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More Videos

Some more videos for you.

A preview from Larry Kings Harry Potter special, “Harry Potter: The Final Chapter”, has Emma answering some fan questions. The special airs on CNN and CNN International on Sunday at 8 and 10pm.

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The trio talk to CNN in a new press junket interview, beware SPOILERS in this one.

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Warner Bros. has released a couple more TV Spots which I’ve added to our video gallery here and here.


In this one, we’ve seen the first part in the Telegraph interview, but there’s a new part at the end where Emma says it’s like the end of her childhood.

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13 Responses to “More Videos”

  1. borna says:

    very very thanks

  2. Luis says:

    Thanks for the videos πŸ™‚
    However, I couldn’t watch the first one, I dunno why? πŸ™

  3. Emma says:


  4. bonnie says:

    it feels really weird knowing these are like the last harry potter press junket videos. i’ve always enjoyed them!

  5. Lalalala says:

    Guys, there’s an article about Emma’s clothing through the last ten years in More magazine.. it’s nothing we haven’t seen before, but its cute if you wanna check it out. I would send it in but I have’t got a scanner πŸ™‚

  6. Neutrality says:

    She is delightful…

  7. Nicole says:

    Fantastic videos,really enjoyed them,as always πŸ™‚ xx

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m afraid because I don’t want to see too much spoilers of this last one, I mean, I want to be like… impressed and.. those kind of things.. πŸ™‚

  9. KS987 says:

    I’d love to see Emma do all of those things(produce, write, direct, etc). Heck I would like to see her do all of that as well as act all for the same movie. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to see the rest of the special.

  10. Sophia says:

    I guess that for everyone who grew up with the Harry Potter series is like saying goodbye to our childhoods as well, it is really sad that it is coming to an end. DonΒ΄t know what will I do when I see the last scene and then the credits, it will be so unreal! Thank u soo much 4 the videos!

  11. Rafaela says:

    I’m feelling nostalgic too..yesterday I went to the cinema to watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2..and when it ends I didn’t really realized it..I wanted so bad to have more..but Harry killed Voldemort’s the end πŸ™ ..I’ve grown up with Harry Potter movies..from when I was 9 years old πŸ™ ..and I can’t believe it’s the end..I feel really nostalgic and I’m not happy..but I will get over it slowly-slowly..I will never forget the magic they gave me..the adventure..I was feeling what they were feeling..everything..I’m really happy I watched all the Harry Potter movies…Many people may forget them..I won’t..I won’t forget Hogwarts..Harry Potter..Hermione Granger..Ron Weasly..Giny Weasly..Draco Malfoy..Nevil..Luna Lovegood..Dablidor..None Of Them!