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About the flashbacks to the first movie in OotP (2007): "It's just like having your baby pictures blown up on a 20-foot (six-metre) screen and placed in 37 countries. It's sort of your worst nightmare. It's scary to see how we've all changed. You see yourself and you say, 'God, who is that girl?'."

New Deathly Hallows Posters

A new set of posters has been released by Warner Bros. The Trust No One posters feature Hermione and Harry in their wedding attire on the underground, and Hermione and Ron in the forest. Thanks to Leaky.


There are also some new standup posters from Allposters. There are two with Hermione.

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27 Responses to “New Deathly Hallows Posters”

  1. 130671 says:

    😕 Just wondering…if filming has now started for "MwwM"…is Emma going to wear a wig? Or did Lucy have really short hair?

  2. dook says:

    @Jen, do you have a source?

  3. Jen says:

    I got it off the Sassy forums. Another website (they post private photos, so I won't mention it here) says they got it from her Facebook account, but I can't seem to find it.

  4. Jen says:

    Ah, apparently it's from a private Facebook account. (My apologies!) Obviously none of us have access to that one, so I don't know how it ended up on the web. Hopefully she'll release it officially so the rest of us can properly see it.

  5. Valentina says:

    OMG these are the best ones yet!

  6. Juzzy says:

    Class, loving all the new pics.. I knew this before but I've forgotten since…at what point of the book does part one end at?

  7. Kristin M. says:

    They aren't advertising these yet to buy, but I hope they do soon. Could you give us the URL or something? I would love to get myself the Ron Weasley one, or is it a trio together? I hope they sell them separately

  8. Kristin M. says:

    The standups, not the posters.

  9. Kristin M. says:

    Hmm, I don't even think those are cardboard stand-ups, just promotional images.

  10. Tia says:

    these are INTENSE! I LOVE THEM!

  11. dook says:

    Kristin, if you go to the website and type Deathly Hallows in the Search it comes up with the standups. There is a Ron Weasely one by himself. I don’t know if they are cardboard, but they are 66 inches tall.

  12. andrew says:

    Awesome posters.

  13. joe says:

    I heard that hp7 part 1 will not be released in 3D? 🙁

  14. Charles S says:

    Yeh, no 3D because they apparently don't have enough time to get it converted. To be honest, doesn't bother me one bit as I much prefer 2D, not having to wear those horrible glasses for 2 1/2 hours. I'll end up seeing part 2 in both 2D and 3D though, I imagine.

  15. Estelle says:

    First word came in my head: SEXY. Even though they look dirty and horrible at the same time I meant it in a good way.

  16. andrew says:

    I love watching movies in 3D. I saw two of them this month. It is sad that they didn't make Harry Potter in 3D. I would have loved to see it.

  17. KJ says:

    Oh my, that H/Hr one is real? I thought it was a manip when I first saw it, I definitely need to get myself one of those! Lol! Hermione gets around, =P! Totally kidding. =D

  18. manisha says:

    is it me or did they make dan's head look freaking huge in that poster? lol.. and they made him look taller. it looks more fanmade to me. but still it's awesome!

  19. Joyce says:

    @Jen That picture is beautiful My favourite yet, with her haircut, I mean.

  20. Jen says:

    @Joyce – I know, it's gorgeous! I just wish I could find the original source.

  21. Jen says:

    Btw, Dook, Oclumencia is listing that headshot as the same done for Entertainment Weekly. And Em's on Seventeen magazine (for either Spain or Mexico).

  22. EmRocksSocks says:

    Wow! Jen, thanks for the pic! Also, I like how Emma's on two of these four new posters. Harry Potter himself only appears on one. 😛

  23. dook says:

    Jen, thanks for the tip. Oclumencia is not working for me, again, but I found some Seventeen scans.

  24. KS987 says:

    Wow. These posters are amazing. They really do an awesome job making these promotional pictures. Emma's beauty is breath-taking. 🙂 And EmRocksSocks, of course they had Emma on two posters. That's double the sexiness. And thanks for that stunning picture of Emma, Jen. 🙂

  25. Silly says:

    🙂 I love the Tro together. (Sweet)