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About getting up and going to school (2007): "There'll be some days where I'll wake up in the morning, and I'll feel really good and want to make an effort. I'll wear a skirt and a nice little jacket and look real nice. Other days I'll wake up late, sleep past my alarm, feel very groggy and I'll quite literally go to school in my Ugg boots and my pajama bottoms and just put my hair back in a ponytail."

Emma announces Harry Potter: The Quest

In a new video, Emma introduces us to Harry Potter: The Quest, a new website to promote the release of the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows DVD. You can join the site and then explore the world of Harry Potter. There are videos to watch, content to share with friends, and games to play, all of which earns you points. When the collective points of all the fans reach certain levels, new exclusive content and rewards will be unlocked. The first reward will be a feature on “Secrets of the Cast Revealed”. So, join today and start earning those points!

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11 Responses to “Emma announces Harry Potter: The Quest”

  1. Sarah says:

    My email address keeps saying its invalid!!

  2. tabitoo says:

    I joined and earned like 30 points by watching three vids. Though they should post “Tiny Ball of Light”. I’ve already watched that like 100 times. LOL. Love me some R/Hr. Loved “Tiny Ball of Light.” The best part of the Oscars. Rupert and Emma sound great in autotune.:)

  3. berlin says:

    Nice idea to get points for the next “level” – but it costs too much time…

  4. Tia says:

    You know what I love? Harry Potter. You know who I love? Emma Watson. You know why I love Harry Potter and Emma Watson? Because they’re both absolutely amazing.

  5. KS987 says:

    I wonder how many videos they filmed with Emma. 😛 She looks gorgeous.

    The site is awesome. Keep earning those points so we can see the rewards. 🙂

  6. hamid says:

    you are so beautiful

  7. Tinga says:

    Hi! How many points do you have?

  8. Fernando says:

    That would nice if she was 1 of the amazing prizes!!! I’d play everyday !!!

  9. Nicole says:

    it keeps saying i can’t register at this time..

  10. Marie says:

    I don’t know why they must so much Videos for DVD,Sites etc

  11. SleepWalker says:

    When Emma was screaming in Deathly Hallows (part first)… It was scary. But she was brilliant. She is perfect actress.