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About what she likes to wear (2004): "I am more of a jeans and T-shirt girl, really."

This and That

New Photo

Buzz magazine, the TV guide pullout from the Sun, had a new photo of Emma and interview. Emma talks about her favorites scene from all the movies, her music likes, her worst habit, and more. Thanks to Dazza on the forums for the scans. We also have a clear photo of the cover image, but only MQ.

Pictures of a Young Hermione in DH are Emma

In an interview in the Examiner, Emma talks about the pictures of a young Hermione in the scene where she is at home with her parents. Thanks to Paris for the tip.

When you see Hermione’s baby pictures in the scene, were those really your own baby pictures?

They were actually my baby pictures. There’s one with me with my favorite thing. I had this towel with bunny rabbit ears on it, and there’s a picture of that. I didn’t know which ones they were going to use. They just asked my dad if they could have some pictures of me when I was a kid and he handed some over. It’s weird to see those real pictures meshed in with these fake parents.

My Week with Maryilyn

A new photo of Emma in costume for My Week with Marilyn came out recently. Emma revealed during the DH press junket that she already finished her scenes in the movie, so we might not see any more until the film comes out.

Fan Photos

Victoria was at the London premiere and got this nice closeup shot of Emma signing for the fans.  Emma has such a nice smile.

Emma’s Hairstyles, Past and Present is running a poll where you can vote for your favorite hairstyles of Emma over the years. I think she looks good in all of them, and it shows how many “looks” she can have.

Burberry Bespoke Trench

Emma was seen recently in a new Burberry trench coat. @EmWatson tweeted, “That’s London done, now off to New York! Wearing my favourite trench that Christopher Bailey @Burberry designed for me. Love it!x” The coat was a gift to Emma for the premiere from Christopher Bailey of Burberry, and is the first appearance of the new Burberry Bespoke collection. Thanks to Hemma for the tip.

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9 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Courtney says:

    whats emma carrying in the heathrow shot. it looks like a vilon case or something. does she play an instrument? 😕

  2. Courtney says:

    violin case is what i meant 😆

  3. EmRocksSocks says:

    What is up with the fellas around her? Must be her intense beauty scaring them off. I know I'd probably lose the nerve to ask her out if I ever had the opportunity. 😛

  4. Amandah says:

    Why does she wish she was taller shes not small or anything. shes right in bewtween really! 5'6 is a great height. id love to be that height im only 5'3

  5. team spirit says:

    Cool voting on!!! 🙂

  6. K.Lo says:

    @Amandah: I'm. 5'3" as well, and I do find myself wishing I was taller. 🙂 @Courtney: which Heathrow shot are you talking about? I don't see one, unless I clicked on the wrong link.

  7. K.Lo says:

    Oh, nevermind. I saw the Heathrow photo. That Bespoke Burberry trench coat is to die for! She looks great in it. As for the case that she's carrying, that can't be a violin. My first instrument was a violin and a violin case a little more compact. That case in the photo is a little too long to be a violin case. I mean, of course, you don't get a good angle in the photo to see what it is. I would suggest a guitar, mandolin, or perhaps a viola. Never knew she played an instrument. Though I did read somewhere that she wanted to learn to play the mandolin (again, not to sure if this is true). I can't imagine how she has the time…but she seems to work it well.

  8. Courtney says:

    @K.Lo its the link in the burberry trench articale on here

  9. KS987 says:

    EmRocksSocks, I'd probably be nervous if I saw Emma in person. But I would definitely take the opportunity to ask her out, since something like that may probably not come up again. Nice to get another pic from My Week With Marilyn. She looks beautiful in her costume. I wish we got more but I guess we'll have to wait until the movie comes out. She already said that those were pictures of her, but not that she didn't know which ones they were going to use. It doesn't seem like she was TOO embarassed by the choices, so that's good. 😛 Congrats to Victoria for being able to see Emma up close and thanks for sending the picture.