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About shooting the Yule Ball scene (2005): " I didn't know there were so many ways you could walk down a flight of stairs, honestly. "

First Images of Emma from My Week with Marilyn

New images of Emma arriving at the set in London for My Week with Marilyn have appeared online. They show Emma from earlier today in 50’s era costume and sporting a brown wig. In her first live action feature film outside of Harry Potter, Emma is playing Lucy, a wardrobe assistant, who had a few dates with Colin Clark, assistant to Laurence Olivier, and his nine days of contact with Marilyn Monroe during the filming of  The Prince and the Showgirl.

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24 Responses to “First Images of Emma from My Week with Marilyn”

  1. Charles S says:

    Apparently these are from London. She must have some hectic flight schedules back and forth across the atlantic!

  2. dook says:

    We don’t know how many scenes Emma will be in. It’s possible she’ll film all her spots in a few days. Or maybe a few days now, a few days at Thanksgiving break, etc.

  3. Cathe says:

    Uff link isn't very good…I've found some new scans from UK Vogue on this blog 'Coffee break'…And scans are really good.Hope someone will send them to you Dook. And a lot of text as well!

  4. Jen says:

    Emma's official website has the pictures from her Vogue photoshoot. Just figured I'd let you know. 🙂

  5. Window says:

    Well I can't believe that I'm about to say the things that I'm about to say but lately at night I find that I miss you, so Come home, Could you come home? Could you? Come home, right now Well, if you're acting Don't stop No, don't stop, don't stop,…of being yourself… Sure abut you 😥

  6. andrew says:

    Cool pictures. =)

  7. dook says:

    Cathe, thanks for the tip, but those are the scans that are new on Emma’s official site. I will add them later, but I think it is good for people to view them there first.

  8. Just me says:

    I prefer emma with the long hair though.. 🙂

  9. Alyssa says:

    Cute pics.

  10. Roger says:

    Whoa! She makes up older a lot easier than she used to 😆 That woman could be 40. 😛

  11. Joyce says:

    Woah! Might be the coat, but they seriously went overboard with the padding 😛 Haha, can't wait to see how Emma does in her first after-Potter film. 🙂

  12. Lonely_Wolf says:

    Well , one thing i have to say. Emma is being manipulated , controlled by close people, i feel in a way that is destroying the original emma. Ohh what's that awful clothes… :- ?? @Roger , not even 40 , much older i would say..

  13. zchynard says:

    i almost missed her long hair. but i decided that if that's how her hair would look like, i think i prefer the pixie one. she's still beautiful though. A little bit older but still beautiful. 😉

  14. Jen says:

    @Lonely_Wolf – Uh… she's playing a character. Yes, she's being manipulated; she's acting as someone else! She's not Emma here. She's Lucy.

  15. Joyce says:

    @Lonely_Wolf Lol, she's a character 😛 She's not Emma. Shes Lucy 😉

  16. KS987 says:

    I'm excited that Emma has a new role!!! It's supposed to be a small role, but I'll take anything over nothing personally. 🙂 She looks beautiful as usual and the wig looks great on her.

  17. kwan says:

    she looks classic i love her 😛

  18. Esm says:

    I am so e-x-c-i-t-e-d! 😆

  19. Andy says:

    ya she looks reallllly old! looks like she just couldnt wait to put a wig on! probably misses what she looks like with hair like the rest of us do!

  20. Andy says:

    @cathe that quote from the mag where shes says she was obloged not to cut her hair or not to tan, first of all she has cut her hair and she dyed it pretty much blonde and she cant even tan if her life depended on it. not trying to diss emma i love her but facts are facts! im starting to get sick of her complaining about playing hermione. there are alot of sacrifices people need to make in there lives and hair isnt even worth complaining about.

  21. Jen says:

    @Andy – Just because she has complained about aspects of playing Hermione does not mean she hasn't loved it as well. She has. She loves playing Hermione. She just needs to explain to people why she's decided to cut her hair, because people won't leave her alone about it. It's just her expressing her freedom.

  22. Andy says:

    She could just say cause its because she always wanted to do it. all im saying is I think they were pretty flexible about giving her freedom with her hair in the books hermione has brown busgy hair in the movies hermione has sleek perfect golden curls. her hair just got more and more blonde as time went on.

  23. EmRocksSocks says:
