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About being on FHM 100 Sexiest Women list (2007): "That is the weirdest thing ever and they put some kind of crude comment like, "She is one of those sporty types - you would have to hold her gym shorts for her," or something. I was like, "Good God!" But I suppose it is a compliment for me and Hermione."

Find us on facebook now has a facebook page. Many people have made the suggestion, so now for all you facebook fans, you can find us here.

We would also like to welcome Dazza to the team who will be in charge of the facebook page. Dazza has been a dedicated fan of Emma for a long time. You may know him as dazza_stoke on the forums, and you old-timers may remember him as a staff member on the site back when Jo was the webmiss. Welcome Dazza!

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28 Responses to “Find us on facebook”

  1. Luis says:

    Congrats Dazza! I remember you, long time ago πŸ™‚

    Now has Facebook. I guess is time to add it in a new layout πŸ˜‰

  2. W.W says:

    good job and welcome back Dazza πŸ™‚

  3. Jia says:

    yaayyy..!! i’m sooooooooooooooooooo happy to hear that…!!! πŸ˜€

  4. Tia says:


    Have we seen this image before? I feel like it’s new to me, but it may have been in a magazine..?
    Any ideas?

  5. Lita says:

    I remember Dazza when Jo was here! Too bad I don’t have a FB =/

  6. Fernando says:

    It’s good that she has Facebook, I can only make it on this,tis a sad day for me! Got to try & make it on that! If not,then this site I hope you guys keep going,so I can get my Emma Watson fix!! πŸ™‚

  7. dook says:

    Don’t worry, this site is not going away. The facebook page is just an addition, not a replacement.

  8. KS987 says:

    I’ve already “liked” you guys. The new facebook looks great. Congrats to Dazza on being the newest addition to the staff.

    Emma should be starting Brown soon, if she hasn’t already.

  9. munich says:

    Great idea, and hello Dazza πŸ™‚

  10. Oliver says:

    Welcome Dazza, I met you at the GOF première in London! Long time ago now

  11. Window says:

    Welcome Dazza !

    Are you talking about Jo Whelan? the Jo who was writing on Emma’s last official site…?

    • dook says:

      Yes, the Jo from Emma’s official site used to run this site. It’s not Whelan though.

      • Window says:

        it really sounds interesting
        but the Joseph Whelan in Great Fridays…
        Are you sure he is not the officer her last official site?

  12. Silly says:

    Very nice. I like it.

  13. luckystar118 says:

    Haha! Jo is a girl. πŸ™‚

    I remember when Jo and Dazza were both here! Welcome back, Dazza! πŸ˜€

  14. Jane says:

    Hi! yeah! in facebook!! it’s great!
    kisses from Mexico!*
    We loves EW*

  15. KS987 says:

    Jo was the original webmistress of this site until she stepped down, if I recall it was because her private life was becoming more busy. She was later chosen by Emma to run her official website, and I believe she still runs it as there hasn’t been any news saying otherwise, though we hardly hear from her in recent years. I wish she would join the new forums though, since they aren’t as crowded as the old ones and a lot better in my opinion.

  16. CRISTY says:


    let use see the true end of an era. with harry potter taking the gold and glass awards home.

  17. mahshid says:

    i want say hi

  18. mahshid says:

    any person here?

  19. munich says:

    Yes πŸ˜€

    • Tia says:

      I was just going to post that! Haha! I don’t think it’s going to happen.. I don’t think she’s really got the time for it, I mean, she’s said it herself, she’s ultra busy, and this role could do wonders for her, but I, personally, not see her playing in that movie, especially not the character Sam. I dunno.. I just don’t see it happening.

  20. Fernando says:

    Thanks for the info about this site! I”m a 100% again! πŸ™‚

  21. mahsid says:

    i saw emma in my sleep last night

  22. mahsid says:

    who one know meaning my name?

  23. siavash molavi says:

    I dont know emma see this or not. but i want to say something. my name is siavash.i am a boy. i am burn in iran and i am live in ormia.i want say I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH emma you take my hurt.
    THANKS love you bye.

  24. revia says:

    hy emma,
    i want to meet you but i can’t to meet you.
    Cause this impossible i can to meet you,
    so, i want you opening my facebook…
    _revia violet afflect_