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About what she spends her money on (2009):"My brother would love it if I got a Lamborghini, but I won't and he's sad about it. I don't feel like investing right now. I just want to do what my friends do and a lot of people who I know don't have that amount of money to spend. I want to do what they do. Go to the movies, eat some place. I live a very normal life. I just got a laptop and it's the most expensive thing I ever bought. Oh, and I got a car, a Toyota Prius."

Emma in Beauty and the Beast?

So, the latest movie rumor making the rounds has Emma starring in another remake of Beauty and the Beast, by Guillermo del Toro. While promoting another film, producer Denise Di Novi told that she was working on the project with del Toro, and that Emma Watson ‘is lined up to star’. There’s no confirmation from other sources, but that one line was enough to spread the rumor across the net. We’ll have to wait and see if there’s anything in it.

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42 Responses to “Emma in Beauty and the Beast?”

  1. Leey says:

    I thought Kristen Stewart was confirmed as the lead role for this one? Anyhow … I’d say pick Emma over Kristen, even if Kristen has talent as well.

    • dook says:

      Perhaps you are thinking of “Snow White and the Huntsman”?

    • Birgit says:

      Emma is so much beautifuler than Kirsten and I don’t think you can tell who has more talent, Emma has only playe one (two if you must) roles. Maybe she’ll surprise us, i hope she will>XD

      • Dana says:

        Kristen Stewart is beautiful too in her own Way.But I don’t really want Emma to star in such a Movie to be honest.Would be better if she would play smaller Movies too to go step by step like Rupert and Daniel did it all the Years,so she can learn and act.It’s easier to learn with smaller Movies

        • Carrie says:

          But she has done smaller movies. She did Ballet Shoes, My Week with Marilyn, and Perks of Being a Wallflower. Maybe she feels like doing another big-budget now.

        • @Dana says:

          She can act. As Emma has said, Harry Potter was like the best film school in the world. She learned so much there and it’s demonstrated on-screen in the last two films.
          Plus, she’s done 3 smaller films: My Week With Marilyn, Ballet Shoes, and Perks of Being a Wallflower.
          If anything, a film like this is old hat for her considering she’s been working on blockbusters since she was 9.

          • Dana says:

            I never said she can’t act,but even Emma said herself she needs still to learn a lot and I read many Comments at the Web who are saying this too.Daniel;Rupert,Bonnie,Tom they all act out of HP since 2002 or even got Roles before HP already,they have more Experience,Rupert has the most and is ahead of Emma with this

            Experience is more important than you think and it’s quite good how Bonnie,Rupert and Tom went step by step all the Years and not just signed the next big Role.Daniel was on the Broadway before the Musical already,he didn’t just signed up for a Musical without Experience.He got it with smaller Things and even he says it’s better to do such smaller Movies now (for him)
            That’s why Emma said 2010 she want’s Experience with Supporting Roles and Theatre

            that’s what I mean

    • Lita says:

      Kristen is playing Snow White which is currently being filmed.
      I doubt Beauty and the Beast is a project Emma will be attached to. We’ll see though!

      • @Lita says:

        She IS attached. That’s been confirmed. Whether or not she will actually do it is the question.

        • Lita says:

          She can be attached to it as in her name is at the top of the list of actresses they want. Doesn’t mean she’s met with people to be in talks for the role.

          • Arou says:

            actually it has been confirmed. I saw it on watsonuncensored, which is a very accurate fansite of emma.

  2. Jen says:

    So exciting! I do want to stress, though, that this is NOT a Disney adaptation of the animated film. I keep seeing that across the internet, and it’s not true at all. The fairy tale has existed for hundreds of years. Disney doesn’t own it. I expect the film to be pretty dark, and that’s cool. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Francisco Figueira says:

    Emma is perfect to play the role of Beauty…

  4. Arou says:

    And Guillermo is a talented producer and director. Emma would surely learn a lot from him.

  5. Victoria says:

    That would be awesome! She’d be a great Beauty ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Birgit says:

    I don’t like any of his films, but it might be good for Emma to do some different stuff and if this is a musical I am definitely interested. i hope it will be an adoption like Aline in Wonderland and not like, take Cinderella’s story, I mean, that film is a teenagerdrama and that’s not the knid of film I want Emma to do. I hope she’ll do sirious roles that make her an accepted actrice.

    • Celia says:

      You didn’t like Pan’s Labyrinth?? What?

      And I thought Alice in Wonderland was terrible. I hope it’s nothing like that. Guillermo is much better than Tim Burton. He can do whimsical and dark, but still give the characters depth.

