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About Paris (2007): "I went over to Paris to sort out the clothes for this junket and I have a great nostalgia for it. I really love it. It feels a bit like home."

This and That

Editors at Reuters have selected a photo of Emma from the London premiere of Deathly Hallows as one of their Pictures of the Year for 2010.

100 Most Beautiful Faces

Emma is #2 on The Annual Independent Critics List of the 100 Most Beautiful Famous Faces. Ranked #54 in 2006, Emma has since gone to 30 – 27 – 12 and now 2. Thanks to Dannl for the tip.


Kamarat from Slovakia, thanks to Emmush.

Bravo from Bulgaria, thanks to Maria.

Mir Fantastiki from Russia, thanks to Elmira.

Fan Photos

Tamsin sent us photos she took of Emma at the London premiere.

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35 Responses to “This and That”

  1. Elodie says:

    i'm on the photos!!! thank you!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. Rob says:

    I honestly dont think she deserves to be number 2. maybe in the mid. I def dont think she can pull off the hair cutt either.

  3. Rob says:

    bleh the reality, def wouldnt look twice. she doesnt look like a man more like an 8 yesr old boy especially without makeup and photoshop. i know girls from my school who can rock the sweat pants and no makeup better than this overrated chick can. on-15880903-1706-2560.jpg

  4. Esm says:

    Wow! 2th. I think she deserves this, she is extremely beautiful and kind woman. Happy for her!

  5. Hira says:

    WOW 2nd! 🙂 Who tops the list by the way? l LUV EMMA! 🙂 🙂

  6. Valentina says:

    Wow she deserves every award for beauty! An the picture really is awesome! 😉

  7. Cathe says:

    Awesome 🙂

  8. Denise says:

    I can't believe I got left off the list again! 😛 😛 😛

  9. Glenn says:

    WOW no. 2! 🙂

  10. Tia says:

    2nd place! Awesome! I am so pleased! Gosh, that probably buts a humble smile on her most gorgeous face! 😀 Great update!

  11. Lita says:

    Emma is so beautiful!

  12. meandme says:

    @Rob: I will never get why weirdos like you go to fansites if they think the person is overrated. Use your time better. Just a recommendation. Oh and in case you didn't notice…beauty has always been and will always be in the eyes of the beholder. 😉

  13. team spirit says:

    2011 No 1!!! Fingers crossed 😉

  14. Dannl says:

    I sent the tip . I have followed Emma for her entire career . The TC Candler Independent Critics web site has been around a very long time . It is very well thought of and is real true honor to even be on this list . Congrats to Emma . She is a true beauty in and out .

  15. Luis says:

    Fingers crossed, team spirit 😉 She really deserves it 🙂

  16. Fonty says:

    Editors at Reuters have very good taste.

  17. nadoo says:

    i think she truly deserves it cuz em has got special kind of beauty…with or wizout make up the features of her face show deep innocence nd beauty just stare 4 along time in her eyes or smile

  18. manisha says:

    54 to 2 is a huge achievement!

  19. andrew says:

    I hope she becomes number one on the list in the near future. Thank you for the scans and the fan photos. I enjoyed looking at them.

  20. Charles S says:

    I like the picture of the year. Maybe we could have something like that here? Say, list the top photos from each year since 2000 of Emma, maybe people could vote their favourite? Then we could have a page showing Emma's best photos showing her progression. Something like that would be good. (and another more minor, but slightly relevant point that's been annoying me; how do you pronounce Reuters? Is it rooters, or royters?)

  21. Emily96 says:

    Vote Emma Watson for Celebrity of the YEAR! d.html She's in the 18th poll. 🙂

  22. Emily96 says:

    The link will not work….try copying and pasting it.

  23. tree says:


  24. KS987 says:

    Emma should be Number 1. Just looking at her face makes me kiss my computer screen. Hopefully they come to their senses next year. Thank you for the pictures Tamsin.

  25. Window says:

    She is No.1 And my mathematics has only one number… 🙂 @KS987: hey! please control yourself 😕

  26. Thessalie says:

    Well, for sure Emma has a natural beauty that her hair didn't damage. Hower : 1.. I personnaly find stupid to class beauties, because it all depends on the picture, it all depends on the mood, etc. Every one has bad days and very beautiful days. 2.. Emma deserves to be recongize for her intelligence, talent and beauty, however is she the 2nd most beautiful actress ? I'm not sure. I think she is very pretty, but somehow has more charm than clear and unconditional beauty.

  27. EmRocksSocks says:

    She's definitely the owner of one the most enchantingly beautiful faces I've ever seen. That's for sure. ^_^ @Rob: Troll harder.

  28. Window says:

    Yes,her beauty in face is not everything about her…

  29. Cathe says:

    Everyone seems to be inspired by Harry Potter.:smile: I could not NOT send this fantastic post. Really creative. It's someone's visual interpretation of the book!

  30. Tia says:

    She has updated her FB and Twitter! 😀

  31. manisha says:

    Emma is My Week in Marilyn! 🙂 cter-from-my-week-with-marilyn-78284/

  32. Chelsea says:

    Here is a higher quality version of the photo from MWWM:

  33. Fab says:

    @Rob Are you serious? Why are you on her fansite if you don't even like her. You may not think she's that beautiful, but we and lots of people do. What a waste of your pointless time.

  34. a poor man?!! says:

    hello, nice photo! I do not know but I've seen a lot of positive koment on em .. written! I have no word for sea em .. I have to say it is no more .. 1, I have not had many interesting early to know about lady of course I had Interese yet was so little time! months and I have a thing about em .. and is seen in front of me .. Erlich nr 1 and nr will always be .. 1! em .. I think no one who loves you much, he must be happy but that also means in front of you whom do you find a good young life before yours?! you're sweet oan idol and always you stay in heart! a person loves you much I know not who he is?! and I think you'll soon meet in! great with a warm greeting! I wish for you a good night! bye em .. i l y sleep well!

  35. Ata says:

    I think she’s nice. and I mean with this kind of hair cut, her usual style on Harry Potters was so spoony, BUT now it’s quite different and makes me to have a new view on her.