Image Map
About what she spends her money on (2009):"My brother would love it if I got a Lamborghini, but I won't and he's sad about it. I don't feel like investing right now. I just want to do what my friends do and a lot of people who I know don't have that amount of money to spend. I want to do what they do. Go to the movies, eat some place. I live a very normal life. I just got a laptop and it's the most expensive thing I ever bought. Oh, and I got a car, a Toyota Prius."

Staff Positions Open

So, it’s a new year. Time to look at what you’ve done in the past year. Take pride in accomplishments and learn from failures. Time to think about how you can make the next year better.

I am biased of course but I think is a great site with a great group of fans, but I also know it can be better. There are a number of things I hoped to do this past year but there was never enough time. I have plans for this year thatΒ  I know will never get done unless we have more help. And so, we are looking for people to join the team.

First up, we are looking for one or more newsposters. Applicants should be good at finding news. They should be able to communicate reasonably well in English and have good writing skills. Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS would be a bonus, as would experience with wordpress, but not required. If you are interested, send an email to telling us a bit about yourself including age, country, why you want to join and if you have worked on other websites or write an example news post if you haven’t. Also include other skills you think might be useful for the site, such as other languages, good at graphics, website design, other experience at writing, etc.

We are also interested in individuals who can help us build up our image gallery. Send an email to if you think you can help.

Finally, if you have ideas of other ways you could help the site, send us an email to that same address and tell us about your idea and some information about yourself.

All positions at are volunteer. Please don’t apply unless you have time to contribute to the site.

Comments closed for this item.

12 Responses to “Staff Positions Open”

  1. andrew says:

    This is awesome. I can’t wait to see who the new staff is the webmaster going to choose. πŸ™‚

  2. KS987 says:

    Thank you for letting us know. Is there a deadline to send applications?

  3. Valentina says:

    Wow,this is unexpected,I would apply,but I think I don’t have the time or the skills to concentrate on this πŸ™

  4. Isabelle Louise says:

    Well, I have time, I speak, read and write in English very well, I also speak and write a bit of French, but I don’t think I have skills such as being good at finding news or HTML, or anything…

  5. helen2U says:

    coool, I cant wait to send an application for helping out the image gallery.

  6. Emily says:

    I’m so going to apply. I’ve been waiting for you to open up applications for a very long time, I’ve had previous experience in running a fansite for Emma Watson, so I’m up for it. I know the skills, html, css, grahphics etc..

  7. Emily96 says:

    I’ve been going to this website since the GOF era. It’s a great site & by far the best Emma Watson website online πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! πŸ˜€

  8. Alex says:

    Wow!! Can’t wait for the new staff to spice up some news for the fans!! πŸ˜€ Anyways, I CAN’T WAIT FOR THE RESULTS FOR THE PEOPLE’S CHOICE AWARDS TONIGHT!! Hope Emma will win this time!! She’s amazing! πŸ™‚

  9. nandos says:

    if youre looking to improve it you should post candids

  10. EmRocksSocks says:

    Ah, I’d love to do this, but I’m too big a slacker. >_<

  11. dook says:

    About html, css, etc. Don’t worry if you don’t know them. Writing is more important.

    KS987, no, there is no deadline. I may just keep applications open.

    Emily, if you sent an application, I haven’t seen it. Unless you were using a different name.

    nandos, candids would not be an improvement to an Emma Watson fan site.

  12. UnNamed says:

    Too bad that i dont have enough time :/ i fit all the positions πŸ™