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About feeling safe on set for the first movie (2007): "I was extremely naive and in a way it was good to be really nervous. I came to realise that Maggie Smith was a pretty good actress, she was just really nice to me. I wouldn't have been able to come to the set if I didn't feel completely safe."

*New Update* Deathly Hallows: Part 2 previews on ABC Family

It’s another Harry Potter Weekend on ABC Family and the first previews of Deathly Hallows: Part 2 have aired. The first video includes scenes from the film and interviews with Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, David Yates and David Barron. Warning: Spoilers!

You need the Flash to see this video.

The second video, narrated by Jason Isaacs, shows the growth of the Harry and Ginny relationship over the years. It doesn’t really include any Emma/Hermione scenes, but I thought I’d have it to be complete.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Emma Watson and David Yates talks about the Harry/Hermione relationship and the dance in the tent.

You need the Flash to see this video.

Another feature aired on ABC Family. In this one Jason Isaacs talks about who made the Marauder’s Map, something you won’t know if you have only seen the movies. There’s no Emma or Hermione in this one, just adding it to be complete.

You need the Flash to see this video.

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41 Responses to “*New Update* Deathly Hallows: Part 2 previews on ABC Family”

  1. Alyssa says:

    Gosh I can’t wait for this movie!
    Seeing it in 3D! πŸ™‚

  2. B says:

    Nice to see they are touching on the sexual tension between Harry and Hermione. Something the book failed to do.

  3. Tia says:

    these are fantastic!

  4. Danielle says:

    It was NEVER Harry and Hermione.
    As much as I thought it was a great scene, it was unnecessary.
    Ron and Hermione FTW! πŸ˜€

    • meandme says:

      why can’t you accept that a great deal of people actually saw something there and that the people who made the movies wanted to give them a gift? what’s wrong about that? it’s not that they make out in this scene. not to mention I find it completely unrealistic that a good friend would NOT try to console his female best friend in such a situation! the book completely failed here…and only the obsessed R/Hr shippers don’t want to see it because for them every nice moment between H/Hr is incest and unnecessary…

      • buffysangel says:

        …well said, meandme

        • Arou says:

          The scene was very realistic. I mean, there wasn’t any love in there, it was all about sadness and strong friendship. That’s one of the main themes of the books and movie: frienship.

      • H. Rose says:

        So very true. Your arguments make perfect sense and I agree. I love both RHR and HHR and that means I can accept any HHR moments in the movies as friendship because I know not every little act between them means they have the hots for each other. Stop reading Harry Potter for all the RHR stuff. Harry’s journey, love, death, growth, friendship, are all more important than the romance side of things. They made it very obvious in the past two films it is RHR and RHR shippers need to stop fussing over every little HHR thing. Stop complaining about anytime Harry and Hermione are alone and be happy for all the great RHR moments!! I know I am looking at it that way.


  5. Dr. Pepper says:

    Great videos. I enjoyed watching them, especially the first one and the relationship between harry and hermione. Can’t wait to see part II when it comes out. πŸ™‚

  6. Mima says:

    Wtf… I wholeheartedly disagree. The Harry/Hermione relationship is not something the books “failed” to address, because Ron’s whole anxiety was all about that. But it’s just something that never crossed Harry’s mind, and presumably never Hermione’s either, the same way we all are friends with tons of people of the opposite sex. This dance scene is so out of place because of what Harry will go on to say like 2 chapters later, “She’s like a sister to me.” Well, it seemed fine to me when I watched the film because it appeared very platonic but seeing Yates talk about this sexual tension just grossed me out.

    There’s a difference between the producers using creative license and just making up random crap. Obviously Jo must have been okay with this but I can imagine her cringing at the thought of them actually developing any further chemistry between Harry and Hermione that just isn’t there.

    • meandme says:

      Well, obviously he doesn’t say this in the film. *lol* I think you should read what I wrote in my post above…there is no such thing as wasn’t there. It’s a work of art and a work of art can be sΓ©en from a lot of different perspectives. Just because JKR made this and that couple end up together that doesn’t mean people should be forbidden to see other things between the lines. This isn’t random crap. It would be random crap if Voldemort would turn out to be Harry’s best friend forever by the end of the films. I think certain people put way too much thought into canon shipping. This was never the center of these books and as others said above…there was NO make out scene between H/Hr or anything added to the movies. It was just a friend being there for a friend. And since when is a dance between two best friends a sexual act? I think R/Hr shippers are so totally overreacting. It’s ridiculous.

