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About England (2004): "I'm going to New York for the American premiere but I wouldn't want to leave England. I'm quite patriotic."

Scan Update

Lots of scans for you today!

Jolie from Germany had an article about Emma. We’ve posted the cover before but we now have it larger, and scans of the article. They talk about her future and 8 things we don’t know. Thanks to Nelli for the scans.

The November Glanc from the Czech Republic has an article about Emma. Thanks to Vitek for the scans.

From Japan, the magazine AnAn had a black and white photo of Emma that looks new. Thanks to BoMa for sending it in.
Spray magazine from Italy has a feature on Alberta Ferretti and mentions Emma. Thanks to Elmira.

The Spanish QMD has an article on Emma, thanks to Maria.

An article about Emma and HP in Serial from the Ukraine, thanks to Svetlana.

Cinefilia had an article on Harry Potter in the November issue. Thanks to Elmira for the scans.

Emma was also in the Romanian issue of Marie Claire. Thanks to Alina for the scans, and scans of Nopti si Zile.

And finally, the December issue of Marie Claire is available for the first time as an iPad app, and features a moving cover with Emma. Not really a scan, but it is a magazine.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Comments closed for this item.

37 Responses to “Scan Update”

  1. Valentina says:

    Nice scans,thank you! and I like the video too ofc 🙂

  2. Benny says:

    Could someone post the downloadable verison of the video please

  3. Charles says:

    Can anyone translate the '8 things we don't know'? Mein Deutsch ist nicht so gut!

  4. Cael says:

    The moving cover for the iPad app is really Harry Potter-esque (you know, moving pictures and all). I can get kinda creepy after a while but it's still pretty cool! Too bad I can't read any of the articles though… 🙁

  5. Arou says:

    I find it very Harry Potter-esque as Cael SAys! It's like the moving pictures in Harry potter… Getting closer to the magic world by using technology every day… (thinking about the invisible thing their invented while ago… :P)

  6. fmp says:

    does any body know who dan is kissing

  7. Marie says:

    Cael and Aron, i thought exactly the same! when i first saw it i thought WOW Emma is moving!

  8. Unseeing Eye says:

    I love that moving magazine cover.

  9. Estelle says:

    That video is kinda creepy like she's looking at you and about to tell you something. It is like Harry Potter oh well she's hot worth it.

  10. Benny says:

    Estelle, I thought the same thing

  11. Efrat says:

    hahah the moving cover is such a harry potter thing.

  12. EmRocksSocks says:

    The moving cover is. . . well, what they said above — it's eerie but pretty damn cool at once. 😛 I like the way Emma stares at me. >___>

  13. KS987 says:

    The "living" cover with Emma is amazing. I love her "playfully yet mischievously flirting" look when she does photoshoots, and I love it even more in motion. She just puts me in a trance. 😛 . Her beauty can not be described properly in words. The Alberta Ferretti scan doesn't appear when I click on it, just an X.

  14. HermioneP. says:

    The cover is kinda creepy. But I guess a year from now we'll be used to those. JKR predicted the future when she started writing about moving pictures in the '90s!

  15. Jan(a) says:

    55 seconds pure smiling… 🙂

  16. Jan(a) says:

    @ Charles I´m from Germany, the '8 things we don't know' include nothing really new. 😉

  17. dook says:

    The Spray scan works for me.

  18. Tia says:

    The video startled when I saw her moving and blinking! But it's really cool!

  19. fishyblubb says:

    "the 8 things we don't know " 1.She loves her new Haircut and she wanted to do this since she was 16. 2. She played in the music video "Say you don't want it" by One night Only 3. "Notting Hill" is her favourite movie. She loves Julia Roberts. 4. She has over 20 Bibles in her Room, all from her Fans who wanted to give her a guideline for life. 5. She never sampled tea or coffee. She likes Hot chocolate. 6. Her worst mark was a 2 7. She doesn't like friendship books. She won a poem contest when she was 7 8. She designs for the Fair-Trade-Label "People Tree"

  20. Em says:

    Mmm, anyone know what that Ukraine article says? Lol, it looks heavily laden with Dan and Emma romance and has got me quite interested! haha. =D

  21. Lux88 says:

    To German fans: If her worst mark was a 2, that means her worst mark was a B, right? or a A-?

  22. fishyblubb says:

    u r right her worst mark was a B !

  23. Princetongirl818 says:

    😛 😛 😛

  24. tree says:

    It's very Potter-esk isn't it with the whole moving thing.. a bit weird if you ask me. :|

  25. Ò says:

    As far I can understand mark "A" stands for "excellent" mark, "B" for "good", "C" for "satisfactory" and "D" for "unsatisfactory". And "2" means "unsatisfactory"

  26. dook says:

    In the German system, 1 is very good or excellent, 2 is good, etc.

  27. EDUARDWG says:

    They should put GIF images as well as this video. 🙂

  28. rupertfan13 says:

    the "Spray" link isn't working

  29. dook says:

    Ok, the Spray scan should work now. Apparently there was an error in the file that stopped certain browsers from displaying the image.

  30. cemal says:


  31. fleur weasley says:

    is she posing for a photo?

  32. Anonymous says:

    Я кохаю тебе Эмма Уотсон
    Я люблю тебя Эмма Уотсон
    I love you Emma Watson.

  33. Fernando says:

    Can’t Take My Eyes Off You!!!