad says:

    :sad:But I call to you well I'm from Iran I am waiting for your email in the game very glad Harry Potter 7