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Two New Deathly Hallows Banners


It All Ends

The end is coming soon. The last images will fade, the credits will roll, and the screen will go dark. David Yates spoke about filming the last scene with Emma, Dan and Rupert and I think it really fits the mood that many of us our feeling. Soon we will “reflect on everything that’s happened”, and Harry Potter will just be a memory.




We shot the scene on the viaduct, outside Hogwarts, and it was really peaceful. It was a really sunny day. It was all backlit. And it’s a very tender scene where they sort of reflect on everything that’s happened, all the battles and everything, and they hold hands, and the camera falls away. It’s a really tender, lovely scene.

I said to them, ‘Look, guys, this is the last scene we’re all going to do with you three together in front of the camera. So, it’s not just the last scene of these three characters in the movie, this is your last scene in this series of films. That’s what today is about.’ And it infused it with a kind of emotion which was really moving actually.

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26 Responses to “Two New Deathly Hallows Banners”

  1. buffysangel says:

    Oh boy…I’m crying already…

  2. buffysangel says:

    …but I got my ticket for the first midnight showing…heavy sigh…

  3. AML says:

    It All End.I wish that my country(Iran) cinemaes show Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 but it’ll never happen

  4. Anonymous says:

    yes guys we have bad feeling when we readed this, and now imagine Emma, Rupert , Daniel who are surviving it guys.. :ň this is bad :S :S

  5. Jason says:

    It isn’t going to end, don’t worry. Did the Dickens novels end? Did the Sherlock Holmes stories end? Did Jane Austen end? Hardly. The films are still here, the videos are still here, and the books are still here, and another generation of kids is coming along, and then another, and then another……It will be Harry Potter forever. It will never grow old, never end. We get older, Emma, Dan and Rupert get older, but Potter now belongs to the ages.

    • Joyce says:

      Wise words (: Personally, I will ensure my kids read and watch the series, even if they hate it 😛

  6. Valentina says:

    I’m in shock, I can’t breathe how exciting this is :O

  7. Sami says:

    Harry Potter will definitely not die. It’s such a powerful, moving, emotion filled, and wonderful story. This will be like Romeo and Juliet, it was written in what, the fifteen hundreds? and it is still a well known, and well loved classic. Even the person who wrote it is still quite famous, even though he’s been dead for hundreds of years. J.K. Rowling will be the future Shakespear; Well known, and loved for what she created. Not only that, but the lessons and meaning of Harry Potter; See how hate can destroy, but love can defeat it? That’s what has always been on my mind when I think about Harry Potter. Love, freindship, trust, hope, and courage.

  8. Neutrality says:

    Thank you very much Mrs.Rowling for what you’ve done…

  9. bonnie says:

    I’m getting teary eyes, you guys. In a little less than a month, it’ll all “end.” I’ve heard there’s a new trailer out tomorrow? I’m getting really excited!

  10. berlin says:

    the potd and the votw are back, thanks dook!!! 🙂

  11. lona says:

    HARRY POTTER NEVER BE GROW OLD.and thank you to DOOK for putting the picture of the day.thanks alot…..:)

  12. Heini says:

    I cry already, and I will cry. Harry Potter has been my everything <3

  13. Hermione Granger says:

    wow… it’s like a painting but nice… we can see every one at the back!

  14. Hermione Granger says:

    have you guys noticed that rowling will tell us the secrets of Potter in her webpage i think she’ll tell after the trailer

    • Joyce says:

      Oh my god. I’m going to be out of the country with no internet connection to speak of. I hate myself.

    • berlin says:

      I think it´s not the 8th book – maybe it´s just a new website with videos etc.

  15. KS987 says:

    While there won’t be anymore Harry Potter movies after Deathly Hallows 2 comes out and the book series already ended years ago, the HP phenomenon, as other said, will never die. But as bittersweet as it is for us, it’s definitely even more bittersweet for Emma, Dan, Rupert, and the rest of the Harry Potter cast, as Harry Potter has been a huge part of a good portion of their lives. Yet they will also move on and branch off their own careers once it’s all over.

  16. Celia says:

    Fantastic posters and the new trailer is AMAZING!!

  17. Nicole says:

    Well, i certainly will reflect on everything that’s happend, he’s right Harry Potter will be a fantastic memory that will stay in my life forever xx

  18. stephani says:

    i can’t wait.but I’m very sad harry potter will expire in July, I will watch with relief as they may watch the end of a long adventure and also to cry because it’s over. love harry potter forever