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About JK Rowling and Hermione (2007): "JK Rowling based the character on herself, so obviously she will have had a very strong idea of how she would develop, but maybe I have played a small part in the way she is growing up. It would be very flattering if I had. But I think that naturally I am so like Hermione anyway. J K Rowling has been really lovely and very supportive of the films - she comes on set and she is in e-mail contact with a lot of us. She just said to me, "You are Hermione, you have completely become her," which was just so nice and so generous of her.'"

The Other Kiss

In summer of 2009, everyone was talking about the kiss between Emma and Rupert, portraying their characters Hermione and Ron. Now it’s time for everyone to talk about the Emma and Dan kiss. And they are. Emma mentions how every interviewer is asking about it. Here are a collection of videos on the subject. Dan does talk about his latest project Woman in Black in the E News video, and Emma talks about school and her latest projects in E News and memories and mementos in Access Hollywood.

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52 Responses to “The Other Kiss”

  1. Pauline says:

    Hey! Can someone refresh my memory! I don't remember when is it that Hermione and Harry kiss! πŸ˜• I'm pretty shocked and i would like to know when does this happen in the book!?! Love this website BTW

  2. laure says:

    i don't really know, and i keep wondering what this is all about…it's not in the books right? i thimk emma looks great with her new style, it just suits her so well…:)

  3. Kaliya says:

    I don't understand πŸ˜• someone can explain us ?

  4. Birgit says:

    when Ron destroy's the locket his greatest fear comes out of it, = HArry/Hermione kiss. I absolutely hΓ‘te the ship HArry/HErmione, I'm going to close my eyes very hard when I'm in the cinema..XD I wished they stoped talking about it.. Emma is a beast.. It was very pasionate.. Dan is sΓΊch a good kisser.. GOOOOD shut ΓΊp. Kill me..

  5. laura says:

    It's in the books. It's the scene where Ron battles the Locket with part of Voldemort's soul inside. The Locket creates scenes which taunts him with his deepest fears, one of which is that there is something going on between Harry and Hermione. The Locket creates a scene where an evil Harry and Hermione kiss to infuriate Ron.

  6. izhel. says:

    i think its a good news that both of them loved the kiss πŸ˜€ i'm going to look forward for that scene!..<3

  7. Sarah says:

    Well, Dan seemed to enjoy the kiss. Although Emma kept telling how weird and awkward it felt, given the fact that she sees all of them as brothers.

  8. Nicole Burchell says:

    I'm going to see Woman in Black in London this tuesday cannot wait! πŸ™‚ x

  9. Tia says:

    She is so much FUN! Gosh, I'm really enjoying watching all of these! Like, I can't wipe this grin off my face while I'm watching them! So precious!

  10. team spirit says:

    Em makes a very lively impression, it´s really fun to see that new videos πŸ˜‰

  11. Window says:

    I knew … πŸ™

  12. manisha says:

    i feel kinda bad for emma. they keep asking it in EVERY interview and she just has to keep repeating herself. that's all the press likes, they're not much interested in the story of movie..

  13. Window says:

    Why those dirty media men are just trying to enlarge the sensuality…? The event is just a little part of the story… Why should they release this news just some days before opening? …money!?? I broke inside… there is no emoticon here to show my feeling…the nearest like as always: πŸ˜₯

  14. sarah says:

    lol because of the fact that Dan seemed to enjoy the kiss, I think he might like Emma! πŸ˜‰ haha, I mean, he said he didn't find it awkward. And I remember when they asked him about his kiss with Bonnie a while back, he stated it was awkward. But he knew Emma longer than Bonnie and he's also much closer to Emma, but yet he said he didn't find it awkward to kiss her (in contrast to Emma who said that both her kisses with Dan and Rupert we awkward). Hmm, fishy fishy. Hehe πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

  15. fmp says:

    she said it was akward with dan but incest with rupert

  16. fmp says:

    I think that Emma has always been closer to Dan than Rupert so she felt a little bit more confortable with Dan anyway I can't wait for the kiss & dance cause no matter what the books & movies say, i'm a delusional H/Hr shipper & dan/emma shipper they would be great together

  17. andrew says:

    It was just a simple kiss between dan and emma, nothing more. Why did the media have to make such a big deal about? I don't understand.

