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About celeb crushes (2011): "I've never understood having crushes on people who you don't know in real life. I only crush on people I meet. I mean, I can appreciate that someone is good-looking, obviously, but I don't intend to fantasize about people I don't know!"

Emma announces UK Blu-ray countdown competition

In a new video, Emma announces a competition for fans of the Harry Potter UK facebook page for a limited edition of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Blu-ray. Only 100 copies of the limited edition will be created. To enter the contest you only need to fill in your  details on the Blu-ray & DVD tab (only residents of UK and Ireland). Winners and a guest will be invited to a release event on April 10 where they will be presented with their individually numbered copy.

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7 Responses to “Emma announces UK Blu-ray countdown competition”

  1. Emily96 says:

    they are prejudiced against americans!!!! 🙁

  2. Luis says:

    Can you imagine a wordwide competition?
    A world where Emma could say:
    “I´m delighted to announce a special competition open to EVERYONE. We have created a 100,000 exclusive versions of HP&DHp1…”
    OMG, it would be WONDERFUL!!
    Stop daydreaming luis … 🙁

  3. Alyssa says:

    A worldwide competition would be pretty cool. Harry Potter does have a lot of fans outside the UK. And a lot of fans who don’t use Facebook. 🙁

    Anyways, good luck to all those who enter! 🙂

  4. KS987 says:

    I wish that they would allow us US fans to participate, but oh well. At least they share Emma with us. 🙂

  5. Nicole says:

    I can enter i live in England,good luck to everyone else 🙂 .