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About what she would do if she wasn't an actress (2009):"I wouldn't go to law school, that's too serious. I would've loved to be a crazy and eccentric painter in Paris. I paint in real life, I love it."

New Deathly Hallows Hermione Poster

A new Hermione poster for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was released yesterday on Yahoo Movies. Hermione is looking quite battered in the fight against the Dark Lords forces. London’s Tower Bridge in the background shows that indeed, “Nowhere is Safe”.

Update: Now in HQ, click on the thumb.

Thanks to Petra and NielsThomas for the tip.

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26 Responses to “New Deathly Hallows Hermione Poster”

  1. W.W says:

    WoNdErFuL … 🙂

  2. Iris says:

    I want thaton my wall! 🙂

  3. Joyce says:

    Thats chilling! I love it <3 and if you think about it, is ANYWHERE really safe?

  4. andrew says:

    awesome poster, love it

  5. cathherine says:

    emma seems to be blending in well at school! found that website a couple of days ago and it seems they frequentky post pics of her at brown. she really is blending in with the other students not standing out at all really! strange. hope she grows her hair back! not that she doesnt look good with it short i just think she was certainly a looker with hair. lol 🙂

  6. Alyssa says:

    Great poster! Hopefully they'll start sticking these up at the cinemas soon! 🙂

  7. Celia says:

    I LOVE this poster! Emma looks gorgeous even though she's beaten up. 🙂

  8. Alyssa says:

    Sorry, like doesn't work.

  9. dook says:

    I’ve fixed your link, but that’s the same story I posted already about Emma winning Glamour’s Best Dressed British Woman.

  10. Alyssa says:

    Thanks, dook. I just posted that to show that not just the UK recognizes Emma's fashion sense. 🙂

  11. mega says:

    lovly poster 🙂

  12. Alyssa says:

    Does anyone know when the promotional photoshoot will be released? 😕

  13. Valentina says:

    THIS IS SOOOOOOO AMAZING!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  14. Tram says:

    The best poster of Hermione I have ever seen

  15. Yaroslav says:

    AMAZING!!!!! 😆

  16. Joana says:

    Oh no!!!! Emme isn't pretty in this foto!!! She has all a dirty face!!!

  17. 130671 says:

    🙁 Yes….you would think she would take time to wash her face and get her hair done and some fresh clothes on… Fighting for survival is no excuse to look that messy…. 😆

  18. EmRocksSocks says:


  19. Silly says:

    WOW! Emma looks so Bad A** in this poster. Epic. Amazing.

  20. Window says:

    She is always pretty…

  21. KS987 says:

    This Hermione banner looks amazing. Emma is beautiful and badass. 🙂

  22. Alisha says:

    Awesome poster

  23. cemal says:

    scary 🙁

  24. suresh says:

    wondarfull. 😛