  18. fmp says:

    because Andrew the media in my humble opinion are H/ Hr shippers because of how the movies are being made, so much attention on harry & hermoine. U have to agree that Ron has been portrayed as comic relief for the most part in the first 6 movies its wrong but we americans want their hero & heroine together and that is what harry & hermoine are

  19. andrew says:

    I think Harry and Hermione would have been made a good couple. Too bad that harry chose ginny over hermione. Oh well.

  20. Window says:

    Thank you india Thank you providence Thank you disillusionment Thank you nothingness Thank you clarity Thank you thank you silence…

  21. denise says:

    I'm not a shipper and I love Ron's character. Just not for Hermione. If I was Hermione, Harry would have been an easy choice. Maybe Jo Rowling can write another series? lol. πŸ˜›

  22. Lisa says:

    Well, thank god Emma thought it was weird! At least she can't imagine herself being with Dan or Ruper, since she said it would be lik incest and weird, lol! I do find it odd that Dan didn't really mind. Oh well.

  23. K.Lo says:

    Well, the media do like their stories. And anything that is near "scanadlous" they will report on, especially to make the money. It's a profit-driven world. As for myself, I have to admit that I am looking forward to the kiss and dance between Harry and Hermione. Yes, I am a "delusional" (I guess others would call it) H/Hr shipper. That's the way I roll, I guess. πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

  24. Silly says:

    So much good stuff is out! (Happy)

  25. Birgit says:

    I am probably the only one here, but I gelieve in the TRUE ship.Harry is sΓ³Γ³w wrong for Hermione. You can say that the hero gets the girl, but Harry doesn't wants HErmione. plus, Like Emma said, Harry is not the hero for Hermione.. ha! I think dan's awful for Emma.. HE's a funny guy and everything, but his ungly.. not understand me wrong, great bloke BUT… Not like she should get Rupert, definetely not. Ron is perfect for Hermione, there meant to be. I gelieve there love is tronger then Harry and Ginny's one. I hope the kiss will look like a nightmare, because it is.. REMEBER (everybody seems to forget it's not the REAL Hermione and HArry) it's i nightmare. Rons nightmare, because he LOVES HErmione, and Harry DOENSNT..

  26. Emily says:

    Dan+Emma=Love and I was lucky enough to see an advanced screening of the film tonight and let me tell you people: the H/Hr kiss is, as Dan described it, very full on and passionate! So true, he said that the Bonnie kiss was awkward and that is nothing, nothing compared to this kiss in terms of sensuality. I think he fancies Emma, =P, I don't blame him, she's absolutely gorgeous and has such a great personality! I, personally, hope they get together, I think they're perfect for each other and I think Emma has always had a bit of a soft spot for Daniel, =D.

  27. Phoenix says:

    it was one scene for the movie. nothing more or less it was something they had to do and they did it was it said in the script.. that's all folk.. i don't know why so many people makes it such a big deal really move on get over it… Jesus Christ.. -.-'

  28. K.Lo says:

    People can move on and get over it all they want. The fact of the matter is, it WILL keep people talking. As if they don't have anything to talk about. I don't really see any big deal about it, either, but to each his/her own, guess. -shrug-

  29. Cait says:

    Dont kill my guys, but i totally reckon she had chemistry with that interviewer for E News =)

  30. K.Lo says:

    People can move on and get over it all they want. The fact of the matter is, it WILL keep people talking. As if they don't have anything to talk about. I don't really see any big deal about it, either, but to each his/her own, guess. -shrug-

  31. K.Lo says:

    People can move on and get over it all they want. The fact of the matter is, it WILL keep people talking. As if they don't have anything to talk about. I don't really see any big deal about it, either, but to each his/her own, guess. -shrug-

  32. KS987 says:

    I'd love for Emma to pounce on me like an "animal". πŸ˜‰ She must have had a talk with Dan about that quote(hence why he is clarifying it in these interviews). πŸ˜› . And I will say I am one of the guys who thinks Emma looks beautiful with short hair. πŸ™‚

  33. steps says:

    i do see chemistry between dan and emma.. that's why i'm really looking forward on that scene! <3 πŸ˜›

  34. Phoenix says:

    what chemistry really? i cant see it no offense but i can't.. its a part of there roll nothing more or less.. when people say awkward it can also mean that the kiss was so bad they just use awkward. not to hurt peoples feeling i do that tbh. there is nothing more in to it at all.

