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About dating (2006): "People say to me, "Oh it must be so easy for you. They must be lining up for you." It's really not easy. It's really not. I suppose guys are either kind of intimidated by me and have their defenses up, or they like to take the piss out of me. (Long pause, then sighs) It's a minefield, to be quite honest with you. Really. Ugh. It's stressful. (...) I will just have to wait. Maybe someone will find me. We'll see."

Interview from Accion Cine-Video

We have a translation of Emma’s interview in Accion Cine-Video, thanksto Elizabeth.

How does this film compare to the others?It seems like there will be much more action in this one than in someof the previous ones.
Emma: It’s been veryintense. It’s been a difficult shoot, almost every scene has beendemanding in one way or another, whether it’s because of the action orbecause it involves a very intense moment on an emotional level. It’sbeen great because it’s really made me push myself to the limit and hasgiven me the opportunity to show what I can do, and I’ve truly enjoyedit.

What do you think are the three most memorable moments ofthese past ten years?
Emma: The Yule Ball inGoblet of Fire was impressive. I’ll always remember that, for thecostumes and the whole show. It’s a moment in Hermione’s life in whichshe breaks out of her shell and becomes a young woman. Another would beauditioning for the role of Hermione and being told that I had gottenthe part. We did a screening for the movie in Radio City Hall in NewYork, to which 5,000 people showed up, and I remember getting up onstage and just seeing everyone with flashes, that was the moment when Iknew how big and important the movies and what we’ve done are. I foundout how big everything was, so I remember that quite well. I mean,there are many moments to remember… those are justthree.

Youwere only ten years old or so when all of a sudden you became famous,and you’ve been famous since, but you seem to be well-grounded. Howhave you managed this?
Emma: I think thatcontinuing to assist school has helped a lot because I have a life andfriends outside the film industry, which is an industry where there isa lot of craziness, to be honest. [Laughs] And I don’t know, I guessit’s partly my education, partly my parents, and partly my personality.I don’t know, I think it’s been a good thing that we didn’t make thesefilms in Hollywood. We’ve made them in England, we’ve made them inWatford, at the Leavesdon Studios, and we’ve really been in our ownlittle bubble, so in a certain way we’ve had a very normal life, whichI think has helped.

Since you started college, coming from the world of cinema,do you think that the way you see yourself haschanged?
Emma: That’s really interesting. I guess, in acertain way, it gives you perspective on what you do, which helps.Sometimes when you’re in it, everything just seems like a blur, and tobe able to get away from it and look at it with a certain perspectivefrom a different, I feel more grounded and with a better perspective onmy own life. And yeah, it’s very good.

How is it living in the U.S.? What do youmiss from England?
Emma: As funny as this sounds, the weather. Imiss the gray skies sometimes. In America I feel like I have to bewearing sunglasses all the time. [Laughs]

And what do you like to do in your sparetime, when you’re not acting orstudying?
Emma: I like to watch movies, to read, to sleep.Sleep is great. [Laughs] I like to play sports, hang out with myfriends, go out to dinner. I love food and cooking.

What’s your culinaryspecialty?
Emma: Baked beans on toast. I’m very good atthat.

Is thata specialty?
Emma: No, not really. [Laughs] But myroasted/grilled peppers are quite good. What else can I make? Mymackerel pate is also quite good.

You’ve become a fashion icon. How wouldyou describe your fashion sense?
Emma: I think it’s verysimple. I’m not a big fan of jewelry or accessories. I think that’ssomething very French, actually. My French influence probably hassomething to do with it. It’s not all defined, I’m still experimenting,but I usually like something classic. I try not to pay attention totrends for the most part, but rather focus on what I like. I like toshow myself, instead of following trends too much, so I’m not a fashionvictim, to put it like that. I’m not a rock star, so I don’t try todress that way. I just simply choose for myself what makes me feelcomfortable.

When do you feel the mostpretty?
Emma: I feel prettier when I’m wearing somethingvery simple, that has a nice cut and seems sort of underestimated. Ithink that’s when I feel pretty.

Have you made any contributions to yourcostumes on Harry Potter?
Emma: Well, I get on greatwith the [costume director?], we have a very extensive relationship andwe both love fashion, so we work together. It’s a collaboration, andit’s very nice.

It must have been incredible for you that Burberry’s saleshave skyrocketed since you started working with them. How does thatmake you feel?
Emma: Yes! It’s a huge compliment! It’s amazing.To be honest, it’s been a big surprise. [Laughs] I’m very amazed thatthings have worked out that way.