  7. Angie says:

    Another site confirms it. I hope it’s true, the project seems perfect for her!

    • dook says:

      I wouldn’t say that confirms it. Production Weekly also said Emma would be in What to Expect when you’re Expecting.

      • Celia says:

        Yeah, but that never came from a producer actually working on the film.

        Considering Denise said it herself, I think it’s pretty much confirmed that Emma is attached in some way.

        • Lita says:

          They can say they want her but that doesn’t mean Emma will even agree to do it. She can be on their top list of actresses but not be confirmed. Kristen Stewart’s name gets thrown everywhere by producers on random movie projects just to get people interested. It could be the case here for Beauty but I honestly wouldn’t mind Emma doing this movie. Just as long as the script is good.

          • Celia says:

            The exact words were, “developing a project with Emma Watson.”
            That sounds like they’ve already contacted her and she’s directly involved. If she wasn’t attached they wouldn’t have mentioned her name. That’s one of the rules of film development, they never mention a name unless they have some kind of confirmation that the actor is interested.
            The Incareron rumor fits into what you’re talking about. Her name was probably thrown in to build buzz.

          • Maggie says:

            She’s a very well known producer. I doubt she’d speak publically like that without some sorts of grounds for it. It’s not someone who is unknown trying to get a script noticed. You’d talk about being interested in casting someone, the fact that she’s come out and said she’s already working with Del Toro isn’t something she’d just say, that gives some credibility to the Watson link.

          • dook says:

            The problem is we don’t actually have a quote from Di Novi, so, we really don’t know what she said.

  8. RedHead5 says:

    Awesome !!!

  9. Valentina says:

    OMG I hope she’ll do it, it’s an interesting plot!

  10. emily96 says:

    should be interesting if she does it. i think she would make a great beauty! maybe in a few days emma will post something either confirming or denying the rumors.

  11. Celia says:

    This is the perfect role for Emma! She will be amazing as Beauty and I love Guillermo del Toro’s work. Pan’s Labyrinth was such a great film.

  12. berlin says:

    Whoยดs playing the beast – Tom Felton? ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Nicole says:

    Wow,that would be well good ๐Ÿ˜€ I hope the rumour is true,she is definitely pretty enough to play Beauty ๐Ÿ™‚ xx

  14. Chris says:

    I remember reading an article where Emma said that she was looking thru scrpits hoping something catches her eye. Beauty and the Beast has been done so many times, that’s my only complaint. I think Emma would be great at it, even if they have the woman as the beast, but but the story has been done alot.

  15. Maggie says:

    It has been done a lot but Del Toros take on it should be fantastic if his previous work is anything to go by. If you want a great acting career you need to work with great directors and he is one. He’s very well respected. It would be really smart of Emma to do this movie with him. She’s also said in the past that he’s a director she really wants to work with. She’d learn tones from him and one of his movies would challenge her, she’d have the leading role as well. I really really hope this is true.

    • Dana says:

      Del Toros is great,though he is attached with many Things now.But to be honest,I don’t think someone of the Trio thinks to get the biggest Career,yes a Career,but not a great-big-or hollywood-career

      I kinda like that noone of the Trio cares about Hollywood,that’s a Reason why they stayed at the Ground

  16. Silly says:

    I would love to see Emma in a re-make of Beauty & The Beast. I hope this is true. I also want to comment on the new look of the web site. GR8 job. It’s cool. I like the new look. Nice job whoever did it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  17. EmRocksSocks says:

    My god, this would be amazing! <3 Emma and Guillermo del Toro!

  18. KS987 says:

    I really hope that it’s true, but as always I will wait for confirmation from either Emma or anyone else officially involved with the film(by that I mean not just in talks, but officially cast) or a press release. If she does get the role then that means she would already have 3 post-Potter roles. Hopefully we hear more about this soon.

  19. RedHead5 says:

    http://WWW.TEENCHOICEAWARDS.COM – vote for Emma and Harry Potter (Tom Felton too) !!!

  20. susang bhatt says:


    i heard many thing about this project at of people like to see u in this project.

    if u done this project than every budy is with u. too support his best actress.

    i pray to god that he gives chance to best actress of future.

    my best wishess with u 4 ever.

  21. shane says:

    I also saw it on watsonuncensored. I guess it’s really true! So excited because she’ll be the perfect Belle. I’m also glad to know that this is a dark version since del Toro will direct film. Emma will be really happy because she said that del Toro is one of the directors she wishes to work with in the future. ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. Lita says:

    I think I’ll wait for Emma to confirm something on her twitter. She usually does when rumors are up in the air about her latest projects.