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About fame (2007): Fame happened when I was so young but I don't find it difficult to have a nice ordinary life. People who try to hide from fame can make it go completely the wrong way. All those huge designer shades make them look like bugs. And walking around with bodyguards draws more attention to you. I think the best way to live is to try and live as normal as possible."

Scans and More Scans

We’ve got a huge update with scans for you today, featuring new images of Emma.

The Italian weekly magazine Tu Style featured Emma in a cover story, with a new picture. Credit: Emma Watson Italia

Emma also covered Stylist magazine in the UK.

And the new pics in higher resolution.

Women’s Wear Daily has an interesting interview and a few new pictures.

TV Star from Czech Republic, thanks to Vitek.

Teneckon from the Ukraine thanks to Sunkuita. (Sorry, can’t type in the right characters).

Galaxie from Malaysia has some new shots, thanks to Fara.

Isabelle sent us a clipping from a Brazilian newspaper, with a translation.

‘It’s a new stage in my life’

She has a timid way of behaving. Sometimes she lowers her gaze in the middle of the interview. But she seems to know that, if she wants, she can become a movie star for the grown ups audience too. Below there’s a part of the interview we did with Emma Watson, 20, with a new look.

Folhapress – How was it to say goodbye to Harry Potter team?
Emma – A lot of tears. Actually, I don’t know when the tears will stop.
Will you keep in touch with your friends from the cast?
Yes, of course. They are like the keys for all these memories.
What about this new hairdo?
I have a feeling of freedom. It represents a new stage in my life. I’m leaving that character behind.
How is your life in the US?
Metaphorically, it seems I have more space. I’m not a celebrity, I’m timid and I’m loving to be anonymous again.
How do people treats your in the university? The boys ask you out?
(laughs) Ocasionally.
And you say yes?
Well, I’m not seeing anyone right now.
Many tabloids in UK talk about boyfriends…
Most of the time they are wrong.
You are an actress since you were 9. If you could, what would you change?
I would dedicate more time for myself. I have always been worried about pleasing my parents, the teachers and the fans.

(in green) “I have always been worried about pleasing my parents, the teachers and the fans.”

More new images on the cover of Tele Nedelya of the Ukraine, thanks to Yaroslav, and the cover of Hitkrant.

Fotogramas from Spain…

…Blow Up and Weekend Commersant from Russia feature articles on Deathly Hallows, thanks to Elmira.

Comments closed for this item.

18 Responses to “Scans and More Scans”

  1. helen2U says:

    thanks maria, lovely pics, and the rest of this AMAZING post

  2. Window says:

    Time 10 Qs video :,32068,677752452001_2032147,00.html Time 10 Qs:,9171,2032143,00.html?xid=rss-10questions&u tm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_ca mpaign=Feed%3A+time%2F10questions+%28TIME%3A +10+Questions%29

  3. Lindy says:

    wow, Emma has really grown to be a beautiful woman. she looks stunning in all these scans! thanks for sharing.

  4. andrew says:

    What a treat. I loved the little interview of emma and the scans were great.

  5. Amandah says:

    Great pics! emma watsons performace in deathly hallows part 1 was beyond fab! she stole the movie this time she really did. she made it clear hermione is kick ass not ur typical girl sidekick! usually I think her eyebrow acting is a little to crazy but this time she learned how to work it. she also didnt make hermione seem like she was on pms all the time like she did in the past. shes hit a whole new level of fab! shes amazing!

  6. andrew says:

    Can't wait to see the calendars from the december competition. 🙂

  7. jenn says:

    yes great scans, thanks especially the second pic of Teneckon, love emma shoes there, makes her beautiful feet so glamorous and cute at the same time!!!! love them

  8. xxx says:

    As a huge Harry Potter fan, i was very disappointed in the movie. I read the book and found that the movie was pretty different. They changed the whol part with the departing of the Dursleys which was really disappointing to me. They also missed several little parts for example, when the goblins tell Dean and Mr.Tonks about how they made a fake sword. Overall, very disappointing and i give this movie a C-. 😥

  9. EmRocksSocks says:

    As a huge and longtime Harry Potter fan, I couldn't be more delighted with the movie. 😆 Oh, and thanks for all the scans.

  10. Victoria says:

    She looks amazing in the Stylist magazine!

  11. team spirit says:

    I love the "Stylist-pics" 😉

  12. S says:

    Emma also appears in a norwegian magzine this month called "Det Nye". They talk about Emma as a the new style icon 🙂

  13. dook says:

    @S, we have scans from Det Nye posted on the 14th.

  14. KS987 says:

    Sexy Emma overload. *faints* Emma's been saying for years that she doesn't have a definite career path, so it's a bit confusing as to why people still expect her to have everything planned out. She is a smart girl with numerous interests and opportunities, so obviously she is going to want to explore her options.

  15. amirhh says:

    hi. thank you. im amirhh of iran. ilove emma.emma is a beautiful girl. 😛 🙂