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About always wanting to act (2002): "One of my grandmas most famous sort of sitting-around-the-fire, Christmas-sort-of-stories, is that when I was three, she said: "Emma, what do you want to be?" and I said "I want to be a queen, a fairy, a princess and a mattress." Basically, an actress obviously (...) And it's good because I'm 12 and I've at least achieved one of them!"

New Vivanco Photoshoot

So, there’s this rumor going around that Mariano Vivanco will be doing another photoshoot with Emma Watson later this week. Don’t know what it would be for, or if it’s true of course. I guess we’ll have to wait and see. In the meantime, here’s a picture of Emma and Mariano from his facebook page, and a couple pictures from Emma’s previous shoot that I don’t think I’ve posted.



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24 Responses to “New Vivanco Photoshoot”

  1. Mohammad says:

    Very nice pic, u always beautiful

  2. Thew says:

    I love the second one. It looks so natural.

  3. emily96 says:

    very nice. but who is that guy?

  4. Iris says:

    Who was he again? What shoot did he do?

  5. Tia says:

    I love these so much! Especially the silly ones and the one where Em is in that black and gold mini dress! She looks incredible!

  6. lona says:

    they were ugly…emma is more beautiful than that man…

  7. Dr.Pepper says:

    Such beautiful photos. Emma looks verry pretty.

  8. Valentina says:

    They are so cute aw 😀

  9. Jordi says:

    GUAU!! She looks gorgeous!! They are a good couple!! 🙂

  10. Arou says:

    Love the pictures! I can’t wait to see the ones … that haven’t been shot yet! I hope he let her natural…. I like her normal beauty and accessible look. It’s fun to have a normal star for once. Not as Jessica Alba (I have nothing against Jessica Alba but it’s difficult to identify ourselves to her since she’s THE sex symbol… Anyway, don’t throw me tomatoes…!)

  11. Cait says:

    There were some candid photos floating around the internet of a photoshoot that its rumoured emma did for vogue only a couple of days ago

    Cant wait to seem them officially!

  12. jen says:

    God that black and gold dress is on emma looks absolutely stunning

  13. Facialhair says:

    Guys got some major peach fuzz

  14. Fantasygirl4 says:


  15. Marie says:

    I have pap pictures of Emma during a shoot that she was doing last week, I don’t know if the photographer was Mariano….

    I know you said it would take place later this week but maybe its related !

  16. Silly says:

    These pic’s are very nice.

  17. Dinu says:

    Emma, please watch your weight.You still look great, but nevertheless…

  18. KS987 says:

    Aw, Emma’s so cute in the first two pictures. :). I wouldn’t be surprised if she was doing another one this week. My guess is that it’s for Deathly Hallows Part 2. She did photoshoots for DH part 1 during the summer, so it’s not too early for her to be doing them now. We’ll see soon enough.

  19. shiningmoment says:

    Mario Vivanco confirmed on his facebook that he would shoot Emma on Thursday which means today!

    Can’t wait for it!

  20. hooman-14 says:

    it’s shameful!!! who is she? emma watson? no, she indulged in choice boyfriend. he seems senior and a few ugly. she is NOT our HERMIONE. is a new EMMA open your eyes guys. Emma lost her one years ego and unfortunately I was quiet. I’m just sorry about her. be careful, she is PIECE OF EDEN.