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About painting:"I guess I'm a little shy about my art, but I love painting people and expressions and faces. I've always done art, though not a lot of people know it. It's really important to me to do that. Since I haven't been in school since July, I've only now realized how much I miss it. I don't make time for it now, and you really have to sit yourself down and think about it and do it."

Happy Birthday, Emma!

Emma Watson is 21 years old today! Please join us in wishing Emma a very Happy Birthday!

For your viewing pleasure, we have a music video in honor of Emma’s birthday made by Chiara and Jana.

You need the Flash to see this video.

We also have the birthday project online. Thank you to everyone who participated, and thank you Marta for the cover. You can view the birthday card in pdf format by clicking the thumbnail below. (It works better if you right click and save the pdf and then view it locally in your pdf viewer at full screen)

Update: Emma has posted a birthday message and video on her website.

Comments closed for this item.

95 Responses to “Happy Birthday, Emma!”

  1. MichaΕ‚ Krk. says:

    Wszystkiego najlepszego dla Emmy.;)

  2. Devin says:

    Very well done!

  3. Luis says:

    Emma, have a wonderful birthday! πŸ™‚
    I hope you are enjoying this day next to your relatives and friends πŸ˜‰
    Great video Chiara and excellent birthday card, I wasn’t expecting my message almost in the top of it πŸ˜€

  4. Jorge says:

    It was great! I like it! I’m leaving on a photo with the image of Emma xD

  5. Joyce says:

    I could cry. She’s all grown up πŸ™‚ Beautiful video, birthday card amazing as always. Happy Birthday Emma β™₯ I hope it’s filled with nothing but happiness

  6. Lory says:

    happy birthday Em, have a beaaaauuutiful daay πŸ™‚ <3

  7. Hannah says:

    That was a beautiful video of a beautiful young woman. Happy Birthday Emma!! Hope you have a wonderful day, xxxx

  8. Estelle says:

    Happy Bithday Emma.

  9. Angie says:

    Happy Birthday Emma I send a message too and I mean every word. I wish you the best. 21 Hell Yeah!!!!!! πŸ™‚

  10. Phillip says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!! πŸ™‚

  11. Lena says:

    happy birthday emma!!!!<3<3<3

  12. EmRocksSocks says:

    Happy birthday, Emma!!!!!

    I’m pretty bummed that I never got around to leaving her a birthday message, though. πŸ™

  13. Christine says:

    Happy happy birthday Emmaaaa!!!

  14. tree says:

    Happy Birthday, Emma! πŸ™‚

  15. Anonymous says:

    very beautiful. is there a way to retweet this or a link to spread it around?

  16. Celia says:

    HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY!!!!

  17. alexin51 says:


  18. N3G!N says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA ! today’s my birthday too !:X

  19. di says:

    Happy Birthday Emma πŸ™‚
    (a bit late) xx.

  20. Elodie says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. hamid says:

    happy birthday & that video was awesome

  22. mahdi (unknow) says:

    dear emma , hi
    i like say happy birthday
    i am iranian and live in birjand
    i am hope to you good like in life

  23. Nishant says:

    Belated Happy Birthday Emma….

    Love ya….

  24. Maria says:

    Happy Birthday Emma!

    The one day i don’t visit your site and something exciting’s happening. Wish i got to post you a message in your card


  25. Anonymous says:

    happy birthday emma

  26. Viral S says:

    Happy Birthday Emma, sorry I could not post this yesterday.
    You are beautiful and I hope you many many happy years to come.
    The whole world, especially me loves you. I am a really big fan.

  27. Promee says:

    Happy birthday emma!!! I’m from Bangladesh. It’s my birthday too..

  28. lona says:

    oooooooooh/ thank you very much for this clip and posts cards…i love every one that writ this site…

  29. masoud says:

    i m from iran, happy birthday emma

  30. Beauty says:


  31. Anonymous says:

    I wish y happy birthday!my self fr India&big fan of you

  32. Sheila says:

    Why don’t you publish the Birthday message from Emma? I guess that’s more important than a fan video… :-/

    • dook says:

      Because it is message from Emma, not from us. I think people should see it on her site rather than watch it here. Unfortunately, her site seems to have a problem at the moment.

  33. Emily says:

    hi when i click to view her video, i can’t get through. They ask me to log in instead… why’s that?

  34. Emma says:

    Oh my god! Emma’s all grown up! It feels like yesterday that she was auditioning for hermione! WELL DONE EMMA! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  35. ROCKER says:

    WELL! if she if me and emma knew each other and she was in the US we could been HAMMERED to celebrate BUT oh well.

  36. Jade says:

    I love it!!! But the problem is, it’s to bright but who cares! It’s awesome!!! And…:

    Heey there Delilah, what’s it like in New York City? I’m a thousand miles away girl but tonight you look so pretty, yes you do… Time Square can’t shine as bright as you, I’d swear it’s true. πŸ™‚ (A song for Em, too.)

    Luv Ya Emma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  37. Marja says:

    I late happy birthday to you Emma πŸ™‚ I hope you had a great day! πŸ™‚ Loved the video.

  38. adam sendler says:

    Nice Video πŸ˜€