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About whether or not Hermione's going to die in the last book (2007): "My theory changes every week. I was really convinced at one point Hermione is gonna die, and now I don't know, she might make it. I really don't know, I have to say I really don't. I can't wait to read it."

New Marie Claire Outtakes

We have 6 new outtakes from last year’s photoshoot for Marie Claire by the photographer Tesh.  Only MQs unfortuneately. Thanks to IHW.


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22 Responses to “New Marie Claire Outtakes”

  1. Dr.Pepper says:

    Emma looks so beautiful.

  2. Emma says:


  3. Nicole says:

    Once again Emma looks stunning.She’s incredible,i don’t know how she does it but she manages to pull off every single look 🙂 x x

  4. Reza says:

    She is very nice

  5. spencer says:

    She is so freaking beautiful…i mean not much more to add to that.

  6. Tia says:

    these are amazing. definitely some of my favorite pics of em.

  7. emily96 says:

    she looks hot lol

  8. fantasygirl4 says:

    SHE IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! hell yah she hot lol

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. lala90 says:

    she’s GORGEOUS!

  11. i love you says:

    Every time I think of you, my body feels electrified.

  12. Your Lover says:

    she’s my life.she’s my everything.she’s …

  13. hate the dress again!

  14. Valentina says:

    I love these outtakes!

  15. KS987 says:

    Absolutely stunning. My favorites are the first and third pictures. I love the look on Emma’s face in them. *drools*

  16. EmRocksSocks says:


  17. anonymous says:

    honestly, the way everything has been going with emma lately, it seems more like she wants to get into modeling instead of acting.

  18. Gean says:

    Hi, I’m Korean. Gean’s my English name. No matter where I’ll be cheering when you feel lonely. Just saying that connect the houses. I’ll see to celebrate. (I left my e-mail.) Finally, I love you. Bye.