  7. Lita says:

    I might be the only Harry/Hermione shipper here lol. I do love Ron/Hermione though (of course)

  8. Valentina says:

    I just adore sneak peaks, and I can’t wait for the Part 2, it sure will be exciting πŸ˜€

  9. Nicole says:

    These clips were fantastic,can’t wait for Part 2 in 3D!! x

  10. nick says:

    i love this scene, but the director kinda made me mad. Harry and Hermione are just friends, yes they love each other but not the way Hermione loves Ron. Sorry but he was just wrong to say that, seeing that Hermione’s has started to like Ron since the ending of book and movie 2

    • Arou says:

      Actually Daniel Radcliffe said in an interview that at their age they can’t do anything more in the woods than start fancying each other for a change, which is kind of realistic.

  11. flowerpower says:

    I’m also a h/hr shipper & just love these scenes between dan & emma have amazing chemistry

  12. jen says:

    Just to add my two cents.. im pretty sure no one can say j.k. rowling ‘failed’ in any aspect or at any point in any of the books

    If the Harry/Hermione relationship wasnt in there, thats because it a) doesnt exist or b) isnt important enough to be written about

  13. Estelle says:

    I really DESPISE H/Hr. I’m a huge R/Hr shipper. The dance scene was ok but it gives me uncomfortable vibes I was soo releaved when Harry looked at her and she just turned away which shows it’s Ron she loves. Sorry. I love their friendship that’s all NOTHING MORE PLEASE hasn’t Ron suffered enough and Ginny.

    • meandme says:

      *lol* So Ron and Ginny suffer because H/Hr danced in a tent? Gosh!
      I guess my biggest problem is that I find Ron totally unattractive and never understood anyway why she fancies him.

      And to Jen: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL You all just don’t understand the point. These books weren’t about the romance between Ron and Hermione or Harry and Ginny (GOD forbid…if I have ever read a bad romance then it was the one between them and yes, JKR failed here completely!), they were if anything about Harry’s journey and his friendship with Ron and Hermione. I did find it very irritating that Harry and Hermione seemed so alienated in the tent scenes. They are best friends after all. I think the way it was portrayed in the films was way more realistic if you develop their friendship through the rest of the books. In the last book JKR took the irritating route that R/Hr fans also would’ve taken: Deny the meaningful relationship H/Hr had developped to point out that Hermione only loves Ron. I think most people completely forgot along the route how much a friendship can actually mean. Just because they have the hots for other people, it doesn’t mean they can’t support each other. Also I still don’t get which reason, apart from JKR’s preaching and this infamous sentence from Harry in book 7 which JKR simply put in there to shove her idea down everybody’s throats, makes it impossible that H/Hr could ever see each other in a romantic light. Sure, JKR decided so but IMO it wouldn’t have been in the slightest way odd if she had decided otherwise. The filmmakers were, compared to the hysterical shipper crowd, aware how fast JKR could’ve turned into another direction regarding the H/Hr relationship and pointed this out. It’s an opinion and it should be allowed, no matter how gross the obsessed R/Hr shippers find this idea.

      • sarah says:

        To be honest, I don’t think Harry ever deserved Hermione, because he should’ve noticed her ages ago, before Cho Change even. I mean what attraction exactly did he find in the irritating Cho Chang? Honestly!

        Ron noticed her from the very beginning (even though it may not be in an ideal way, but that’s what makes R/Hr so cute).

        TTo be honest, I USED to think that Harry and Hermione would end up together, until I read Prisoner of Azkaban, when I saw Harry fawning on no one else but the irritating Cho Chang. On the other hand, Ginny also irritates me, but that’s Harry’s choice in girls – so no, he doesn’t deserve Hermione, even though I think Hermione would’ve been a better choice for him than either Cho or Ginny. So in the end, Ron deserved her more than Harry. The hero can’t win everyting.

