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About fame (2007): "When the first film was released, someone asked me to sign a book and I remember thinking "How weird - why on earth would anyone want my name in the front of a book?". The second and third film were when it really started to go wild. By the fourth it was mad."

New Hermione Poster – The End Begins

WB has released new character posters for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows featuring extreme closeups of Hermione, Harry, Ron, Voldemort, Snape, Bellatrix and Greyback. Click the thumb for the the HQ version of Emma’s poster. Thanks to Valentina for the tip.  

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16 Responses to “New Hermione Poster – The End Begins”

  1. 130671 says:


  2. Devin W says:

    This is going to be my new wallpaper for my iPod touch!!!

  3. tree says:


  4. Silly says:

    So awesome! 😉

  5. KS987 says:

    Epic. An absolutely stunning poster. Emma looks amazing. 🙂

  6. Alyssa says:

    Great! 🙂

  7. Alisha says:

    Awesome! Emma's are red

  8. mega says:


  9. jackie says:

    this poster is amazing!!

  10. Window says:

    Words are not able to describe her beauty 😥

  11. jessaa says:

    erm her eyes are kinda glowing like a vampire from twilight…

  12. Window says:

    no no no not like a vampire but like a moon in the night…

  13. jessaa says:

    she looks mean. I think they not emma whoever photoshopped this didnt keeup hermione in mind. looks like a mean vampire

  14. Valentina says:

    Glad to help 😉

  15. andrew says:

    Awesome poster. Loved it.

  16. EmRocksSocks says:

    Sexy. 😛