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About not having a stylist (2009):"No, I don't have anyone. I dress myself. For me. It's something that I really enjoy. It's a genuine thing. I really love fashion, I think it's a way to express yourself and it's really fun. I think it's a subject that it shouldn't be taken to an extreme of saying "Clothes, they're stressful!"."

New Outtake from Martin Schoeller shoot

A new image from the photoshoot by Martin Schoeller for Entertainment Weekly has been released. Thanks to Surya on the forums for the tip.

Also, Harry Crowder posted a larger version of the photo we saw earlier from his photoshoot with Emma. Still waiting to see some new shots…

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24 Responses to “New Outtake from Martin Schoeller shoot”

  1. Tia says:


  2. Marie says:

    On the first picture she seems a little bit older…whereas I liked the other pictures of this shoot I don’t like this one…

  3. KS987 says:

    Emma looks as gorgeous as ever. :). I am getting a bit impatient for the rest of the pictures from the Crowder shoot. πŸ˜›

  4. Fernando says:

    Nice Outtake!! Can”t wait to see the other pictures!!

  5. Thessalie says:

    The 1rst picture is terrible xD
    Come on, i love Emma and she is a beautiful girl, but the 1rst picture is awful.

  6. DobbytheFreeElf says:

    I looooove the second photo, and I can’t wait for the other shots to come out!
    But the first photo, I don’t like so much :S It makes Emma look old, but not exactly in a good way, and her gorgeous face looks unhealthily skinny. Heck, it doesn’t even look like her πŸ™

    But I can’t wait for the rest of the Crowder photos! πŸ˜€

  7. Arou says:

    It’s like the photographer made her wear a shiny cream that doesn’t fit her on the first picture.

  8. John says:

    C’mon Crowder. Give up the goods!

  9. manisha says:

    Her face definatly looks photoshoped in the first one..

  10. Luis says:

    I donΒ΄t know about Martin SchoellerΒ΄s style, but first pic does not show EmmaΒ΄s beauty as expected πŸ™
    Waiting for the rest ones as well πŸ™‚

  11. andrew says:

    I love the first photo. Emma looks more and more hotter as usual. And the second photo looks cool too. πŸ˜€

  12. munich says:

    I also dont like the first pic. The second one is much better… I love it πŸ™‚

  13. rayray says:

    I love the second picture its better than the first!!!!! its beautiful

  14. Charles says:

    People tree have released a couple of new videos of Emma posing in the new line, although they’re very short! She looks great though.

  15. Hiltje says:

    At charles: Where did you find that footage then?

  16. Hiltje says:

    Okay πŸ™‚ Thanks Dook! Can’t wait to see it though πŸ™‚

  17. Katy says:

    I really like second photos! She’s gorgeous! πŸ™‚

  18. manisha says:

    yo guys was these videos posted? [link deleted]

    never seen them

  19. Tia says:

    Have you seen this image? It’s gorgeous! But I had never seen it before just now.

  20. Silly says:

    the more I look at the photo of Emma at the top, I like it. πŸ˜€

  21. Arou says:

    Emma will attend the BAFTA AWARDS (according to UniversHarryPotter on twitter)