        • meandme says:

          well, I don’t think Ron deserved her either judging by the way he threated her. This is the problem I had with how JKR wrote these relationships. Harry seemed to take Hermione for granted and Ron was a complete dork and idiot with her. And he never really changed, he was still behaving like a 10 year old even in the epilogue. There were cute scenes between Ron and Hermione for sure but in the end it left me with a bad taste inside my mouth. I think in the end it doesn’t matter if the one who gets the girl is the hero or not the hero. It’s about who respects her the most and there was something missing on that department for both boys. And as sorry as I am…to me Ron and Hermione were like a couple in a rather unrealistic romantic comedy. Fun while it lastet but nothing lovely and deeply moving that I would want in my life. If I compare them to other couples in big pieces of literature they just fall flat. And I don’t even have to mention Harry and Ginny because they lack everything.

          • Arou says:

            I agree the romance isn’t as cute and well developped as in other pieces of literature, but I don’t think it was an important point of the whole story. JKR just kind of placed every character to end the story on a good note but Friendship is the main theme of the whole saga anyway, and I think the producers saw it right when they added the dance scene. It’s not because Hermione loves Ron that she can’t “love” Harry for staying with him and for being supportive.

          • meandme says:

            I know it wasn’t so important to the story and I understand that. But I still wished Jo would’ve paid a bit more attention to the development of the romances because if you write a masterpiece like Harry Potter, why not make it a masterpiece as a whole? This is something that will always bother me a little, because especially Harry/Ginny seemed so…without any substance to me.

            And I agree. Friendship is indeed the main theme and I love the trio’s friendship. Between all of them and I think it’s always a lovely thing to see. Harry and Hermione are BFF and the R/Hr shippers finally have to understand that H/Hrs relationship doesn’t make their ended disappear. It doesn’t threaten R/Hr at all. So I don’t understand why everybody is still so freaked out whenever Harry and Hermione show ANY affection towards each other.

      • pappy says:

        i think you find harry(dan) attractive and thats why you call ron(rupert) unattractive. but just so you know, the fact still remains that rupert is much more attractive than daniel. maybe in the books harry is more attractive(ofcourse, he is the title character) than ron, but in movies that did’nt happen. harry’s character(daniel) turned to be short, which i may add not good for an hero character and less attractive than the other guys in the HP series(like draco malfoy,oliver wood,cedric(obiviously),even cormac was more attractive than harry). i usually dont talk about peoples appreances but YOU made me do it by talking about ron.

        then you said that jkr is shoving her ideas into people’s mind. ARE YOU INSANE??? JKR is AUTHOR of HARRY POTTER books. SHE created harry potter. the books and every-damn-thing in it is own creation and imagination. the movies are only the depiction of the books. harry potter movies were created only because people liked what the books has to offer.

        i can see that you havent read the books and saw only the movies. you should have kept your mouth shut and kept your opinion with yourself. you dont even have a valid thing to say. and you were full of crap.

        i accept and happy about h/g and r/hr because thats what jkr gave us. just like she gave us harry potter books series in first place. she gave her imagination to us, showing us a whole new world of something magical, intereesting and wonderful. so i advice you to leave HP alone, and maybe you should go try twilight, whatever u r looking 4 is ther.

        and about the filmmakers choice of shipping in this case is totally acceptable because not only they are making a movie, they also have to make sure that they make MONEY too. the film makers have a certain tradition to follow to create a successful movie. all they know is that the main male hero character always get together with the main female character. in hp the main female character is hermoine. i have seen a lot of harry and hermoine moments in the movies and i always thought that the film makers are simply aiming to make more money. and also hermoine’s character played by emma watson turned to be a stunningly beautiful girl. that naturally made the film makers desperate tp pair up harry with hermoine.

        then somethings about ron character that i noted is, that he is definitely down played. proof of that is when they gave ron’s lines in the books to hermoine in the movies. i can accept the fact that red-heads are not a big thing in the movie industry especially if they are male. but i think that what they did to ron, not to mention the actor who played it is so unfair. and all this unfairness just because he is a red head? ridiculously unfair because in the HP WORLD his redhead and ron himself is a vital character not to mention he is one of the trio.

        IF i havent been a fan of harry potter or IF i have never seen or read the HP books/movies or IF i have no idea about the story of the whole fanchise, THEN i would have accepted the harry/hermoine pairing for obivious reasons. this HP series is famous for a reason, because everthing in it is so different and we all liked it.

        seriously go read h/hr fanfictions. i’m sure you will looooove it(if you havent already).

        so frankly, PISS OFF with your load of crap….

        • dook says:

          Keep it civil, or you will be banned from the comments.

