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About performing (2004): "I love acting, I love singing, I love dancing. There are so many different aspects to the film world that, hopefully, I will end up in some area of it."

People’s Choice Awards 2011

The People’s Choice Awards airs tonight on CBS at 9/8C. Emma is nominated in the Favorite Movie Star Under 25 category. Good luck, Emma!

I haven’t heard anything about Emma attending, but I’ll be recording it just in case. People have asked about watching it online. The red carpet will be streamed live on the People’s Choice site, but I don’t know about the award ceremony itself.

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65 Responses to “People’s Choice Awards 2011”

  1. Tia says:

    I actually just googled the list of attendees and I didn’t see Emma’s name on there πŸ™ But Maybe that list wasn’t up to date! So exciting! Best of luck to Emma!!!

  2. Lita says:

    If Emma isn’t there then she most likely didn’t win. I don’t think she won b/c Robert Pattinson has tons of fans who most likely got him to win that award.

  3. Alyssa says:

    How long to the red carpet starts?

  4. dook says:

    Alyssa, it has started already.

  5. Alyssa says:

    Thanks dook. Hope Emma pops up soon. πŸ™‚

  6. Marion says:

    has anyone heard yet if she’ll appear?

  7. Marion says:

    the live stream is over if I’m not mistaking…

  8. dook says:

    Yes, the live stream from the “red” carpet is now over.

  9. Alyssa says:

    Aww that’s too bad… πŸ™

    But why didn’t she attend if she was in LA? There were photos of her in LA recentley… just a bit odd…

    anyway, hope she wins! πŸ™‚

  10. Marion says:

    there were only photos of her at the airport…i wondered how come they didn’t catch her anywhere else…probably she was on set

  11. Tia says:

    SHe didn’t win πŸ™ But neither did the Twilight kids! Zach Effron won out of no where! Better him then Tiw-kids. Although Kristen did look lovely. Missed Emma though! :/ Next year for sure!

  12. Alex says:

    Yeah… Emma didn’t win. It was surprising that Zac Efron won that award!! If anyone wants to check the results, here’s the link.

  13. A.E says:

    Emma is more sensible and talented than all the other twilight winners at the people’s choice awards,combined!!!!!

    • Lita says:

      I love Emma & I’ve been a big fan of her ever since I was 11 years old. She’s only done HP & Ballet shoes. To say she has more talent than all the other Twilight winners who have done other movies than the franchise they are in, is really a naive thing to say.

      • Sarah says:

        the amount of movies and projects someone does, does NOT measure their talent. so in my opinion, Emma is more talented than some of the Twilight kids. Emma hasn’t even auditioned for a lot of big roles because she’s been preoccupied with HP, so for all you know she COULDVE been in a lot more movies if she wanted. and kristen and rob were mainly unknowns before twilight anyway, minus the people who recognized him from GoF. so actually, you sound like the naive one. talent isn’t measured my quantity but QUALITY.

        • Lita says:

          Yes, the amount of movies doesn’t. You misunderstood me. I was meaning Kristen & Rob both have expanded their acting outside of their franchise more than Emma.
          I wasn’t meaning my comments to be against Emma b/c as I said I am a fan of hers. I would love to see more roles from her when HP has died down. She does have potential to be one of the great actresses in Hollywood. But I don’t think she’s there yet to the point where other actors talents can be completely dismissed.
          Also why call them Twilight kids? They are around the same age as Emma, Dan & Rupert.
          Anyways but you’re right about it being ones opinion.

          • Sarah says:

            i see what youre saying but i personally think that Emma is a better and more believable actress than let’s say Kristen, despite Kristen having done more roles, she seems very one note to me, therefore I think Emma is a more talented actress. but that’s just my opinion i guess because Kristen can do as many roles as she wants, but I will never think that she is a good actress. and i call them kids because they kind of are, same as Emma, Dan and Rupert. They’re all only in their late teens/early twenties, and their characters are kids. so i would refer to emma, dan and rupert as HP kids.