You’ve been working with Dan Radcliffeand Rupert Grint for the past ten years. How have they changed overtime? What are the differences with respect to thepast?
Emma: Well, it’s funny because they’ve both gonein completely opposite directions. When we started, Rupert was veryopen, very talkative, sure of himself, whereas Dan was quiet, the shyguy. I remember the first press conference we did, he was overwhelmedby it all, and now they’ve both gone in opposite directions. [Laughs]Dan, you can’t make him be quiet, he just wants to talk about themovie, he has this incredible energy, he’s a big ball of… telling jokesall the time, he’s a very outgoing guy. Rupert has become really quiet.He’s much more reserved now, which is funny. Really they’ve gone fromone extreme to the other, I guess. But they are still both charming,and as people have not changed much, which isgood.

Talkingabout them again, what do they mean for you? Do you feel you arefriends, family almost?
Emma: I think we are like afamily, yes. I think we’re like brothers and sister.

How do you think Hermione has changed EmmaWatson?
Emma: I’m sure that she has, but I’m sure she’sdone it unconsciously. In fact, we’re so alike in reality thatsometimes it’s difficult to make out what she’s influenced in me andwhat I’ve influenced in her.

In this last film, you’re sort of thisheroine in action. What is the most difficult thing you’ve had todo?
Emma: There’s this really short scene in which Ihad to get on a broomstick. I had never done it before, and it’s souncomfortable, that I have no idea how Dan has been able to do it allthese years, no idea. I don’t know how anybody can do it, you end upsore. [Laughs] It’s the most painful and uncomfortable experience I’vehad, so probably that’s it. But I guess also a lot of the runningscenes, running from a snake or whatever, and I’ve learned throughoutfilming that I always give everything in the firsttake.

Were you nervous before the love scenewith Ron?
Emma: Yes, I was somewhat nervous. The thing isthat I think that David Heyman didn’t want us to be very nervous, so hetold us just one day in advance that we were going to be shooting it.He sort of just threw it at us, so we didn’t have much time to thinkabout it, which helped in a certain way, but also caused some panic.But I think it turned out alright in theend.

Now thatthe saga is finishing, how do you see your future as anactress?
Emma: I guess I just want to continue to makefilms that are on the same level and have the same quality as HarryPotter. They don’t have to have the same budget or the same number offans, but if I make them, I’d like to make films that have the samestandards, the same quality, and I think that in itself, that is a hugechallenge.

What kind of movies do you like towatch?
Emma: Well, the thing is that when I’m shooting,especially when I’ve been shooting these films, I find it emotionallydraining, so the last thing I want to do at the end of the day is to gohome and watch a movie that is emotionally and intellectuallydemanding. So when I like to relax, I watch Sex and the City, to bequite honest. [Laughs] Or romantic comedies, or Gossip Girl every oncein a while. I mean, I watch tons of movies and obviously I watchintellectually stimulating movies as well, but not all thetime.
You are a great role model for young girls. How do you feelabout that?
Emma: It’d be extremely flattering if I were. Idon’t think about it too much. I’m just being myself, and I’m beinghonest with myself, and if that’s something that people admire, thenit’s wonderful and flattering, but I’m not trying to consciously be arole model. 

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7 Responses to “Interview from Accion Cine-Video”

  1. Arianne says:

    I LOVE the video where she shows her purse. It's cute! and the pictures ares absoluterly stunning! Emma seems brilliants in these, even more in the interview!

  2. Matt says:

    Yowza, he legs look amazing…

  3. EmRocksSocks says:

    "It’d be extremely flattering if I were. I don’t think about it too much. I’m just being myself, and I’m being honest with myself, and if that’s something that people admire, then it’s wonderful and flattering, but I’m not trying to consciously be a role model." . . . and that's why she's such a wonderful role model. 😛

  4. KS987 says:

    Agreed, EmRocksSocks. However, some of the questions and answers to these questions sound almost exactly like the ones in the Elle Russia interview. I wonder if more than one interviewer was talking with her.

  5. Arthur says:

    Yeah, they have multiple interviews in one day one after the other, over the phone especially. I wouldn't doubt some interviewers are just listening in on another one at times 😆

  6. Allison says:

    She acts herself and people consider her a role model! It's like a secret, successful formula that works everytime 🙂

  7. team spirit says:

    "I feel prettier when I’m wearing something very simple,…" I think that´s true, also from outside 😉