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About working for People Tree (2010): "I haven't had any fashion training but I am an artist. I paint, I draw and I had a great team to work with. I designed the collection for myself and my friends; they're the sort of thing we wear - the difference being they're ecologically sound. I became completely engrossed. I tried on the clothes, I worked on the catalogue and my friends and I were models. We all worked for free."

Life at Brown, Scans

In a new interview Emma talks about her life at Brown, and the end of filming Harry Potter. The interview is from earlier this year during a visit to Leavesden studios. They also spoke to Dan and Rupert, which you can read in the full interview. I’m including the Emma portion below, with some editing to remove errors. Thanks to Burst Bubbles for the tip.

Emma Watson is one of the most instantly recognised girls on the planet but now she’s enjoying the magic of being an ordinary student. The 20-year-old is studying in the US at prestigious Brown University in Rhode Island and has settled into academic life. “It’s hard to choose one thing that I like most about university. I guess I just enjoy the simplicity of my life. I am sharing a tiny room with another girl and I only have space for three or four pairs of jeans and a couple of tops. My life has been compressed but it’s nice.”

Her student schedule in the States is a world apart from the red carpet glamour of being a film star. “I live in a bubble. I don’t read newspapers and I don’t watch TV.”

Emma is also pleased that she has been accepted by the other students. “I was amazed how quickly everyone on campus got over that I was from Harry Potter. I’m going to be there for four years so they’ve realised that they are going to see me most days and have just got used to me.”

The young actress admits she’s had mixed feelings while shooting her final scenes as Hermione. But one plus point has been throwing herself into the rough and tumble of action sequences. “It’s such an emotionally heavy film so it is sometimes nice to have a break from that and do something more physical. There is a giant snake involved, we get picked up on a dragon, dropped in a lake and I nearly get my throat slit. It’s real adventure.”

Emma has got a kick out of being an action girl in two-part epic but she’s also very aware that a huge part of her life is coming to an end. “I have grown up with this character. I can’t tell you how it will feel to walk away.”

And we have a couple scans. Emma is on the cover of TV Digital in Austria, thanks to EmmaEmpire. US Weekly asked “long or short” hair. Gosh, can’t they move on? Deathly Hallows is just a few weeks away. Thanks to Elmira for the scan.

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15 Responses to “Life at Brown, Scans”

  1. Tia says:

    It makes me so emotional when they talk about leaving Harry Potter. I grew up with them. The Harry Potter books and movies hold an unbelievably large amount of space in my heart and soul. They're a part of me, and seeing it all end is going to be like losing a close friend. All you have left is the memories, pictures, and in this case, movies. You can always look back, but sadly, not forward. 🙁 I love Harry Potter so much!

  2. EmRocksSocks says:

    Holy photoshop, Batman!

  3. Celia says:

    Great interview!! I wish people would move on to about her hair. She cut it…it will grow back…deal with it. I love it long or short. She's gorgeous either way. 🙂 🙂

  4. Alyssa says:

    That's a nice interview. 🙂

  5. KS987 says:

    I am always glad to hear that Emma is enjoying herself at Brown and that she has succeeded in fitting in. 🙂 And people need to having debates over her hair. She's sexy no matter what she does with her hair and is an awesome person to boot. There are probably a LOT more important things about Emma that people should be talking about.

  6. Joyce says:

    A) Wow, whoever did the photoshop for the cover probably got their ass fired. The picture, which is from Womens Wear Daily if I am not mistaken, was fine to begin with. Now it just looks like a cartoon. Not sure if that was the intended effect, but it looks terrible. B) I love the interview. It shows how down to earth Emma still is <3

  7. Marc says:

    Really a good interview. I'm glad she's enjoying there. Modesty can easily win hearts 🙂

  8. Birgit says:

    God, the scan of Digital is awful! They made her look like a german.. Witch is not good in this case.. uhm. I didn't reconized her at first! NOT GOOD

  9. 130671 says:

    @ Birgit Now if you could just explain to me what`s so "german-looking" about her on that cover?

  10. KS987 says:

    Emma has updated her twitter and facebook 🙂

  11. Window says:

    Good Newser KS987 😆 POTD is lovely lovely lovely!!! I'm proud of myself, because of being in love with the Number 1 Girl of all goods in the world… 😆 😆

  12. Kate says:

    She looks really weird on that cover. Why does everything have to be so overdone?

  13. HarryPotter! says:

    😛 I think emma suits her hair long better so I hope it grows back quick!So excited for the next Harry Potter film to come out,I booked tickets!It will be sad when it finishes! 🙁

  14. IluvHP!!!!! says:

    Emma looks so weird with her hair short its so differant!Shes beautiful either way though!