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About drugs (2007): "To be honest, I'd be too frightened to take drugs. I have enough in my life without looking for something else, and I hope that will always be the case."

Emma on the Set of Perks

The first pictures of Emma in costume as Sam on the set of Perks of Being a Wallflower have appeared. There has been speculation on whether Emma would wear a wig, but it looks like all natural Emma to me.


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64 Responses to “Emma on the Set of Perks”

  1. FantasyGirl4 says:

    WHOAH! first to comment! ……Emma watson looks great!!! Cute hair! I LOVE IT!~!

  2. Birgit says:

    Rather would´ve seen a wig, the length of her hair now, between en pixie and a bob, isn’t really nice and above that, Sam has long hair. Hate the hair clip, something my little sister of eight would wear, but she may not of my mum. but its set in the 1990’s so that’s still kind of okay, rest of the outfit is horrible too, the skirt is hideous.
    At least she looks happy, makes the whole thing still alright. XD

  3. Arou says:

    Am I the only one liking that hair lenght? I had that kind of haircut ( looking like a bob but a bit shoter) and I find it really fun and feminine, I don’t know if it’s her costume or if she is in break, but anyway, As i said on another fan page, the director of the movie is the writer, so he can do whatever the hell he wants with is own story :P.

    • Mia says:

      me too. I really like her hair…I always liked it. Emma has such a beautiful face and every haircut suits her 🙂

      I like to see her like that. She looks so natural <3

    • Tia says:

      That’s the length of mine right now! I love it! Especially on Em! She looks amazing.

  4. berlin says:

    Emma (´s) rock(s) 😀

  5. Manon says:

    She’s cute ! 🙂

  6. Oriana says:

    I’m not that happy with this 🙁
    i always saw Sam as a rocker and not a hippie, and right now i’m seeing a hippie.
    i thinkg they will dress Sam very trashy, but not the good way.
    really hope it gets better than this.

  7. TOM says:

    Well, since it’s being directed by the novel’s author, I imagine he knows Sam’s look and style better than any of us.

  8. mmm-tasty says:

    whoa she’s supercute! love her outfit, love her! yeah, the hair clip’s disgusting but i think she’s just wearing it during the break to keep her hair perfect. same goes for the sweater, it’s just cold here, it’s her own sweater as well. hope her outfit in the film will be nice too :] she’s awesome anyway!

  9. manisha says:

    Can’t wait for the movie! The book as great. I’m also really excited to see Emma play Sam. I’m curious to see what she brings to the table 🙂

  10. Tia says:

    I am the only one who doesn’t loathe the clip in her hair. I’d never wear it, but that doesn’t mean it’s awful! I personally, think she looks amazing. Like really really amazing. ESPECIALLY the hair! And I totally want that shirt!

  11. emily96 says:

    looks all natural to me too! very cute! Don’t like the skirt though but its probably something her character would wear!

  12. Alyssa says:

    Wow she looks gorgeous! 🙂

  13. Dr.Pepper says:

    The filming has started. I wish Emma all the best and I wanted to say that she looks beautiful in her dress.

  14. Kassie says:

    I love her hair! I’m tempted to cute mine but I’m far too scared to get a pixie cut, anyway, back to the pictured. I’m not much a fan of the skirt, but it is set in the 90s so I guess it makes sense. Either way, I’m excited for more pics and the movie itself! 🙂

  15. nibbles says:

    Very charming look. Her hair isn’t a pixie cut anymore. It’s growing out and looking very feminine, I like it.
    I would drink from that (Emma) labeled cup if I was on set, even though that’s not my name. Sweet saliva 🙂

  16. KS987 says:

    First pictures of Emma as Sam, and boy is she beautiful. 🙂 I take it those previous pictures posted were not from the set as they were deleted. Oh well, at least now we have pictures officially from the set and we now know Emma has started filming Perks. I also heard they filmed another scene later on so maybe set pictures might pop up again. I wish Emma good luck and I hope she enjoys filming Perks.

  17. i love you says:

    You are the sun in my day, the wind in my sky,
    the waves in my ocean, and the beat in my heart.
    All my dreams came true the day that I known you.
    I Love You!

    You are the sunshine of my life! Thanks for brightening
    my world

    You are the fire that burns the passion within my soul.
    I love You with all my heart…

    I want to be your arms, I want to feel your touch,
    I want your lips on mine, I need you very much.

  18. Valentina says:

    cutie pie <3

  19. Emma says:

    Trust me! Its not a wig!

    • Mostafa says:

      Emma,your my life.Your my every thing.she’ so beautiful

      • Mostafa says:

        سلام ایمان.بچه کدوم شهری؟

        • شما خودت بچه كدوم شهري؟

          • Window says:

            Sometimes I feel sorry for myself! there are lots of people from all ower the world but I don’t know “chera irooni jamaat hameja bayad khodesho gave pishooni sefid bokone!!! doostan ma khodemoon bara khodemoon shakhsiat ghael nemishim az baghie entezar darim! age yekam tavajoh konid bayad bedoonid az ghavanin comment gozari too in site ine ke English benevisid manam alan fingilish neveshtam chon sharm dashtam jolo baghie in harfa ro bezanam!!!” I’m ANGRY ANGRY! X(

  20. Iman Zarei says:

    Hi my lady.every time I saw you,I’m back to life another time.but about your hair.they have mos affect in your fans.they may don’t love this form of your hair,but they say ” I loved them,they’re so beautiful “.But I say it to ypu.your hairs get better now.your last all-cut hair is a little worse.but Why you decide this type of hair?.why?.I love your Films.I love you too.I live in Iran,but it can’t get far me from you.don’t you come Iran???You have the BEST Fans in Iran.I’m your biggest fan.when I saw your face in Harry potter Films I can’t sleep 2 night!!!Come Iran,Pleasssssssse.We all love you in Iran.I wish you best feature of working in Films.

