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About action in OotP (2007): "Oh my god! Seriously! There's only a certain amount of looking concerned at the edge of a scene that I can do. It was really nice, it brought me back to the first film, I was like "YES!." We've just started the final sequence, and I've got dirt on my face and blood, I'm running around. Yes. This is definitely the place I want Hermione to be. It's really really nice to get back to the action, it's great."

August 2011 Calendar Vote

Voting for the August calendar competition is now open.

Remember, you only get to vote one time. Do not vote multiple times from different emails, and do not ask your friends to come and vote on your calendar. Let’s keep the competition fair.

Please make sure you write your choices in the order you like them. Your favorite should be first, then next favorite, etc.

  1. View the calendars here. Click on the thumbnails to see a larger preview image. Take your time, make sure you scroll all the way to the end and check out all the calendars.
  2. Choose your favorite 5 calendars, and write down their numbers in order, from best to 5th place. You don’t have to choose 5, you can vote for just one if you like, but you can vote for 5.
  3. Send your vote in an email to or in a PM to me on the forums to dookdookdook.

Voting is open through Aug 1, 00:00 GMT.

Good luck everyone!

Comments closed for this item.

26 Responses to “August 2011 Calendar Vote”

  1. Jane-Alex says:

    they are all very nice πŸ™‚ by the way, are they supposed to be so small?

  2. lala says:


    • dook says:

      People that vote more than once, even with different emails, have all their votes thrown out.

  3. Emma says:

    Hope you vote mine!!!!!!

  4. Nicole says:

    @lala you shouldn’t do that because if you did it would be an unfair competition ;( …

  5. Nicole says:

    Just chose my favourite was a tough one though πŸ˜€ all this month’s calender’s are fantastic πŸ˜€

  6. SbAsRain says:

    I loved ; #1 , #4 ,#6 , #8 , #10 , #14 , #17 , #18 , #28 , #29, #31 , #33 So much! πŸ™‚ Others are amazing , too but.. These are adorable! (: I’ve already loaded some of them πŸ™‚ Amazing!

  7. Ragz says:

    How can we get the calender when its done? I really love Emma Watson!! <3

  8. berlin says:

    I <3 the POTD

  9. Denise says:

    11 is so cute… but every calendars are amazing, very strong rivals for me.

  10. Maria says:

    I think 29 and33 are very nice.

  11. alef says:

    emma me passa o email do harry potter sou um grande fa seus por favor imploro me passa

  12. Lizza says:

    The calendars this month are a bit poor, there is only 3 maximum that I’d actually vote for.

    • Cathe says:

      Next time you make one. πŸ˜‰

      • Anonymous says:

        Yea I don’t feel like that’s fair to say Lizza. Even if you may not like the way one looks you don’t know how much hard work someone may have actually put into it. :\

  13. tree says:

    Really great calendars this month! πŸ˜€ Good luck!

  14. Zinc Oxide says:

    i know mines simple but vote for 19!

  15. sln says:

    harry potter is 1 billion in worlwide!!

  16. lizzy says:

    Loving the calendars everybody! πŸ˜€
    News: Emma apparently got a special scouting badge for her work.
    So awesome!!!!

  17. lona says:

    all of them are so beautiful so it is hard to say which one is better.i choose all of them.this month all the calendars are wonderful.thanks to all…

  18. goli says:

    hello ithik emma is really pretty

  19. availhosting says:

    Just found this post on Google, was an informative read, thanks!