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About dressing up for events (2007): "Whenever I dress up, I want the clothes to be an expression of me. I don't think you should be a clothes horse. Someone telling me what to wear takes all the fun out of it."

Emma on Perks Set

The first images of Emma from the set of “Perks of Being a Wallflower” have appeared. The pictures show Emma relaxing during a break in filming. I don’t know if Emma was filming and in costume, or if she was just hanging out on the set.


Update: The pictures have been deleted. Early sources indicated these were taken on the set of Perks. But I can’t be certain that is true, and I don’t have access to the original source or images which might provide the answer, so since there is a question I have decided to remove them. My apologies to our visitors and to Emma. – dook

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44 Responses to “Emma on Perks Set”

  1. Christine says:

    πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  2. Arou says:

    OH MY GOD, She’s SOOOOOOO cute! lovely! she really looks like a young normal lady of 21 yeard old πŸ™‚

  3. Ksusha says:

    no, i hate her haircut aaaagrh

  4. Adelah says:

    Wow! She looks really cute and sooo normal!I really like that one πŸ˜› Plus I like her haircut ( almost the same as mine!)

  5. sorry if my grammer in my comments is not well,i’m not english!

  6. Oriana says:

    I don’t know if i’m the only one but this reminds me a lot when she was like 13 or 14 and she used to wear this kind of skirts all the time, that was the time when she wasn’t a fashion icon yet, and she was just relaxed…
    I really enjoyed these pics : )

  7. Window says:

    Sweet pics πŸ™‚

  8. Elysa says:

    Does anyone know where this was taken?? where are they filming??

  9. Arou says:

    in Pittsburg, but I don’t know the exact place. Anyway, she went to Barnes and Noble so I guess it’s not far from there πŸ˜›

  10. berlin says:

    I like that “normal” style πŸ™‚

  11. lona says:

    good.but who is that woman?

  12. 130671 says:

    I just LOVE that facial expression in the first picture…sigh

  13. Arou says:

    It says on Twitter Emma has been seeing a hairstylist today… maybe some haircut for Perks? I hope she doesn’t look up to have a mowak lool XD

    • KE says:

      Where does it say that? Extensions maybe? Sam has long hair…

      • Arou says:

        You rock Emma Watson! It was a pleasure- wait till you guys see this!

        That is the Twitter Post. Ursula Stephen is a harstylist. I was joking with the mowak thing πŸ˜› I’m just wondering what kind of hairstyle Emma was getting… probably for perks!

  14. emily96 says:

    really cute skirt and shoes!!! πŸ™‚ I wonder if she will be wearing a wig again like she did for “My week with marilyn”…hmm…

  15. buffysangel says:

    Mohawk? Mohawk!!!


  16. Dr.Pepper says:

    Awesome photos. Emma looks beautiful as usual.

  17. W.W says:

    SOO00oo… CUTE πŸ™‚

  18. manisha says:

    I just love how she doesn’t have to wear freakishly expensive clothing, pumps, and wear loads of make up when she’s out n about. Some celebs should learn from her. She looks adorable here. Can’t wait to see the movie!

  19. cierra says:

    she looks good. her hair is growing nicely. this was takin while she had downtime with her asst. on may 15. there’s pics of her shopping and wearing the same outfit, she just changed her shirt. just thought would like 2know.

  20. Heini says:

    She is so normal and i like it <3

  21. KS987 says:

    Filming for Perks has begun. Emma looks stunning of course. She was likely on break when these pictures were taken. She was carrying that same bag in other candids as well. So far she’s been seen all over the place and many candids have popped up, so we might get some more pictures in the future.

  22. nibbles says:

    She has a little cut on her foot. Anyone else notice that? I bet you will now. Someone give her a band-aide or plaster as she calls it.Lol

  23. i love you says:

    dear emma
    You’re my light in the darkness. There could never be words strong enough to express my love for you. I love you with my body, soul, and mind. You’re my everything. I love you so much.

  24. Nicole says:

    Emma is rocking that look!I’m so glad filming for Perks has begun,cannot wait to see Emma in this movie. πŸ™‚ x x

  25. Arou says:

    Ok has she got a haircut or not? because that tweet from the hairstylist seemed official, since its an ifficial account.

  26. Marie says:

    These are not from the Set,she was relaxing somehwere.Since when do you Guys upload such Paparazzi Photos :/

    • dook says:

      The earliest sources I found for these pictures all indicated that it was at the set for Perks. I have no reason to believe that is not true. The woman who is her agent/assistant/whatever is with her, and if they were just relaxing ‘somewhere’, who would bring along a folding chair and sit in a parking lot. All the other pictures that have come out recently (in the park, shopping barnes & noble and j crew, etc.) are more clearly personal pictures and have not been posted. If you have information that show these were not on the set, I will remove them.

      • Arou says:

        She maybe on the set, but since we saw her wearing this skirt while shoppine, I do believe she wasn’t filming that day. I heard (i don’t remember the source) she was officially beginning on may 20.

        • dook says:

          I don’t think whether she was filming or not matters, if she was indeed on the set. But since I can’t say for certain that’s where these pictures are from, I have decided to go ahead and delete them. Everyone knows where to go to see all her personal pics anyway, so it’s not like anyone will miss them.

  27. Danielle says:

    Wow guys!
    Leave poor Dook alone. One of the main reason’s I have visited this site since I became a fan of Emma in 2004 was because of how much they respect Emma’s privacy. I too believe that they were taken on the set.
    If I remember correctly, many of the photo’s taken on the set on HP7 at the beach in Wales were pap photo’s and no one complained then. These are not PRIVATE photo’s. And even if they are, you guys are honestly going to sit there and say that NONE of you have ever looked at Candids/private photo’s of Emma before?

    Sorry to have such a go, but it upsets me that people are criticising a website for violating Emma’s privacy when the main reason I choose to view this site for the latest Emma news (besides EWO) is because actually pride themselves on doing the complete opposite and is why Emma has chosen it as her TOP fan site personally.

    Again, I apologise for my ramblings but I have a place in my heart for this website and feel the need to defend it and the superb people that have kept me coming back for the last 7 years.

    Dan X

  28. lona says:

    πŸ™‚ πŸ˜€