  14. Valentina says:

    I hope she’ll attend those awards πŸ™‚

  15. Marie says:

    People,you know, Emma is almost never at such Shows,exept National Movie Awards in UK.It’s her Right to say no,if she don’t want to go

  16. Arou says:

    Emma does not fit with the kind of people that were at the show anyway. And as said Marie, shes never really attended one of these galas. Acting seems more like a job to her than many of the actors/actresses of the moment. That’s also why, maybe, a lot of ourselves like her. πŸ™‚

  17. Alisha says:

    Wow that sounds really good

  18. Marion says:

    @arou: well said πŸ˜‰

    probably she’s just concentrating on her studying

  19. Marie says:

    I even think she could be back at Home already.Do you know what Time it was,when tweeted on Monday?I know it,it was 11 AM UK Time and LA is 8 Hours behind UK.Do you think she would tweet in the Night?

    Emma concentrats on Study and working on her normal Life (espicially when HP is over,she can do it better and better)
    People should understand that she don’t want to go to Shows,doesn’t matter wether she is nominated
    She said 2009 “90 & of her Celebrity Status is bad for her”
    let her be when she don’t want and don’t be upset.At least,she is doing what she wants and is not going to a Show just because People want it

  20. manisha says:

    Well, Emma didn’t win. I was crossing my fingers, but then Zac Efron won. I’m not complaining though, he’s amazing! But ya know, still dissapointed Emma didn’t win. Then again, like you all said, she isn’t like the people who attend…like the Kardashians, really?! I still don’t know why they’re so famous….National Movie Awards I think is a better honor than People’s Choice.

  21. You’re the best! Take care.

  22. KS987 says:

    Emma didn’t attend, so that pretty much confirmed she wasn’t going to win. She should have won, along with being nominated and winning the Best Actress award. Deathly Hallows in general got snubbed completely. I hope that we are more successful at another, better award show.

  23. KS987 says:

    And Emma isn’t studying at the moment as she doesn’t start school until later this month, and Deathly Hallows filming has officially ended(I don’t think they’ve EVER filmed in LA). My guess is that she is either just visiting as part of her break, or might be trying to work out another project. We will have to wait and see what happens.

    • Alex says:

      It’s kinda weird that they didn’t nominate Deathly Hallows this year… Overall, it was a great movie compared to HBP! I think EM was just on a vacation in LA, since she didn’t attend the event. It’s sad that she didn’t win the award though… πŸ™

  24. Joyce says:

    Ok, to say that I wasn’t surprised that she didn’t win would be a lie. I was just thinking if she didn’t, someone else might have. Not Zac. He kind of went down under. But you know, Emma was good enough to be nominated, and awards are not why we love her. Besides, she has a BAFTA and once she finnishes Brown, she’ll be sure to have an oscar when she finds the right movie πŸ˜‰

  25. Lexie says:

    Everyone needs to stop getting upset just because she didn’t win. To everyone who keeps calling all of the other nominees losers. SHUT UP! It was just an awards show. Besides Emma barly wins any american awards because of Robert Pattinson or Kristen. Just relax and don’t get upset.

  26. munich says:

    Yes, an oscar for Em… that would be fantastic!!! πŸ™‚

    • Alex says:

      Coco, that picture was taken on 17th of November 2010, when she wore a Dion Lee dress out into the streets of New York. Not particularly a new picture though… :X

  27. Fernando says:

    That Pretty Woman is fine just the way she is !!!

  28. Alex says:

    Here’s a link of her in LA celebrating New Year’s with her friends and filming some HP reshoots with Dan and Rupert.

    • Marie says: is not uploading Paparazzi photos or any other Photos or her private Life (not like other Sites,who don’t show enough Respect)

      and I doubt that they will ever write something from her private Life and Paparazzi Reports
      So it’s more pointless to write this as a Comment,since Fans even know that Emma hates Paprazzis

  29. Valentina says:

    If I’m not mistaking, she was in LA to celberate New Year πŸ™‚

  30. Tia says:

    Emma is #1 searched on yahoo right now!!! Kind of random, though. πŸ™‚ But we’ll take it!

