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About Evanna Lynch (2006): "She humbles me to the core."

May Calendar

Congratulations to Katherine, our winner for the May Calendar competition!



Honorable mentions go to Emmanuel, Julieta, Nick, BoyAnna and Anna. Thank you to everyone that entered, and thank you to all who voted.



All the competition entries can be viewed here.

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11 Responses to “May Calendar”

  1. lona says:

    oh.they are so beautiful

  2. Nicole says:

    well none of the ones i voted for was the winner or an honorable mention,oh well. congretas to the winner and all mentioned participants 🙂 x x

  3. Nicole says:


  4. Thessalie says:

    I love them, congrats !

  5. Dr.Pepper says:

    Congratulations to the winner and the honorable mentions. All the calendars look wonderful.

  6. pooneh says:

    hi it is so cool.

  7. Erin says:

    Congratulations Katherine, your calendar is beautiful! And congrats to all the honorable mentions!

  8. berlin says:


  9. spencer says:

    can’t really go wrong with a calendar that features Emma!
    all the calendars were awesome and congrates to the katherine!

  10. Cait says:

    absolutely breath taking, my fabourite calender of the year i think 🙂

  11. Isabelle Louise says:

    wow I think it’s the most beautiful ever