    • شما همتون ايراني هستين مث من؟؟؟؟ جل الخالق!!!!ا

      • Window says:

        Anyway one day she will come… one day she will! 🙂
        Till that day please write English here 😀

        • Summer says:

          Baba bikhial…… khodam koli az in crush ha too omram dashtam
          hamash kheily zood migzaran……..kheily zoood.

        • Mostafa(Emma's real lover) says:

          I apologize everyone because I want to speak persian but with english words:jenabe window aslan be shoma rabti nadare ke nazar asheghe emma hastam va doost daram har chizi delam mikhad benevisam.pas fozooli tarafi shoma khodet bara chi in site miai?hatman khodet ham …

          • Window says:

            shoma chejoor real loveri hasti ke farghe emma khodesh site joda dare? nemikhastam harf be in chiza bekeshe vali khematetoon arz konam ke rabtesh be bande vaghti maloom mishe ke jenabali pa mishi miay inja farsi minevisi aberooye irani jamaato mibari – man babate in kare shoma asabani shodam chon khodam asheghesham va be in eshgh eftekhar mikonam be ehsase to ham ehteram mizaram va in ke chi minevisi vaghean be man marboot nist faghat english benevis aberemoon nare, omidvaram age narahatet kardam mano bebakhshi

  21. Nicole says:

    I love the hairstyle!:) Seriously people who have only got negative things to say shouldn’t comment x

  22. Anonymous says:

    God has gifted her the most beautiful smile in the whole world… I have no words :))

  23. grace says:

    The skirt’s alright, just an awkward length. And her hair is something only emma could pull off. I’m so excited for this movie!!

  24. Grace says:

    This is amazing!
    Emma and Logan are like, my two favorite people EVER! I’m so psyched that they’re acting together!

  25. Cassiex says:

    Wow. Emma looks so beautiful. I can’t wait to see her outside the role Hermione. It really bothers me that the article puts Hermione Granger next to her name. She can’t be Hermione for ever. She is Emma Watson, and just plays the character Hermione Granger.

  26. Mostafa says:

    You have many fans in Iran. But all of them I love you more. morning I get up with your photos.and I go to bed with your pictures. in difficult moments of life, you keep me are my every thin Emma.You are my life. and always,you are the most beautiful …

  27. EmRocksSocks says:

    What a cutie. 😛 Can’t wait to see what she does with the role. Hearing her with an American accent for an entire movie will be something!

  28. Cas says:

    Eh sorry but I hate that look on “Sam”. For Emma it is ok, but it is too Emma, nothing like Sam, I am hugely dissapointed , Sam was much cooler in the books, but here it is Emma not Sam. I think a jeans and a T-shirt, would have been more fitting. I cant really imagine this girl smoking a pot, parading around in her underwear in the Rocky Horror picture show….

  29. vijay D says:

    oh my dear god!!
    why dont you put emma in india…..

    wow! what a beauty.. i cant express in my words…

    any costume will suits to emma…

    no one costume will make emma as looking beauty…

    jst emma will make the costume is looking good.. if she

    wears it..

  30. HPfan4ever says:

    Cute pictures 🙂 Emma looks really good and she’s a great actress so I’m exited to see the movie 🙂

  31. Summer says:

    Is this what Sam looks like? I’m disappointed.

  32. Birgit says:

    You know, everyone on this site and in here is like.. ´Oh Emma’s sóó cute!´ But you know, she’s a grown up woman now, 21, I’m not sure if cute is such a huge compliment for her any more as it would’ve been when she was like 16.
    Like I said, I think she looks horrible and if this is what Sam is going to look like.. I’m quite disappointed, I imagined her so differently, especially the hair is so different from what I would want her to look like, Sam has long hair, like it is in the book. No one mentioned the shoes by the way, they’re almost as bad as the skirt.. god, so much complains!
    Still, love Emma, and still, she looks gorgeous, but only because she’s Emma, and not because of the outfit.

    • EmRocksSocks says:

      I find cute women hugely attractive, so. . . for me to say she’s a cutie is the same as me saying that she looks incredibly gorgeous. 😛

  33. FantasyGirl4 says:

    we can say what ever we want!!! if we think shes cute..then shes cute! 😀

  34. FantasyGirl4 says:

    She is a beautiful women lol

  35. KE says:

    I’m going to trust whatever look the author of the book gives her. I’m more concerned with overall performance and not the length of her hair etc. I’m sure they’ll do a good job.

  36. mtz says:

    whatever she wears,she is still a beautiful actress…! May be she wear badly..,but these costume can’t hide her beauty..! She is so cute..! I really like her and love her ….! Emma look so beautiful..!

  37. bookworm30 says:

    I love all of these pictures. My favorite is the second to last one, because Emma looks so beautiful in it. She has really nice legs, too!

  38. fio says:

    I wish she had hair extensions for this role or at least look more badass. It looks like she’s ready to take the tea.

  39. Amy says:

    aww she looks so cute here!