  31. Emma Watson NUMBER 1!!!! πŸ™‚ I like her,I’m BIG fan!!! And I’m from Bulgaria!!! We Love Emma Watson she is the best!!! πŸ™‚

  32. Tia says:

    This is my Favorite Emma video! She’s adorable! She can’t stop giggling!

  33. KS987 says:

    The article mentions Emma HAD done the reshoots for Deathly Hallows. They finished before Christmas so Emma has been able to get a break.

    I’ve seen the video, but she is just too cute. She said someone said something to make her laugh. I wish we knew what it was. πŸ˜›

  34. tabitoo says:

    I can’t believe Zac Efron won. Emma had it in the bag. I wonder who even voted for him. My daughter is 12 and she said she and her friends who range in age from 13 to 15 don’t even find him attractive anymore. He’s too full of himself breaking up with his girlfriend after talking with Leonardo Decaprio and you know he advised him that his girlfriend was just holding him back Leo’s a male slut if there’s ever been one no offense and I’m sure he’d agree. He’s chosen to put money before love and it looks like he’s rubbed off on Zac to do the same. It’s a shame.

  35. Energon says:

    Hey I would like to remind the two guys who have commented before me that is a fan website, a place for respecting the privacy of all individuals and keeping a moderate and healthy level of debate. Please do not post offensive material or provide links to it. People of all ages surf the website and we should maintain sobriety while discussing something. A infringement of the rules may result in a direct complaint to the mod.
    Sorry Dook didn’t mean to interfere but couldn’t resist.

  36. dook says:

    Energon, the inappropriate link is removed. Occasionally one gets through out of the hundred or so a day that try.

  37. Hira says:

    I dont mind her not winning People’s choice award. If you watch all the HP movies one after the other you’ll see how much she has improved.I LOVVVVE HER IN DH!! And cmon guys shes just 20! Im sure she’ll win bigger awards in the future.

  38. Hira says:

    I dont mind her not winning People’s choice award. If you watch all the HP movies one after the other you’ll see how much she has improved. I LOVVVVE HER IN DH!! And cmon guys shes just 20! Im sure she’ll win bigger awards in the future.

  39. Hira says:

    Sorry for the double comment. It happens when youre connected to the internet at just 16 kbps!

  40. Yaroslav says: – very nice video with Emma)

  41. mee k says:

    this was cool.

  42. Tia says:

    Did anyone notice that Emma is rumored (on imdb) to play sam in perks of being a wallflower? Ironically, I read that book 2 weeks ago for the first time. It’d be nice if she did it… But I don’t think that book is classy enough for her. Meaning, I know she could take on the role just fine, but personally, I won’t want her to be in it. Selfish of me, yes… But I feel like there are certain roles you just wouldn’t want to see Emma play. You know? Best wishes to her either way though!

  43. Tia says:

    Also, I heard that she is rumored to play Taylor Lautner’s love interest alongside Blake Lively in some film.. Which I believe isn’t true. As in, SnithSeeker said something about it not being true.

  44. Tia says:

    Emma being in the movie I was talking about –

    And the votes, of course, Emma has the highest votes.

    • Alex says:

      When I read the summary for the book, it seems quite interesting… It’ll be great to see her playing another role once in awhile. πŸ˜€ I’ll be looking forward to it!! πŸ˜€

  45. Tia says:

    But do you think she’ll take it? Nothing is confirmed yet.

  46. Alex says:

    I doubt it. She has a lot of catching up to do in school. Besides, Jennifer Lawrence is currently holding the highest votes. There are some rumors that Emma’s name is used solely for publicity purposes. I don’t think she’ll take up the role even if she won.

  47. And the award goes for the
    very sweet actress Emma Watson. yeah

  48. ajay says:

    I like her,I’m BIG fan!!! And I’m from India!!! We Love Emma Watson she is fantastic actrees..