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About Evanna Lynch (2006): "She humbles me to the core."

Emma in Remix, Kamarat, Demi and more

A big scan update today.

The December Remix from New Zealand had a couple new – I think – pictures of Emma and a nice interview. Thanks to Surya for the tip.

The April issue of Kamarat in Slovakia, thanks to Emmush.

Demi from Finland. We’ve posted the cover, but not the article I think. Thanks to Sabrina for sending it in.

Marie Claire from Russia has Emma on the cover of the April issue, and a multipage article, thanks to Elmira

UK Glamour in March had a feature on Emma’s recent looks, thanks to Emma, and OK in Italy had an article on Emma, thanks to Elmira.

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6 Responses to “Emma in Remix, Kamarat, Demi and more”

  1. berlin says:

    I love that interview from New Zealand 🙂

  2. lona says:

    ohhhhhhh/it is amazing….

  3. Emily96 says:


  4. Estelle says:

    Emma’s the best. Though I’m sure I agree with the pressures of media part and internet from what I can tell Emma is more loved on internet and in public eye EVERYBODY likes her more then most Hollywood female stars she has it easy it’s a good thing she’s not in Hollywood she could not handle the pressure many young actresses have compared to her. Emma I’m sure 90% audiences love you more than any young stars. Because you’re so wonderful.

  5. Kitty says:

    she’s so amazing!!

  6. KS987 says:

    I’ve always liked that story about no one posting pictures of Emma’s 20th birthday online. She seemed to really fit in at Brown, so hopefully she will return in the near future when her schedule is less hectic. It’s still hard to believe Deathly Hallows 2 is only a few months away, and that with the exception of the reshoots last winter it’s almost been a year since she and the rest of the cast finished filming the entire series.

    I like the picture of her in the last scan. 🙂