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February Calendar

Congratulations to Kathy, winner of the February competition!

Honorable mentions go to Hanna, Sophie, Kim, Lita, Saru, Marie and Eduardo. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to all who voted.

All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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24 Responses to “February Calendar”

  1. Marie says:

    Thank you for HM ! and congrats to everyone !!

  2. Sophie says:

    Thankyou the the Honorable mention! And well done to the winner! I shall be entering the March one 🙂

  3. Alex says:

    Wow!! I’m impressed!! Love the winner!! Congratulations to all the others who participated!

  4. andrew says:

    Congratulations to the winner and to the honorable mentions as well.

  5. Jia says:

    Congratulations to the winner and HMs..

    I’ve realized that its not so hard to get maximum votes.. just take the newest pic of Emma and put the calendar on it.. instead of all the creative hard-work that I do — stupid me..!! I guess its the latest pic that matters.. not the creativity or the design..
    btw, I mean no offense to anyone.. I’m just cursing myself for putting my time and hard-work into this thing.. 🙁

    • Marie says:

      Jia, I don’t think that it’s the latest pic that matters. I Think it depends on the “mood” of the people that vote. I mean I won Two times and the first time it was in 2009 and I put a lot work in it and the 2nd time was last year and It was the simplest one that i entered. I think it really depends on people and how they feel at the time of voting. By the way I love your calendars !

    • Window says:

      Oh don’t be sad we all know that you are one of the best designers… The photo of Kathy’s calendar is very suitable for making calendars and she used the theme very good to make a simple beautiful calendar… take it easy 😉

    • Lita says:

      Jia it’s not the latest pic that matters. Many ppl do vote for creativity. I voted for Kathy b/c that was the one I thought stood out the most. I liked other calendars too. It’s not hard to tell that Kathy did something creative with the pic of Emma. The lighting of the pic is done so perfectly that it looks really professional. It looks like an actual Calendar IMO. I voted for other ppl as well b/c theirs were also really creative. Congrats Kathy & everyone else! Thnx for voting for my calendar too! =]

      • Jia says:

        thankyou everyone.. and i’m really sorry if i offend anyone.. i was just disappointed with myself..
        i’m sure the winner and HMs are well deserved.. sorry again..

        • Kathy says:

          First of all, thanks for the comments everyone 🙂

          And now a blurub about graphic design…

          The ability to create outstanding calendars comes with time and practise, just like anything.

          Jia is right. I definitely think using the newest or rarest picture in your calendar gives you an edge. It means people have had less time to get bored of it. It’s fresh and more interesting.

          Besides choosing a good image, you need to have a strong “vision” or “idea”. Even that is not enough – how useful is a good vision if it is executed poorly? You might be able to picture the greatest calendar in your head, but not have the experience or ability needed to make it like you visualized it on your computer. That’s where time and practise come in.

          What Marie and Window said are completely true, and sometimes it is about luck. Art is highly subjective and people’s feelings and opinions about them vary from person to person. You will never be able to create a calendar that everyone loves or everyone hates.

          Moral of the story – practise, practise, practise! Even if you don’t win you still get a lot of experience which will help in the long run. And don’t use Microsoft Paint, because the things you can make on it are VERY, VERY limited compared to multifunctional software like Photoshop or its free alternative, GIMP.

          • Jia says:

            thanks for your support Kathy.. and I’m extremely sorry if I said anything offensive.. I was just disappointed with myself, thats all.. I really didn’t mean any hard feelings against anyone here..
            and yes, I always use Photoshop.. do my graphics look like they’re made in MS Paint..?! 😮

  6. Valentina says:

    Well it was the best calendar :D!

  7. CRISTY says:


    let use see the true end of an era. with harry potter taking the gold and glass awards home.

  8. Jorge says:

    congratulations Kathy!=)

  9. Fernando says:

    Great work people! Way to go Kathy & the HM,even the runner ups!!! Wish I could have made 1.!

  10. Celia says:

    Emma ranked number 17 on’s list of the 99 Most Desirable Women.

  11. tree says:

    Congratulations! 🙂

  12. Lara joyce Villanueva says:

    When I look to your calendar it so wonderful I will say to kathy congrats for you cause you are the winner in february calendar

  13. Nicole says:

    I voted for the winning calendar and for Sophie’s , Lita’s Saru’s and Marie’s 🙂 i must pick well

  14. Jermaine Catiln says:

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