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About being starstruck sometimes (2009):"Yes, and it's funny when it happens. I felt so weird meeting Matt Damon. I work with amazing people and when I met him I was speechless. I went bright red and embarrassed. It's weird when you go to so many events, all of the sudden they take pictures of you with people you don't know. That time was embarrassing because he knew who I was."

Vogue – Behind-the-Scenes with Emma has released a video made during the photoshoot for Emma’s feature in the magazine. The shoot took place the day before her 21st birthday, calling it a ‘massive deal’, poignant and surreal. She also reveals a rather unusual birthday gift she asked for. There have been a lot of comments of how different she looks, and Emma agrees, “I walked over to the monitor and I’ve never seen myself look like this before. It was like “Who’s that girl? Who is that, with the lips?” It’s a great video and I think you’ll enjoy it.

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20 Responses to “Vogue – Behind-the-Scenes with Emma”

  1. Cait says:

    I honestly giggled my heart out when she said she asked for two chickens.. Infact, i rewinded it twice just to make sure id heard it right!

  2. Neutrality says:

    Emma is the only one person who charges me positive energy by means of wiewing video…She has a tremendous aura – it’s felt even through the screen.

  3. Jen says:

    This is a six second clip of emma and rupert attempting their kiss!!!!!

    Its from the goblet of fire ultimate edition.. WHO KNEW!??!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Aw, she looks so happy 😀
    Also, I love that she asked for chickens, I am not alone in thinking that chickens would make excellent pets :-p

  5. Tree says:

    I can’t wait for Perks and Marilyn, hopefully people will see her potential? And will find a script that shows how talented she is.. because I think that’s what will show people that she isn’t Hermione, not her hair or anything else, just her acting. I think she really deserved being on Vogue and all three main ones! She is a great role model, so yay for Emma!

    • Arou says:

      I also hope she’ll do more movies than these two. I’m sure we’re just discovering her. As she said in the article, she’s rediscovering what it means to be an actress.

  6. emlover says:

    so cute and funny
    i like this video emma is so cute and i really wanna see her in some romantic comedy film she`ll be amazing
    best of luck emma

  7. Dr.Pepper says:

    I simply loved the short video of Emma Watson. She looks so beautiful and pretty.

  8. Sakura says:

    XDDD what an unusual gift Emma asked for this yr!!

  9. Valentina says:

    Lovely, it is so relaxing watching and listening her <3

  10. nick says:

    she looks beautiful, but even more beautiful WITH OUT all the makeup.

  11. Erin says:

    I begged my mom for chickens, but we already have a dog and three rats. 🙁

  12. KS987 says:

    Great video. I was not expecting chickens. Very unique choice for a birthday gift. :P. Emma looks absolutely beautiful as well. 🙂 I can’t wait to see her post-Potter career take off and for her to show the world that her career has only just begun.

  13. shane says:

    Emma is such a charming young lady. She is my role model! But hopefully, she names her chickens Fred and George or Ron and Hermione. Something Potter-related…

  14. Celia says:

    I love that she asked for two chickens. Hilarious!

  15. Nicole says:

    Yes,asking for two chickens was a great idea, i have 5 chickens,bu there not called Ralph and Lauren, oh well 🙂 and yes great video i really enjoyed it 🙂 thanks xx