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About who would win a duel between her, Dan and Rupert (2007): "A tricky one...umm..If I say me it's going to sound really arrogant, so it's going to have to be one of the boys. Then if I pick eather one of them, then I'm going to be in trouble with the other one. So basically I just can't win, therefore..I have decided it would be a draw."

A New Look

With the premiere and promotion for Harry Potter over, Emma took a well earned break, just relaxing with lunch, shopping, and spending time with friends, according to her latest tweet. One chapter of Emma’s life is over, and a new one is beginning. I think it is an appropriate time to give a new look. Thank you to BoMa for giving the site a makeover.

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79 Responses to “A New Look”

  1. Jason amme says:

    I really like this!!

  2. Mary Anne says:

    Nice and polished, just like emma =) LOVED IT

  3. Luis says:

    I was waiting for this change! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Thank you, good move! ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. 130671 says:

    But I think I like the style and colours better than the last ones.

  5. Phelipi says:

    very nice this change =D

  6. Chris says:

    Love the new look, the colors play nicely and the new main picture shows a more mature Emma. I am really glad to see that you will continue this website now that potter is over.

  7. Mai says:

    Simply FANTASTIC!!! Great work ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Alyssa says:

    The site looks great! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. Jen says:

    It’s beautiful!

  10. Sheila says:

    Wow, new… But good!
    But why not changing that:
    That’s pretty old I’d say… ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • dook says:

      Sheila, that’s not part of our site. We were sort of partners with that site before. The forums were there, the website here. Now, forums and website are all here. We can’t do anything about that old page.

      • Sheila says:

        Oh really? I never knew that, I always thought that was yours as well. But stupid you can’t do anything about it, delete it or something like that.

  11. KS987 says:

    I’m happy to hear that Emma is finally getting some well-deserved rest. It still feels strange knowing that she is done with Harry Potter and is already starting a new chapter in her life, especially since we haven’t even seen Deathly Hallows part 2 ourselves yet. ๐Ÿ˜› I am really excited to see Emma’s career take off in a new direction and I can’t wait to see what she has in store for us. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s also fitting that we get a new layout at this time as well. It looks amazing. ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Natalie says:

    Love the new look!!! Better than the last.It’s a new era ๐Ÿ˜€
    Emma deserves a break after all the promoting that she’s done for Deathly Hallows Part 2 ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Grace says:

    Beautiful layout!

  14. Jen Gambale says:

    Looks cool! I like it!

  15. mega says:

    awesome,I love this layout

  16. Ashkan says:

    nice layout….

    but i’m sad

    that’s end…

  17. Dalma says:

    It looks lovely!

  18. Sandrine says:

    I love this new look! congratulations and thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. Chloe says:

    Absolutely gorgeous! This is one of the best Emma Watson fan sites. It is terribly sad that the Harry Potter fun is over but I look forward to her new projects and long career ahead of her and I will always come back to this site to get some updates!!

  20. Lizzie says:

    Lovely new look!

  21. Katariina says:

    Nice! (:

  22. Victoria says:

    Love it ๐Ÿ™‚

  23. Maria says:

    It looks quite pretty!

  24. Margelinazv says:

    It’s very nice,realy…I like it ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. ~Roni~ says:

    Oh wow, this is gorgeous. AWESOME JOB BOMA!!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Once again, thank you girl ๐Ÿ™‚

  26. Darlene says:

    Wow it’s really different. I thought I was on the wrong site. Anyway I love the new layout! Well done!

  27. Mel says:

    Wow! love,love,love!

  28. Quinn says:

    a touching moment T^T !well done!

  29. Mandy says:

    totally in love with this new layout

  30. Ahmed adel says:

    I love this new look and I hope the new chapter of emma,s live will succed like the first one But I am so so so sad

  31. Cait says:

    Love it so so so much! Going to miss the quote generator at the top, but who are we all kidding, every one of us refreshed the page a zillion times till we knew every quote =) to the next era!

  32. audrey says:

    it looks great! out with the old, in with the new ๐Ÿ™‚

  33. emily96 says:

    very nice, definitely a time for a change!

  34. Birgit says:

    I have seen deathly hallows two days ago!! It was AMAZING!! AWESOME!!
    Disappointed about the kiss though, there’s not chemistry between Rupert and Emma, but Iยดll live.
    Anyone else who saw it?? Emma’s acting was good.
    Love this new look by the way, much better than the last one. Good job.

  35. Birgit says:

    PA, You’ll cry!! I cried!
    SO so much.. Especially at the end, when Dan, Rupert and Emma’s names flashed by I was like NOOO!! This is not supposed to end already!!
    So weird to realise Harry Potter is really over now- although, not really, not to me.

  36. Emma says:

    I love the new look! But no offence… It looks like all the other Emma Watson sites. But still amazing!

  37. berlin says:

    Fresh start for Emma – fresh site – great ๐Ÿ™‚

  38. Rafi says:

    i think you should have a different colour because it looks like many of the other emma watson sites, also you could have picked a better face for the cover.
    i still love it
    good job ๐Ÿ˜€

  39. Amardeep says:


  40. Nicole says:

    Fantastic new layout,now theptter era is over,it does seem fitting tio give the site a new look and i’m glad Emma has been relaxing with friends in New York,because after all that promoting she did for Deathly Hallows Part 2,she deserves this much needed break ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. Nicole says:

    *the potter* and *to*

  42. Jia says:

    i just love the new layout..!! well done BoMa.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. Valentina says:

    WOW! Lovely makeover, I want this more often!
    This layout suits Emma a lot <3

  44. ali moradi says:

    why you dont tell something about harry potter end in iran we have a good bye …..i cant say party becaause in a party every one is happy so we have a good bye ceremony i never forget my best second of my life i grow up with harry and my personality is based of harry so…….good bye harry ron and hermione . the kings of iranians best seconds of life
    from all of the iranian peoples me and my sister (maesoomeh)

  45. spencer says:

    Harry Potter tonight for midnight showing…then work tomorrow at 6am woooooo!

  46. Enrique says:

    Congratulations to EW.NET! It’s the #1 Site!

  47. Alyssa says:

    OMG. I just saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. It was amazing. Emma was brilliant, I cried at the end. Harry Potter will definitely be missed. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™‚

  48. Yaroslav says:

    Yaaay!) I like it! Great!))))

  49. shahrzad says:

    great for you you can see the film but we (in iran) must stay until DVD come out

  50. Ingrid says:

    LOVE it boma!!! awesomeness