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December Calendar and Emma’s Christmas Message

Our winner for the December calendar competition is Carina.

Once again it was a very close vote. Honorable mentions go to Jia, Lita, Aimuni, H Ibrahim, Penelope, Jia again, kyrethka and Sha. Thank you to all who entered and thank you everyone for taking the time to vote.

All the entries can be seen here.

  Emma has updated her facebook and official website with a Christmas message to her fans and a video greeting.

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40 Responses to “December Calendar and Emma’s Christmas Message”

  1. team spirit says:


  2. andrew says:

    What a cute message emma has given us. Congratulations to the winner of the december calendar vote.

  3. team spirit says:

    Yes, of course – but I didn´t expect that one to be No1 πŸ˜‰

  4. Jia says:

    WOW!!! 2 Honorable Mentions for me!!!! πŸ˜† thanx to all who voted πŸ™‚ and congrats to the winner and other HMs..

  5. Penelope says:

    OMG! Thank you so much to all, who voted for my calendar πŸ™‚

  6. Carina says:

    Wow, I didn't expect to win this competition as there were so many great entries!! Thank you so much for everyone who has voted for my calendar πŸ˜‰ <3 Congrats for all honourable mentions, some of my favourites are included, very nice works <3

  7. Tia says:

    She is too cute! Love the video! Contests calendar winner!! All of them were gorgeous!

  8. Maria-Danna-Fred says:

    Why you didn't post my scan??

  9. K.Lo says:

    These graphic calendars are great! Good job to those who worked on them! I wish I still did graphic designing. It would take me a while to make something like those stunning calendars, though. Awesome! πŸ˜‰

  10. dook says:

    Maria, I’ll be catching up with other news soon.

  11. Maria-Danna-Fred says:

    ok, thanks πŸ™‚

  12. Lita says:

    Yay! mine is honorable mentions! πŸ˜› thnx who voted! congrats to the winner! I liked that calendar also πŸ˜‰ I loved Emma's message also! cuteee! πŸ™‚

  13. Cathe says:

    Awesome job Carina. I love the vintage colours! Sweet message from Emma as always. Hope she's doing great.:)

  14. Lita says:

    Yay! mine is honorable mentions! πŸ˜› thnx who voted! congrats to the winner! I liked that calendar also πŸ˜‰ I loved Emma's message also! cuteee! πŸ™‚

  15. KS987 says:

    I love how Emma takes the time to send us a Christmas message every year. πŸ™‚ Adorable video and she's as beautiful as ever. I love it when she blows kisses. It just makes me want to give her a real one in return. πŸ˜‰ 2010 was a huge year for Emma and I hope 2011 is the same. πŸ™‚ Congrats to Carina.

  16. Valentina says:

    Congrats,I really like the winning calendar! And Emma is so sweet,I'm just sad the card lasts only 11sec πŸ™ well better sth than nothing πŸ˜‰

  17. tree says:

    Congratulations to all! πŸ˜†

  18. andrew says:

    I love potd.

  19. Britishemmafan says:

    Carina, I didn't get a chance to vote; I didn't have time, but yours was sincerely my favorite. I love all of them actually.

  20. Soff says:

    Please everyone, if you have time remember to vote for Emma for the People's Choice Awards…it will only take you 1 minute and she is worth it πŸ™‚ I loved the winning callendar! Congratulations Carina and everyone who participated, i really loved many of them And you are right Emma is sooo cute sending a video!

  21. emlover says:

    how sweet she is ??? big kiss for you emma πŸ™‚

  22. Ryan says:

    What photoshoot is the first honorable mention from, the one with Emma on the right and left with the hat? She looks incredible in that shoot

  23. em says:

    MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone.congrats 2 d winner

  24. kyrethka says:

    Thank u all! πŸ™‚ Great job, Carina πŸ™‚ πŸ˜‰

  25. Alyssa says:

    Emma is so sweet. I hope she has a great Christmas. πŸ™‚ Congratulations Carina.

  26. jackie says:

    OMG! I love the new pics in Emma's website!!! Soooo pretty!! I miss her long hair! But she's also very pretty with the short hair.

  27. kwan says:

    she's so lovely πŸ˜›

  28. Window says:

    Snow is falling… ♥…

  29. Jia says:

    Ryan, the pictures I used are from Andrea Carter-Bowman photoshoot.. the pictures are available at Emma's official website..

  30. Kaytie says:

    I think that Tree's first one should have at least been an honorable mention…

  31. tree says:

    πŸ™‚ Thank you! Clearly, I still have to work on my calendar-creating skills.

  32. fallen says:

    Jia, on your first wall with honorable mention, where did you get those pics of emma? thanks πŸ˜‰

  33. Jia says:

    Fallen, I already mentioned that where did I get those pics.. plz check the last 4 comments.. πŸ˜› these pic are available at Emma's official website..

  34. Victoria says:

    Ola!,ema!!! eu sou brazileira e Γ¨ logico que vocΓͺ nΓ£o estΓ  me entendendo mas eu adorei seu webisit!!! e comtinue assim adoro os filmes que vocΓͺ faz!.Para mim vocΓͺ sempre vai ser a ermione e comcordo que vocÊ queira leva o vira tempo para casa quando acabar o filme.POrque para mim foi a principal peΓ§a!!!adorei o vira tempo no filme!.Justamente que de todos o melhor filme que eu acho foi a camera secreta e o prisioneiro de askaban!!! Te adoro muiiito!!!!!!!!! beijos victoria- 12 anos- Brasil- Fortaleza- cearΓ 

  35. coco says:

    Emma collaborates with Alberta Ferretti! – If you visit alberta ferretti site, you can see more but you have to fill name email etc

  36. Esm says:

    Wow! I love this calendar, it was one of my choices. Congrats! And Em's Christmas message is so lovely. πŸ˜†

  37. EmRocksSocks says:


  38. Nicole Burchell says:

    well done to Lita and Kyrethka i thought yours were very suitable for the chrismas holiday,very creative ,well done to the winner and Happy Christmas πŸ™‚

  39. Estelle says:

    Marry Christmas to you too Emma! Have a happy holidays love you xoxo πŸ™‚

  40. Ariana says:

    Jia, what photoshoot are your pics from your calendar from??? I really like those pics