          It is not fact that Rupert is more attractive than Dan. That is also an opinion. People can also have opinions about the books. I am a fan of the HP series, but there are some things I don’t like, some things that could have been written better. I’m sure JKR would agree that there are some things she would change.

          • pappy says:

            so whats your opinion? you know what? i could already guess it. predictable as always you people are. u r a fan of daniel radcliff, arent you?

  14. Dr. Pepper says:

    I think that Harry and Hermione are the best couple ever. πŸ˜€

  15. sarah says:

    lol when I was watching the H/Hr dance scene and Harry stood watching Hermione, I thought he was gonna kiss her or something – which scared me! But then Hermione turned away which proved her love for Ron.
    I still like the dance scene though, it was a cute way of showing their friendship and how Harry cared for Hermione.

  16. KS987 says:

    Why is there always a shipping war whenever the subject is brought up?

    I can’t wait for Deathly Hallows Part 2. Thanks for posting the clips. :). I wonder if they will keep doing Harry Potter weekends once the DH2 DVD comes out(since they will likely use it to air previous of extra features of the DVD).

    • Arou says:

      I hope they will, once they get the rights to show DH part 2!

      • dook says:

        ABC Family already has the rights to air DH1 and DH2. But it won’t be until spring and winter 2013 so you have a bit of a wait.

        • Arou says:

          Yeah That’s what I wanted to say πŸ˜› Because movies can air on TV like… 1 year after they hit cinema?

  17. Birgit says:

    @meandme you can f*ck of saying Rowling failed! Siriously, how dare you say that?
    She failed because Hermione doesn’t love Ron? She failed because you seem to know Hermione and Harry better thna you do? That’s rubbish! Makes me so angry, no one has any right to say Rowling failed, definetely not you, because you don’t seem to have acieved anything that could possibly be compared to what she did.
    I wasn’t very fond of the whole scene, I admit that, because I love Ron/Hermione. Just because meandme think Ron isn’t attreactive also insn’t a reason for Rowling to fail in giving Hermione the right guy, Harry would have been Wrong. Did you actually read the books? Having the nerve to say Rowling failed.. Again, f*uck of, saying a genius like Rowling failed..
    I liked the scene somehow because I really do love Harry and Hermione’s friendship, and they all said the scene and dance was about that, and I thought that was beautiful. The scene does is very AU, because Harry and Hermione would never look at each other like that.
    It just makes me annoyed and a bit angry too that Yates is now saying things like ‘You can just see that there can happen something when they are alone, and they can become something more than just friendship’. Because that’s very, VERY AU.
    The book never failed because Harry and Hermione didn’t come together, because they never should come together. They aren’t supposed to be. Someone who truly loves and reads the books should know.
    And because of everything you said, meandme, I don’t think you are a real fan.

    • meandme says:

      *lol* why are you not allowed to judge someone else’s work just because you haven’t written something similar? if it were like that no critic would’ve ever been allowed to review Jo’s books, because noone else has ever written something that successful.
      Hello? I LOOOOOVE Harry Potter. I just thought the romances weren’t well written. Why am I not allowed to think that?
      Also why do you have to insult me? Jo isn’t a holy cow, she’s human and she can’t satisfy everyone. It’s easy to try discrediting me just because you don’t like my opinion, but that doesn’t change my opinion. There are even people out there who dislike Harry Potter altogether and while I don’t understand why they do, I have no problem with it. And you should get a grip as well. There are people who thought the romances weren’t well written in Harry Potter. That’s a fact. Wether you agree with them or don’t doesn’t matter.

      • Birgit says:

        I said al those things because you said Rowling failed, I can’t possibly accept that, because she definetely didn’t failed.
        You saying she failed annoyed me because I don’t think you have a right to say so, and that’s my opinion. You think she failed because she wrote Hermione and Ron together.
        But she can’t fail in that because she knows them better than you do, than anyone does because she MADE them.

        • Birgit says:

          And it’s not a fact romances weren’t well written in Harry Potter that’s an opninion. You’re quiete saying a stupid thing there.

          • meandme says:

            Where did I say it was a fact the romances were badly written? I said it’s a fact that many people think so. Also I don’t understand why I am not allowed to say that JKR failed in something. Just because you think she didn’t, it doesn’t mean that it’s a rule that noone is allowed to think so. I am not saying she necessarily failed because she wrote R/Hr, it’s simply how she wrote it that I didn’t like.

  18. lona says:

    it is very good.i can just this…