  35. Rebecca says:

    I like the Ron/Hermione duo. I can see why J.K. put them together. They are very opposite in ways and thats why they attract each other. πŸ™‚

  36. steps says:

    @phoenix. honestly, i don't care if you didn't see that opinion is my opinion. πŸ˜›

  37. Phoenix says:

    @steps. True true, just saying my opinion as well πŸ™‚

  38. fmp says:

    some people see chemistry with dan/ emma & some people see it with rupert/ emma just like some of us are h/hr shippers & some are r/ hr the truth is we have to agree to disagree and move on, one thing we do agree with is we adore emma, dan & rupert

  39. Estelle says:

    For me I ship Ron/Hermione and it makes me ill to think Harry/Hermione I will feel so awkward seeing that kiss. BUT I can handle it I hope. They are just friends they remind of the FRIENDS cast the six kissed each other all the time and none of them are seeing each other in real life just close good friends same thing.

  40. Arthur says:

    I knew Daniel Radcliffe always liked Emma Watson (hell I do a hell of a lot, who doesn't!). He's always said how beautiful she is from way back and the earliest that I can remember is when describing that seeing her in a fancy dress in the ball scene in Goblet of Fire was nothing compared to seeing her all dolled up in premieres. He's a warm-blooded male for God Sake's people! Dan doesn't thing Emma as a sister like she does him and Ron, that is obvious. And that's why he absolutely loved the kiss, he would love to date her, trust me on that, I guarantee it! She says she thinks of Rupert and Dan as brothers but I think she could someday come to liking Dan at least more as in "boyfriend" material. It wouldn't surprise me too much if it happens n the future and I think they're great for one another.

  41. Fara says:

    I knew it! I knew Dan always liked Emma! I totally agree with @Arthur! I mean, he always says all that good things about her, it's like trying to impressed her or something. Even though Emma always said Dan is like a brother to her but i think deep inside, he may have liked Dan. I really wish i could see them toegther for real someday! Fingers crossed! Ohh and totally can't wait for the Harry and Hermione kiss part!! πŸ˜‰ I'm going to see it 2mrw!! the movie comes out on Nov 17th here!

  42. Arthur says:

    I can't wait either for the kiss and the dance with Hermoine and Harry. I also noticed that Emma said it was her favorite scene in the whole movie at the London premiere so that also hints to her liking of Dan in a way. And it's funny how David Yates makes scenes for them both in the movies that lets people believe they have a liking to each other.

  43. Fara says:

    Yeah,i can see that Emma does have feelings too towards Dan, it's just that she never show it. Yeah, it's funny, but i like it! Omg! I've already watch the movie and it was AWESOME, GREAT & EPIC!! I simply love the kissing and dancing part! They both look sweet together! And you know what, the kissing part between Harry and Hermione, they both look nude. I hope it's not real the nude looking… :/ But anyways, the movie, it was AMAZING! All the scenes in it are great, absoultely great! It made me heart attack, cried and everything! I loved it so much! πŸ™‚

  44. tanya21 says:

    wow… lol πŸ˜›

  45. Boris says:

    The Dan/Emma 'kiss' scene is a computer animation, if you still didn't get it. They just wanna get the media's attention. Just try watching the scene, and then watching the PC game trailer. You will get amused xD

  46. Boris says:

    About the nudity : it's all part of the animation, and actually that's the main argument for it not being real. Like hell, they'll never get Dan and Emma nude. It's like trying to convince a woman to not shave her legs. It's actually even more difficult! Try getting against a truck at the highroad. It's basically the same. You'll never make it, if you don't get my point.

  47. dook says:

    It’s not an animation. Dan was shirtless. Emma was wearing a strapless bra, so not really nude.

  48. Boris says:

    Never heard that version before. And it doesn't look like a strapless bra. It looks like no bra at all. And Dan is fully naked. Try watching the scene again. They kiss as much as I'm kissing a cactus. But still, saying that's not an animation, you could also say, that 'Polar express' is no animation. They never acted that scene, mate.