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About not spending her money on fashion (2009):"I don't really buy designer stuff. I have a few nice things, but I don't really have the occasion to wear couture too often. When I'm in a situation where I do need to dress up, I'm typically lent something-which means I have to give it back at midnight, like Cinderella. "

More Deathly Hallows Clips and Behind-the-Scenes

Lots of videos coming out! **Warning – SPOILERS**

In this first one we see an extended clip of the fight between Harry and Ron, with Hermione trying to calm things down.

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Two videos with interviews, clips, and behind-the-scenes of the trio infiltrating the Ministry of Magic.

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And three videos of B roll footage with many behind-the-scenes clips.

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19 Responses to “More Deathly Hallows Clips and Behind-the-Scenes”

  1. Tia says:

    Good grief, what amazing videos we've got! What a treat! Thank you so much!

  2. denise says:

    the scene with Mr & Mrs Weasley dancing is HILARIOUS! never seen B rolls before. good stuff. 🙂

  3. Silly says:

    Happy with all the news bits there has been with Emma and HP. WooT!

  4. andrew says:

    A lot of new videos that I haven't seen before. Behind the scenes ones were really amazing.

  5. Cathe says:

    It's kinda funny…You know…They tell a spell and you expect a reaction …you know a BOOM…and nothing lol…I guess we'll just have to wait for a movie.

  6. coco says:

    yeaaaaaaaaah!! i'm soooooooo excited.. can wait for the movie to come out!!! :)) thanks for the vids hope you upload more 😉

  7. Window says:

    The lady in red…

  8. Courtney says:

    isnt the locket suppose to be in Grimauld place?

  9. Tia says:

    @Courtney, nope. Umbridge has the real one. Kreacher had it first though.

  10. jackie says:

    Emma's acting when she tried to take the necklace off of Rupert was really good. I am so excited to see this film!

  11. Mima says:

    jackie I agree, all three of their acting in the fight scene is phenomenal!

  12. K.Lo says:

    Ditto with you two above me! Emma, Dan, and Rupert's acting is phenom! Definitely looking forward to seeing this film! Almost in the single digit day countdown now!!! *Slinks over to ticket website to buy my pair of tickets, hoping they're not sold out* 😉 Wish me luck in obtaining them! lol. 😛

  13. Tia says:

    @K.Lo good luck! I got mine 3 weeks ago at my local theater. One for the midnight premiere showing, and one for the 12:50pm show the very next day! Lol I hear it's now sold out! So quickly too! On the 20th I'm going to WWOHP! I seriously cannot wait!

  14. Rachel says:

    I CAN'T WAIT! that scene in the tent was awesome I'm so excited 😆

  15. Celia says:

    I only watched the tent scene and OMG!!! The acting is brilliant!!!! I seriously teared up…. 😥

  16. K.Lo says:

    @Tia: Thanks! I didn't wind up buying them. The Midnight IMAX showing was sold out, so I'll be going in the morning on the 19th. I consider myself pretty reasonable fan, but not as hardcore as to by my ticket for the 3:45am showing. 😆 I'll be seeing this at least four times through–each time with different people. Really psyched.

  17. Niamh says:

    I know you've titled them as spoilers and I appreciate that, but to the people watching them; you're spoiling the film for yourself as you're watching clips from it, soon you won't need to watch the film because you'll know all it's contents from these clips. Yes I have read the book so I know what happens, but the films tend to be so much different, so surely if you're watching all these clips you'll be able to make a healthy comparison in say a few days?

  18. EmRocksSocks says:


  19. KS987 says:

    That was a great scene with some great acting by Emma, Dan, and Rupert. Thanks for that clip as well as the behind the scenes footage. Niamh, while they have shown a lot of the movie, there are still things that haven't been shown. I will say that I am surprised with how much they DO show, such as that Malfoy Manor clip.