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About school and learning (2007): "People can't understand why I don't want to be a full-time actress, but school life keeps me in touch with my friends. It keeps me in touch with reality. It makes me feel normal. Let's be honest: I have enough money never to have to work again, but I would never want that. Learning keeps me motivated."

A Few New Deathly Hallows Images

We have some new photos from Deathly Hallows featuring Emma Watson as Hermione Granger. They include a new studio shot and a number of promotional stills from Part 1. Also posting some older ones that I don’t recall posting before. Thanks to Snitchseeker and Oclumencia.

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20 Responses to “A Few New Deathly Hallows Images”

  1. berlin says:

    The last three pics are my favouites 😉

  2. 130671 says:

    I’d go with the last two….she’s so awesome 🙂

  3. Thessalie says:

    The one with Ron on the back, when she dances with Victor is very cute =)

  4. lona says:

    all of them are beautiful

  5. Tia says:

    these are great!

  6. Anonymous says:

    what is the film (yes, HP) of the last 3 three pics? 🙂

    • dook says:

      The last picture is a studio portrait shot for Deathly Hallows. The other two are stills from a deleted scene in DH1.

  7. Dr.Pepper says:

    I love the pictures. Emma is beautiful as always.

  8. Kate says:

    That picture of the trio in an embrace/huddle is THE most perfect picture…..hopefully many more wonderful trio moments to come in Part II!!

  9. Kenne says:

    Does any one here know WHY Hr was not seen dancing in the release?

  10. KS987 says:

    Thank you for the pictures. Kenne, I imagine they cut that scene, along with Hermione and Ron skipping stones, out for time reasons.

    Emma looks stunning in that new headshot. 🙂

  11. Arou says:

    I like her more when she has no makeup 🙂

  12. lala90 says:

    WOW *_*
    Emma’s really gorgeous in any pic (although my favourites are the last for 😀 )
    greetings from an Italian fan 😉

  13. Kenne says:

    KS987..Time reasons!!?? Where would you have inserted the ‘skipping stones’ scene in the release?

  14. pooneh says:

    poor can HERMION be so bad? RON loves HERMION.

  15. beautiful pictures!

  16. Nicole says:

    Woah,Rupert Grint is one handsome guy <3 x x

  17. karim says:

    سلام تو بازیگر خوبی هستی
    زیبا و جذاب تو در اینده بازیگر بزرگی خواهی شد
    i love u

  18. javad samiy says:

    hello i am javad my come from iran ارزوی موفقیت برایت دارم i love uoe