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Emma on Regis & Kelly

Emma appeared on the Regis & Kelly Show this morning. She talked about her hair, how she felt at the end of filming HP, and what she wants to do in the future. And of course Regis asked about her relationship with the boys again.

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29 Responses to “Emma on Regis & Kelly”

  1. wellies says:

    it's so nice to see her so relaxed! I enjoyed that interview much more than the Letterman show.

  2. Isabelle Louise says:

    so beautiful! unfortunately, though, I have to keep refreshing the page to load the video…

  3. Sarah says:

    Lol, I love the fact how easily she could joke about the question regarding if there would have been something between her and the guys. Joking away about getting married was brilliant! 😆

  4. trixie says:

    😆 She was just brillian in this one.

  5. Thessalie says:

    She is stunning ! I looooove the boots and the dress. (and the hair, more and more :D)Great ! And they are really nice people.

  6. Marja says:

    I just loved this interview with her! She seems so nice and comfortable. I can't wait too see this movie. 🙂 And I also laugh when she joked about the marriage with Rupert.

  7. Jaana says:

    Haha, a great interview this one! 😆 Emma seemed so much more relaxed with Regis and Kelly than she was on Letterman. The marriage joke was funny but I wonder why she immediately said it was Rupert who she's getting married with… 😉 Anyway, Emma's lovely and I absolutely adore that dress and the shoes!

  8. Efrat says:

    OK,that's it I just decided i'm gonna go next time to their show from Israel just this see the interview,they crack me off my chair everytime!!!

  9. Sarah says:

    @Jaana: Well obviously because of the fact that Hermione and Ron get together and that is why she brought up Rupert.

  10. tess says:

    I love it! She's amazing! About that hetting married with.. really fantastic. And I love the dress!

  11. Estelle says:

    Nice interview I knew Regis would ask her that every year she says as a joke being married to Rupert! I had the same thought I wanted her to do that just say yes fine we're in love Thank you Emma! I'm used to her hair when she talks and laughs you hardly notice it she's just Emma gorgeous woman I love her sense of humor. God I hope Its the last time Regis asks her that question maybe in Part 2 interview he'll ask how's her married life? 😆

  12. Tia says:

    I love this! Am I wrong, is her necklace a snitch?

  13. Tia says:

    "Ok, fine we're getting married." hahahahhahaha favorite!

  14. laure says:

    come on guys her hair looks great! i love how modest she is

  15. sarah says:

    I agree with the fact that she looks like a youger version of Julie Andrews! I had the same idea a while ago.

  16. Celia says:

    Fantastic interview! Absolutely hilarious. She's so charming and looks really good in green! 😆

  17. K.Lo says:

    I LOVE Regis and Kelly's interview with Emma. And I'm starting to really love Emma's hair more and more. It suits her very well. I laughed so hard at Regis's crush question and Emma's response: "Okay, fine, we're getting married. -puts ring on other finger- There. We're going to have ginger-haired kids…" Best. Response. Ever? I think so. 😆 😉

  18. KS987 says:

    Another great interview with Emma. I loved how she said she felt like she was dying the way people were talking about the end of Harry Potter. 😛 And of course Regis asked again. I think that by now it's just out of habit more than anything else. I wonder if he is going to keep doing that when Emma appears on the show promoting something other than Harry Potter long after HP is done.

  19. team spirit says:

    nearly as good as the video from the Letterman Show 😉

  20. Emily says:

    @KS987: He had better! Lol. Though by that time I'm predicting she and Dan actually will be married (or at least dating)! =P

  21. ~Roni~ says:

    "And of course Regis asked about her relationship with the boys again." LOL so obvious 😛

  22. Roger says:

    Cute. Better than the Letterman interview, imho. I wonder how old REgis actually is…he must be at least 80. Seems like he's been around forever. She's very comfortable with him though, much more than with Letterman, who is a smart alec a lot of the time.

  23. ana says:

    You are so cute!! I really love your voice too

  24. wiildflower says:

    I love the "ts" she is doing after almost every sentence. 😉

  25. Marie says:

    It was so cute! it felt like emma had grown up talking to them, she was so relaxed… I love when she says 'Regis, you've asked me the same question every time i came' she is very funny in these interviews

  26. Truth says:

    From this Rupert married jokes,you immediately think Dan and Emma will be married (or at least dating)?:-o.I'm not a shipper but… SERIOUSLY. *headdesk*. Sidenote : look at Dan and Emma height difference,meh..she can smack him down lol,no offense.

  27. Lola says:

    I've always enjoyed the regis and kelly interviews the most I guess. She seems so comfortable there all the time. And i've just seen the movie and I cannot wait to see it again it was absolutly mind blowing 😀 my favorite yet

  28. Page says:

    "This is from The Grint…come on." 😆

  29. hamid says:

    ijust say em is amzing acter just it 🙂